Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 228 The Awakening of Bronze and Fire

Everyone was attracted by this figure. The guys in Kassel also stopped firing, and the ships cruising around stopped shooting. They were all watching this thing.

But the next second, this thing spread its wings, and a powerful force field struck, directly destroying the surrounding electronic equipment.


The students at Kassel College were stunned. Feeling such a strong light at such a close distance was really dazzling for them, and the high temperature around them continued to burn everyone's body.

Professor Mance gritted his teeth and looked at the radiant figure,

"With this level of Yan Ling Chi, what kind of fucking dragon is this!!!"

Yan Ling Chi can emit a large amount of light, which can be said to be a humanoid lighting technique.

The ships cruising around also reacted: "Don't be afraid, everyone! Our mission is to sink Kassel's ship. Now that guy is next to Kassel, it's better if we don't fight this thing!!"

"Now! Fire!!"

The battlefield started fighting again, but the figure slowly turned his head and looked at the ships over there.

" finally came back to Constantine...finally..."

Yes, this guy is the younger brother of the twins of the King of Bronze and Fire, Constantine, who controls the "power"

The next second, this guy attacked directly towards the fleet. The reason is that the direction of Old Tang is over there. You know, the water of the Yangtze River is flowing. Kassel College comes in from the estuary, but there will be Going retrograde will pass through many dams, and they can only cross if they have connections.

The last dam Kassel passed was very close to Kuimen. Those guys holding some kind of long-range weapons called guns could not pass by, so they could only go down the river. This is why Li Ye The reason for only letting Natsuya stay on one side,

And Old Tang is also one of these guys, so naturally he is heading in the same direction as them.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Why did Constantine rush towards them?

"Set the boat! Set the boat!!!"

Those guys wearing these clothes are all experienced hunters. They live a long life precisely because they cherish their lives. They know very well that leaving green mountains without fear of running out of firewood. When they see that Constantine can fly, they immediately turn around. Just run

Among the dragons, apart from airplanes, the only ones that can fly are dragons, or Tom Cat with curtains. Looking at Constantine’s body structure, it doesn’t look like an airplane or Tom Cat, so it must be a dragon.

These guys also know what a dragon is, not like Old Tang who was deceived by Mai Shutoku after a short period of time.

So turn around and run

But they can't run as fast as Constantine. Anyone who has ever run on a ship knows that it is a very difficult and slow process for a big ship to turn around or brake.

At this moment, the giant dragon Samson's head rose directly from the water, and his huge body directly blocked their way.

This guy's eyes are full of shrewdness

He wanted to keep all these guys for the monarch he served, that is, Old Tang

Old Tang was hit in the chest, but he did not die. He just entered the awakening stage of the King of Bronze and Fire.

Guys at this stage are very weak when they wake up. Of course, compared to the normal Dragon King, they require a lot of energy intake, and these bounty hunters are all real hybrids.

It's a great tonic when eaten, so Samson didn't want to let these guys go.

"Grandma's...there's another one for me to play with, right?"

Everyone is stupid, now we are in a dilemma

"Damn it! You don't want us to live! You don't want to live either!!!"

The sound of gunfire started again, but it was obvious that they could not penetrate the enemy armor.

And Mance on the Kassel ship looked at Constantine going away and laughed: "Good boy! There is something attracting this bastard over there! Boys, do you want to slay this dragon!!"

The students in Kassel instantly became excited. To put it bluntly, Kassel was all crazy.


Mance's mouth was still bleeding, but his expression became more and more passionate: "Then show those bounty hunters! Cassel's bloody nature!"

Kassel's ships slowly mobilized and chased in the direction of the giant dragon.

Rain, thunder and lightning, strong winds, Constantine no longer releases the spirit of speech and blazing, it is just the turbulence caused by the chaos of the elements around him when he was born,

And on this river as wide as the sea, the only place with light is behind the giant dragon, which is the sun that is about to set in the west.

The small boat, like a leaf, resolutely heads to the side of the giant dragon

At this moment, in Kassel College, there is no one in the multimedia classroom.

The reason is that Angers gathered all the students and prepared to go to the battlefield

"Now! In the ancient country! A dragon king has awakened! We need to repeat last year's operation!!"

Everyone responded enthusiastically

"Slay the dragon! Kill the dragon!!"

These guys are like lunatics, with a strong obsession with slaying dragons. This is the glory of hybrids, and it is the thought that circulates in their blood.

Kill the Dragon King! Granted titles and lands,

Normally, Kassel now doesn't know that the Dragon King has awakened over there, because the Dragon King's electromagnetic damage destroyed the communication, and they can't get the information there. Just like the original work, the Kuimen plan in the original work doesn't have any support. It's also because of this

But this time Li Ye told Angers and gave him an order to lead his troops.

Otherwise Angers would not go. Although he knew the power of the Dragon King and had experienced the summer mourning that was like hell on earth, he also knew the power of Li Ye.

He trusted Li Ye's ability and was afraid that if he acted on his own, it would affect Li Ye's plan.

But he didn't expect Li Ye to directly ask him to send troops.

This was Li Ye's plan. He wanted to make those guys in the secret party anxious. Knowing that this time there was another Dragon King being hunted by him, and he had another dragon bone cross in his hand, if he wanted to kill people, , you must first make him crazy

But Li Ye's figure disappeared. His body was originally synthesized by faith, to protect Lu Mingfei and prevent Lu Mingze from succeeding, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary

Lu Mingfei has been detained in this academy by Angers. He is not among the people going to the battle. No matter how powerful Lu Mingze is, he can't get him to the battlefield.

That is to say, this guy is useless. At this time, it is better to watch Ling

Of course, Li Ye is not a fool. He can't just stop watching Lu Mingfei, but there is only one clone, so...

In the park. Lu Mingfei sat on the bench awkwardly, and opposite to the bench was Ling, and in the middle of the bench was Li Ye, or more precisely, the golden Li Ye.

"Sir Li, we... just stay here?"

"What? You want to go to the battlefield?"

Lu Mingfei waved his hand hastily, "That's not necessary."

Li Ye had a dangerous smile on his face, his big hand on Ling's head, and the other hand on Lu Mingfei's shoulder.

"You two, just stay here, and let them take care of the frontline. Okay, the three of us will just stay here and enjoy the scenery, okay?”

“But Sir Li. . I feel like a fool.”

“It’s okay. I’ll send a set of cards over later. We’ll play Landlord. If you lose, you’ll get a slap in the face.”

At this moment, in a huge tomb at the other end of the world,

countless coffins were lined up, and the lights around them were constantly flickering, like candles in the wind, swaying constantly, but never extinguished.

At this moment, a coffin moved, and a man sat up inside. A naked man wearing a mask

This man's body was covered with wounds, deep enough to penetrate the bone, but they were all sewn up with needles and thread

"Ahem... Ahem!! I!! I cannot stand with you!!!"

He stood up, staggering, and almost fell to the ground after a stumble, but he still got up, walked slowly, passed through the coffins, and came to a huge platform

This platform was covered with alchemical formations, and looked extremely magical

He staggered and smashed it with a punch. The weak figure actually smashed a huge hole in the platform, and he took something out of it

It was a piece of flesh and blood, and it was still squirming now

"Hahaha!! Then let me see!! What on earth are you!!!"

The man laughed and swallowed the squirming flesh and blood. The next second, the man began to swell, just like this flesh and blood, his body kept squirming

"Die!! Die!! Die!!!!!!"

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