Li Ye stroked Fenrir's head and said gently

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all"

This was the first time Xia Mi saw Li Ye's gentle appearance, but it looked weird no matter how she looked at it with the surrounding scene

Fenrir was lying on the ground, with chains tying him behind him, and a guillotine made of wood was built on top of his head in front of him by Li Ye

Fenrir looked at the happy guillotine of Louis XVI with a face full of fear

"Sister, I'm afraid"

Xia Mi sighed and stroked Fenrir head: "Don't be afraid, Fenrir, don't be afraid, it will be fine in a while, you can go out and play in a while"

Fenrir looked aggrieved: "Sister, if you want to eat me, just eat it directly, I'm scared, it must be very painful..."

Xia Mi looked at Li Ye with anger in her eyes: "Look! The child is so scared! Can you be serious!"

Li Ye smiled and said to Fenrir: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this is called the guillotine, the scientific name is Louis XVI Happy Platform, as the name suggests , old and happy, Fenrir, don't be afraid, just go up, just click and wipe it"

Fenrir quickly shrank back: "I don't believe it!"

It is obvious that Fenrir's IQ is not high for his age, not that he has a serious brain disease. He also knows that this thing can never bring happiness to others

Li Ye sighed: "Sure enough! I still can't fool you. As a friend, I will treat you to potato chips"

Fenrir's head immediately stretched out: "Potato chips?"

In an instant, the guillotine fell, and Fenrir directly took a split action

Fenrir, dead

Xia Mi looked at the split action, tears in her eyes. Sure enough, even if she knew that this guy could be resurrected, she felt very uncomfortable

She then looked at Li Ye with an angry face: "Can't you use a more decisive way! You have to do this! ! "

Li Ye looked at the 1,000 negative points belonging to Xia Mi on the panel and nodded: "This will be better"

In an instant, Li Ye felt a force pouring into his body from the earth, just like a.. A feeling of Xia Mi licking his toes

The next moment, the whole earth was shaking

Xia Mi on the side closed Fenrir's eyes and turned to look at Li Ye: "Become Hela? Revive my brother."

Li Ye smiled, a very evil smile

"Hahahaha!! Hela! I am Hela!!! I have been alive for eternity! Now!! Finally let me out!!!"

The next second, Xia Mi jumped on Li Ye

"Come on!! Get down!! Get down!!! My girlfriend is about to wake up!! Don't do this!!"

Xia Mi then let go: "You are too young to act with me"

Li Ye looked at Xia Mi: "Crazy woman, who is like you, acting for decades, right?"

Xia Mi's eyes instantly stared at Li Ye again, and Li Ye trembled all over instantly, mainly because now It was already five o'clock in the United States, and Eri should have gotten up at this time.

He was really afraid that someone else would pop up beside him while he was playing, but it was not Li Ye's habit to lose face.

So he smiled and said, "Miss Xia Mi, you don't want your brother to never wake up, do you?"

Xia Mi stared at Li Ye: "Then Senior Li Ye! You don't want to never be able to learn the power of the King of the Earth and the Mountain, do you?"

The darkness around him became a solid entity and rushed towards Li Ye, turning into a stool, and the back of the stool became blank because there was no darkness, and Li Ye's figure was sitting there.

"Do you think I care?"

Xia Mi was stunned. Yes, she originally thought that Li Ye was just like that, and the power of the earth and the mountain was very important to him, but now it seems that Li Ye's power is so strong. At that level, why would he come to learn the abilities of the King of the Earth and the Mountain?

What he didn't know was that Li Ye simply wanted to rely on the power of the dragon to increase his basic attributes. Although he was strong, his basic attributes were only outstanding in spirit.

Xia Mi looked at Li Ye and gritted her teeth: "You... care..."

She was still fantasizing unrealistically, but the next second, she was stunned. The earth around her kept surging, compressing, and refining. The huge stone turned into a small dice.

This was obviously the appearance of the ability of the earth and the mountain after it was mastered. Control the surrounding earth elements.

This is nonsense in the dragon clan. If the Dragon King wants to control entities by controlling elements, he needs to be very proficient in his abilities, otherwise he has to use fixed words.


Li Ye smiled: "Kneel down, or give up, what do you choose?"

Xia Mi frowned at Li Ye: "Does our agreement still count..."

But before he finished speaking, Li Ye nodded: "Okay, I know you chose to give up, you go"

"??? Li Ba Pi, are you kidding me???"

Li Ye smiled: "You just reacted?"

In fact, he wanted to play some more, to see if he could really get Xia Mi to do something for him, but he found that Eri, who was on the other side of the monitor, had woken up and was looking at him with a pair of innocent big eyes

Fortunately, she didn't know what kneeling meant, otherwise Li Ye would probably have a headache for a while

"Word Spirit Tiamat! Revive!! My Fenrir!!"

The surroundings kept shaking, and then... Then there was nothing, Fenrir was resurrected directly, without any special effects, and the vibration just now was also caused by Li Ye using the earth magic energy, just like the stone just now

I have to say that Tiamat's effect is quite powerful, but there is no special effect. It would be fine if it was an old yin x skill, but it is a pretend x skill. The lack of special effects really makes Li Ye feel a little numb.

Xia Mi hugged her barren chest, with mixed feelings in her heart. Looking at her brother who had escaped and screamed, she couldn't help but start to recall the past. It was not Jörmungandr's past, but Xia Mi's past.

"He's really... an idiot..."

Li Ye kept throwing away potato chips, and Fenrir picked them up one after another, swallowing the small potato chips into his stomach with his big tongue, just like a puppy, and in the blink of an eye, they were given to Li Ye. I forgot about the guillotine

"Wow wow wow! Friend!! Li Ye is my friend!! Potato chips!! Delicious!!"

Li Ye looked at Xia Mi and smiled: "Teach me how to use Hela's power. We will go to finish off the guys in Kassel soon."

Xia Mi sighed, not knowing what to say: "Let's get started."

For Li Ye, this power is not just the power of the earth and mountains, but a key, a key that unlocks the ability of the four kings and the white king.

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