After Li Ye slaughtered the Black King, the entire mixed-race world was trembling again.

And it's not just an ordinary tremor,

The big mountain that had been pressing on them was shattered. This was a bit sudden for them.

I didn't do anything at home. When I finished, I saw, good guys, the doomsday crisis is gone. The Black King was directly hacked to death and they were liberated.

People are sitting at home, happy events are coming from heaven

But what followed was the second thing, the second king

Li Ye's existence is like bad news, oppressing these guys' heads, making them breathless. His existence is higher than the Black King. He is like a god, steadily oppressing the world. everything

They are afraid of the new king. After all, this guy has the history of setting off the day of reckoning.

But Li Ye said that the problem was not big. The gift given to him by the Black King was not small. Now he can release the Word Spirit Emperor, and with the Word Spirit Tiamat, he can absorb the power of these guys at will.

These guys can't kill themselves in a few lifetimes, and they don't have the same thoughts as the Black King. He separates his power and creates some sons for himself. He is a one-dog.

Of course, he now has two girlfriends

And one of them seems to be not much weaker than himself. . . And this girlfriend doesn’t know that she has found another girlfriend

This matter is getting more complicated

Li Ye had a battle with Eri, and the result of the battle was quite outrageous. Li Ye could not defeat this little girl without releasing the final blow, which was the beginning of his Zanpakutō.

She shares most of Li Ye's skills, including Golden Tree and Black Shadow Dimension

He even has his own Zanpakutō,

Of course, there are still some things that this guy can't get, such as Li Ye's Steve panel. It would be outrageous if she could get it, and as long as Li Ye doesn't admit that she is his girlfriend, all this will happen. disappear immediately

But now it’s quite outrageous,

Everyone in Li Ye was dumbfounded. He didn't know how strong Hera was at the beginning. Why did this thing become useless when Eri Yi got it?

Eri's Zanpakuto ability is even more incredible. It continues the tradition of judgment and can kill everything and give them true death.

It's not as powerful as Li Ye's long sword, but it's more controllable and versatile, making Li Ye envious.

Now Eriyi is pestering Li Ye every day. Li Ye's waist strength is once again insufficient, and the battle is in the middle. The affairs of the Golden Tree Sect are fully handed over to the two old lamp heads Uesugi Yue and Anger.

One interesting thing is that Odin originally caused Chu Tianjiao to disappear. This guy's existence was erased. He used to be Cassel's S-level executive commissioner, and he was the successor of Angers.

Because of Odin, everyone has forgotten about him, except Chu Zihang,

Now that Odin is dead, everyone's memories have been restored. Chu Tianjiao's former wife Su Xiaoyan is numb. I don't know how this matter was resolved in the end.

The happiest person was Angers. He originally thought there were no powerful guys in Cassel, but when he woke up, good guy, there was an S-level commissioner.

This kind of happiness is no less than when I received a call from Yuan Zhisheng saying that there was an S-level subordinate who claimed to be one of his.

It's all created out of nothing

But later he heard that this guy was recruited by Li Ye, and his mood instantly collapsed. But then he thought, aren't Li Ye's men from the Golden Tree Sect?

Aren’t the people of the Golden Tree Sect our own people?

This wave is full of twists and turns.

All in all, the whole world is now in a strange state. The hybrids are afraid of Li Ye launching the Day of Reckoning, while Li Ye doesn't want to care about these guys every day, and they are trapped in a strange balance.

On a dark and stormy night, Li Ye ran into the Yanjing subway.

His waist has been uncomfortable these past few days, and it is reaching its limit every day. Originally, he thought that after gaining the power and power of these guys, his strength had evolved to the point where he could fight two.

But I didn’t expect Eri to super evolve and transform herself into a Muggle.

After finally escaping from Eri's clutches, I escaped to see Xia Mi.

After passing through the long subway line, Li Ye came to this guy's real hiding place. Before he even got close, Li Ye heard a sound like a silver bell echoing in the distance.

"Fenrir! This way! Idiot! Look here!!"

Li Ye's voice was very cheerful, as if he was playing, but Li Ye's steps slowed down. He also liked Xia Mi a little. To put it simply, he was greedy for her body.

Of course, there is also a bit of emotion. He could actually see the change in this woman's attitude towards him, but what he didn't expect was that this woman said it directly.

She and Eri Yi are like two extremes. Eri Yi is very stupid and needs Li Ye to teach many things. Although she looks obedient on the outside, she is actually quite strong on the inside.

Xia Mi, on the other hand, is very smart and clever. Sometimes he looks like a little drama queen and looks very disobedient on the outside, but in fact, he can bravely die for a simple order from Li Ye.

Li Ye slowly walked through the subway aisle and came to the hole.

The giant dragon Fenrir was playing with Xia Mi. Li Ye looked at Xia Mi and smiled. Xia Mi saw him and also smiled: "You're here."

There was a little indifference in Li Ye's eyes: "Yeah, I'm here, but you didn't come."

Xia Mi was stunned: "How did you know!"

Li Ye shook his head: "If it was her, she would argue with me, but you didn't"

"Xia Mi" had some understanding in her eyes: "So you want to kill me?"

Li Ye shook his head: "You can live, but I will restrict you and deprive you of the blood of the Dragon King"

"Xia Mi" smiled: "That's enough"

Li Ye sighed, turned and left, and came to the Tokyo Tower. He inserted the long sword and looked at the sunset in the distance

"Are you not coming out yet?"

Li Ye said this to the void, and the next second, an illusory shadow appeared in front of Li Ye. : "It's boring, you just guessed it like that"

Li Ye shook his head: "For you, I was chopped by the Black King, and almost cursed by him, and got his blood wailing, you played too much"

The shadow smiled and hugged Li Ye directly: "That's good, let everyone stay away from you, and only I am left"

Li Ye shook his head again, and instantly, a fist hit the shadow's head

"Hey, hey! I caught you!"

The shadow started crying directly: "Wow wow wow! What are you doing!! You have to think about it! Whether you can awaken the ultimate ability of the knife now depends on me!!"

Li Ye smiled: Just you! You lustful woman"

The shadow covered his head and cried: "You only know how to bully me, you wait! See if I can let you pass! Now I can't come out for too long, I want to go back!"

Then the shadow disappeared, and Li Ye's sight continued to look into the distance

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