Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 267 How can I leave you like this?

Li Ye looked at the sword in his hand that was not a physical object, and was not in a hurry to merge it.

Instead, he took out the Soul Stealing Scroll of Mejia.

He was a little worried that the soul inside would have problems.

"Xia Mi, come out, change your home."

Xia Mi jumped out of the sword body in a daze, and now she was more transparent: "What are you doing? Now is the critical moment. Don't you want me to follow you?"

Li Ye shook his head: "I got a good thing, but I don't know if this thing will harm you, so I called you out first."

But Xia Mi's eyes were staring straight at Li Ye. In his hand, the Soul Stealing Scroll of Mejia: "This book!!"

Li Ye stuffed the book directly under his clothes: "What book? How come I don't know what book it is?"

Xia Mi smiled: "Oh, good brother, just show it to me"

Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll is the supreme weapon of the soul, which is absolutely attractive to Xia Mi, who plays with souls

"Occasionally, brother, I have a girlfriend, and you still want to seduce me?"

Xia Mi glanced to the side: "Why, I am not your girlfriend?"

Li Ye looked at Xia Mi, his eyes gradually became serious: "You know I have a girlfriend, why Why do you have to choose like this? Do you like sharing with others so much? "

Xia Mi smiled mischievously: "I know, but can you leave me now?"

Li Ye looked at the knife in his hand and threw it directly from the golden tree. Yes, Li Ye's home is still on the golden tree.

Cremation was very happy that the knife was free-falling in the air.

"No, no, no! !"

Xia Mi flew down immediately, picked up the sword, and looked at Li Ye with resentment: "Bad guy!"

Li Ye smiled slightly: "Now you can't leave me! Idiot!"

Xia Mi's eyes suddenly It became profound: "Humph, anyway, I just like you, that's it"

"You gave me your life and soul just for a love, you are really... lustful"

Xia Mi's head turned: "I'm not happy, I'm not happy, I'm still not happy, I'm with a guy like you who has a partner, and I have to hide every day, and I can't let your original wife see it"

"Are you willing to do this?"

"What else can I do, but now I have a handle on you, if you bully me again, I will jump out and show it to your wife!"

Li Ye couldn't understand, is he so charming? Being able to let such an excellent girl like Xia Mi follow him all the time, even without a name, just wanting to be with him

"You are... so humble"

Xia Mi sat on the railing installed by Li Ye, looking into the distance: "Since I was born, I don't know what I am. I have the memory of Jörmungandr, but I know that it is not me, but I bear all her pain"

Li Ye also sat beside her, listening to this illusory soul telling her story

"I am confused, I am ignorant, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I went to look for Odin's mark, wanting to see how Odin became the Dragon King, but in the end I only remembered later that I was an abandoned tribe"

"The memory of Jörmungandr brought me pain and despair. She knew too much. I knew that my future and when I would die were determined from the beginning. I wanted to be happier in this limited life, but I couldn't. The wailing of blood made me destined to be lonely"

"But fortunately, a bad guy found me later and I had a guy to accompany me. Although he caught me for a purpose and beat me every day, I still felt good. Finally, one day he solved my fate and separated me from Jörmungandr completely. The mountain that was pressing on my head disappeared"

"From that moment on, I fell in love with him This bad guy, even if he is really bad, really... very bad, and even has a girlfriend, but I just like him, am I... very stupid"

Li Ye's big hand stroked Xia Mi's head. Although she did not emphasize her experience

But Li Ye could imagine that a new life was born to tell her that she was not tolerated by the world and her fate was determined by nature, that kind of confusion, that kind of pain

"Don't worry, I will be there in the future"

Xia Mi threw herself on Li Ye and cried: "How can I leave you when you are like this! ! ! "

Li Ye smiled: "Okay, okay, I won't leave, I won't leave"

Although Li Ye treats his enemies He is not a human being at all, and he is also intermittently a human being to his own people, but he is still quite human at this time.

Li Ye is somewhat fortunate. He is not fortunate that he met Xia Mi, nor that Xia Mi met him, but that Xia Mi is a soul body, and the monitor of this B necklace cannot see the soul body.

Otherwise, Li Ye dare not guarantee whether Eriyi will go crazy.

This is not a joke. If Eriyi knew that he had found a new love, Eriyi would destroy the world. That little girl's possessiveness is not ordinary.

At this moment, Eriyi is still in the room of the Golden Tree, planning her future with Li Ye.

"We must have two children! Little Li Ye and little Eriyi! Yes! We must ( @v @)*"

The handwriting is very beautiful and written on the paper.

"We must have a grand wedding! It will be held on the Golden Tree. No! I want to create another Golden Tree! There must be two Golden Trees!"

"Recently, many women outside are shouting that they want to marry Li Ye. I am so distressed. Should I tie Li Ye up with a chain?"

"It's not good to tie him up with a chain, Li Ye will break free, we need an alchemical chain! We must have one! Eri is really a little geniusヾ~"

Li Ye suddenly felt a big word appear on his head


At this moment, he looked at Xia Mi in his arms, smiled and said: "Okay, okay, there are still business, we still have a lot of time in the future"

Xia Mi sobbed and looked at Li Ye: "By then, I will live in the knife, and I probably won't be able to get out, you have to come to see me often!"

Li Ye smiled: "Peding!"

Xia Mi made a grimace and looked at Li Ye: "If you don't come to see me! I will definitely tell your girlfriend that you are looking for a concubine!"

Li Ye was a little tearful. Others' words might be a little harmful, but this woman was just this "concubine", which was somewhat non-threatening

"Then I will correct it immediately and not look for one anymore"

"But you have already found one, haven't you?"

"It is a great virtue to know one's mistakes and correct them. Eri will forgive me"

"You dare!!!"

Li Ye looked at the phantom in front of him, took out the long sword and cremated it very happily, and also the illusory Zenith Sword

"Now, we should get down to business!"

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