Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 315 The Appearance of Time

Douluo is now in the golden autumn, and the golden leaves are everywhere, announcing the end of the war to every corner of the world

The world is now in a strange peace, but all the guys in the upper echelons know that it will not end so easily

Where is Bibi Dong now? Where is Elder Li Huohua?

Few people know these things, but everyone who knows these two people realizes that things are not simple

There is a small tavern on the busy street. This tavern is not big, but it is very lively

There is a male boss who is over half his age walking around.

His hair is gray, but his eyes are very bright. He walks back and forth here, holding a plate in his hand, constantly serving delicious dishes to these guys

This is a tavern, a very plain and ordinary tavern, but it is very popular. The food here is delicious and the reputation spreads far and wide

There is a little girl in the tavern, wearing a long dress and tossing back and forth, recording what these guys want

The girl is quite beautiful, not the kind of delicate beauty, but a plain beauty, the kind of beauty of a girl next door,

" Ouch, Xiao Ning is working as a waiter again."

A hooligan wanted to take advantage, but he soon regretted it. The girl dodged lightly and easily avoided the dirty hands: "Grandpa Gu! Someone wants to take advantage of me! !"

The next second, an old man with a strong skeleton came out from the back kitchen with a kitchen knife in his hand. Looking closely, the old man had a broken hand.

"I wonder who is brave enough to act like a hooligan here."

Everyone around laughed: "Uncle Bone is going to teach others a lesson again."


Then there were countless laughters. The phenomenon of hooliganism is not uncommon here. This so-called Uncle Bone beats people very fiercely, but the phenomenon of hooliganism is always rampant.

No one knows why. Maybe it's because the so-called Xiao Ning is too beautiful? Who knows

Xiao Ning is the most beautiful girl in the surrounding cities. She always has a kind of beauty that does not belong to this remote and poor place, so many people like her and want to propose marriage to her. Come here to play hooligan

"Really speechless"

A man in a black robe appeared on the street, watching this farce

Maybe it is the prohibition of killing issued by the Spirit Hall that makes these guys more rampant, or maybe that Grandpa Bone will never beat people to death

So these guys are always like this, rampant and rampant

The man in the black robe opened his white eyes, eyes without eyeballs, and looked at the world quietly: "I didn't expect him to really implement this order"

He walked slowly into the store, looked at everything around him, stretched out his hand, and pulled the guy who was being taught away

So Some people looked at this nosy guy, they laughed and shouted.

There was nothing they could do. Ever since the Spirit Hall had forced everyone to do it and printed the rules on their faces, they had become less and less interested. Now they were so happy to see such a lot of fun.

"Fight! Fight!"

"Old Bones! Beat him!"

But the old bones in front of them narrowed their eyes: "Are you here to kill us all?"

The man just closed his eyes slightly: "No, no, no, I'm just here to take a look at you."

There was no trace of falsehood in his white eyes, but rather a kind of contempt, a weird contempt, perhaps it could not be called contempt, but a kind of indifference, this feeling was like a person looking at a cat, or a mouse?

No matter how it jumps, it can only please this person. No matter how this mouse plays, it can only bring him pleasure without any danger.

The middle-aged boss also came out and looked at the guy in front of him with a serious face: "We have already lived in seclusion! Are you going to kill us all?"

The man sighed: "I just came to see you, but now, you are still living a stable life, so I won't do anything more."

These guys didn't say anything, but stared at the man in front of them with their eyes, and the man just smiled. Then Xiao Ning, who was mentioned by those guys, also showed his little head on the stairs on the side and looked at the man in front of him tremblingly.

"Whether you are safe or not here, if you stop here, you can also live a stable life. If not, you can also try it."

This man only Yes, he smiled. The body of the gangster who was pulled away suddenly began to twist.

"Ahhh!! Ahhhh!!!"

He wailed, but it was useless. He was crushed into a ball. There was no blood, no bones, just simply crushed into a ball.

The people in the tavern were all shocked. They were incredible. In an instant, countless soldiers came, but the man in black robe disappeared.

In the dark alley, the man with long hair was looking at the girl in the long dress in front of him: "How are you recently?"

The girl stared at the man in front of her: "You said you would return Grandpa Jian to me!"

The black robe smiled: "Now you finally understand something."

The woman in front of him was Ning Rongrong, the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. After the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was destroyed, they lived in seclusion here and opened a small tavern.

Bone Douluo has lost his prestige due to war and old age. He has now fallen to the level of Soul Douluo.

And Ning Rongrong has also changed. She is no longer a little princess all day long, but has become what she is now.

"Give me back the sword, Grandpa!!!!"

She was very scared, but she still rushed up and grabbed the collar of the man in black robe. The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and Ning Rongrong was shocked and unable to move.

"You...! You..." Her trembling legs kept shaking, but the man in front of her just smiled: "It's really... interesting. Well, I won't break the contract."

Then he left and disappeared completely from here, leaving Ning Rongrong kneeling directly on the spot, gasping for breath.

On the street, a girl in a leather jacket sat on a small tree by the roadside. , looking into the distance, she held a small jade pendant in her hand, on which was written a big word


This thing was a token given to her by the man. She put it in her palm and sighed: "Who are you!"

It was this token that made her have

At this moment, an ethereal male voice came from behind her: "You knew it a long time ago, didn't you? I haven't concealed my identity since then"

The girl immediately turned around and stared at the man behind her: "You! You finally showed up!"

The man smiled: "I have to meet someone, don't I?"

The girl didn't speak, but held the jade pendant tightly in her palm: "You! It's Elder Li! Right!!"

The man smiled, and his white eyes became more and more penetrating: "You knew it a long time ago, didn't you?"

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