"What kind of country and situation do you have?"

"It's the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency"

Li Ye chuckled: "It's really hard to remember which idiot came up with this name. The education level must not be high, and the leader of your department must not have enough IQ."

[Ding Nick Fury’s negative emotion +10]

Li Ye has already thought of a black braised egg facing the monitoring headset, and his face is getting darker and darker.

Coulson, a good old man, keeps laughing with him. What if he doesn't laugh with him? According to the assessment, the danger level of the guy in front of him is very high, and he is not a kind of orderly and good person.

If it weren't for the fact that the people he killed were all bad guys with some background, they would probably be treated as villains by this guy.

Now I come to him for something important that requires help from superpowers.

"I think so too. Our director has already applied for a new name from above."

Li Ye nodded: "Then what do you want to do with me? That guy is indeed me, but I am a good citizen, a big good citizen. What kind of situation are you in?"

"Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Agency"

"Ah, yes, this is the game. What can you do with me?"

"Well, we actually want to hire you as our executive."


"Yes, we can provide you with a real identity. Although your identity can be checked now, there are many loopholes. We can provide you with a Berry Green Card."

After hearing this, Li Ye burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, when do you think I care about my identity?"

He sat up straight

"I am now from Wilson, and I am also related to Tony Stark. I have 0.8% of the shares in Stark Company, which is worth tens of billions. I have money, strength, and power. You want to touch me? Are you kidding me? "

"Mr. Li, but you don't have an official back card, you..."

Li Ye shook his head: "In this Guo Jia, money and fists are enough."

Colson didn't know what to say

Li Ye continued to lie on his back, with the shadow soldiers holding his legs.

"You still want me to work for you when you can't provide anything, who do you think you are!"

Colson, a good old man, could only laugh along with him.

"Of course, it's not impossible if you want me to work for you."

"Sir, what are your conditions?"

Li Ye stood up

To be honest, he lacks nothing. He just wants to get on the line with SHIELD so that he can have a positive official identity to do various things in the future.

For example, they took S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to attack Kamateki, took them to attack Wakanda, took their director and the remnants of Wakanda to grow cotton, and used their identities to act shamelessly.

"Well, first of all, I want vibranium. I know you must have it. I want 20 kilograms."

The good old man replied in a pretentious manner: "I want to communicate with the director."

"Come on, I know you have a small headset in your ear that can hear what your director is saying."

The good old man could only nod: "We only have 10 kilograms of vibranium."

Li Ye smiled slightly: "25 kilograms"

The good old man was stunned for a moment, and then continued: "We really only have ten kilograms. You know, Captain America's shield is..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Ye continued to interrupt: "30 kilograms."

"Mr. Li, we..."

Li Ye smiled slightly, "There's no need to talk about that."

After a moment of silence, the good old man nodded: "20 kilograms, the director agreed."

Li Ye actually doesn't need to do this. He can directly ask the Black Shadow Corps to "borrow" some from Wakanda, but asking SHIELD can make the black braised egg feel more uncomfortable.

"Secondly, I want freedom, I want to go when I want, when I want to go, and I want your information, the secret information in this world."

The good old man listened to the instructions in a much shorter voice this time: "Okay,"

Li Ye was sure that they gave him a lot less information, and it would be great to have a fifth-level authority.

"Also, you promised me nothing less."

"Of course"

Li Ye nodded: "Very good, remember to transfer your salary to my account. You can go now. Just call me sometimes."

Colson nodded. They all knew Li Ye's phone number and bank account, so they didn't need to ask anything deliberately. Li Ye's answer also acquiesced to their behavior.

"Okay, Mr. Li Ye, your ID will be mailed to you later."

Before leaving, Coulson turned around and asked: "I would like to ask, Mr. Li, are you from Earth?"

Li Ye's identity appeared suddenly, and so did his people. It was also their guess that Li Ye was an alien.

Li Ye smiled slightly, of course: "I am a native of Earth, I just gained a little bit of ability."

Li Ye directly took a knife and cut open his index finger, and dripped a drop of blood onto Colson's palm.

"You can test it as you like. Of course, in exchange for this drop of blood, I need you to find a top geneticist and geneticist to teach my subordinates. He needs knowledge now."

A ghostly ninja appeared behind Coulson.

This ninja is different from the rest

He was wearing scholar's clothes and reading glasses without lenses, giving him the feeling of an old scholar.

Well, Li Ye helped him dress up.

Li Ye is not afraid of them studying the hoe. The hoe has the teleportation from the Black Shadow Empire and he is not afraid that he will not be able to leave.

And after death, you will be reborn in the Shadow Empire, the kind with memory, that is, the swallowed shadow will disappear

Li Ye tried it with the guy wearing sunglasses

And these guys don’t have the courage now, they haven’t studied themselves thoroughly

In the distant safe house, Nick Fury nodded

This interaction was very successful, and they got a lot of information about Li Ye

"He treats ninjas like tools, he doesn’t care about these guys at all"

"He seems to know the existence of our SHIELD"

"This man’s shadow definitely has the ability to teleport"

Fury turned his head and looked at the man sitting there

"How is your research on his armor?"

The man turned his head and it was Iron Man Tony Stark: "That armor is excellent, of course, I did better,"

"So do you have a way to target him now?"

Tony nodded: "Without the armor, he is just an ordinary person, easy to target, but those shadow ninjas are very troublesome. I didn’t expect him to give my students to you guys. How can any of you guys catch up with me? It’s a waste of time"

F Rui was puzzled: "Your student?"

"That guy with reading glasses, his name is Hoe, very smart, much better than you guys, of course, I didn't teach him much technology"

"Now let's add one more thing, the black shadow ninja has self-awareness"

They never trusted Li Ye,

Of course, Li Ye never trusted them

On the other hand, Li Ye, who got something for nothing, was even more amused,

Just kidding, not only can he carry out the mission with an official identity, but he also got a formal identity, and he is no longer an illegal resident

An extra 20 kilograms of vibranium, plus Tony's, it's 45 kilograms, which is enough to build a set of armor

Vibranium, also known as sound-absorbing steel, can absorb all the kinetic energy hitting it, and there is an upper limit, otherwise Captain America's shield would not be broken by Thanos

But there is no way to hide that this thing is the hardest metal in Marvel

If Batman had this thing, he would probably wash Superman's head

"It's decided, after the Hulk comes out in a few days, I will lead S.H.I.E.L.D. to Wakanda to capture those people to grow cotton"

What? Didn't you ask if Li Ye gave a drop of blood? The Word Spirit Tiamat said you were wrong, that was not Li Ye's blood.

Moreover! The blood he gave to the other party was really useful. You analyzed that I was an ordinary person wearing armor. After the armor was broken with great effort, I thought Li Ye was going to kneel down. That was when it was interesting.

At this time, a black shadow emerged and lay down beside Li Ye's ear and said a few words.

"What! Found it? Let's go! Open the door and send blessings to that old man, Gu Yi!"

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