Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 380 I'm doing this for your own good

"Fake... It's fake... Why... This is impossible!!"

Lai Yueang was stupid, he was completely stupid

Was everything just in vain? Why are there so many witch cultists here?

Emilia also stared blankly in front of her. Parker couldn't use it. It was impossible to live in this situation!

Leyueang sighed, and then he stared at the guy in front of him: "Tell me! Where is that guy Roswaal!!"

The witch cultists in front seemed to be controlled. Without any words, they just started to slowly move towards them.

Emilia frowned, slowly retreated, and said to Leon, "What does Roswaal mean?"

Lai Yue'ang frowned: "That guy... was the main messenger of the fire in the mansion just now. Because he was beside me, I never said anything..."

Emilia frowned. She still didn't believe Leon, but because of what happened just now, she couldn't help but not believe it.

At this moment, the guys from the Witch Cult started running wildly. He quickly pulled Emilia and ran, but it was obvious that even the power of adrenaline could not save his life after running for a long time.

So Emilia directly picked him up and ran through the jungle, but before they ran very far, another figure appeared in front of them, a figure they had never seen before.

"Oh my gosh~ It's really...lazy!!"

They didn't see his face, but his expression was something they had seen just now.

"Lazy Archbishop!!"

In an instant, countless invisible hands attacked them. This thing is invisible to ordinary people. It is a first sight killing artifact. Lai Yueang hurriedly said: "Left!!"

He has the partiality of the jealous witch and can restrain most of the witch's powers. Emilia hurriedly got out of the way under his command.

The next second, the ground where they were standing cracked open, and Leon and Emilia also fell heavily. At this moment, the Witch Cult guys also swarmed behind them,

"Damn damn damn!!!"

Le Yue Ang struggled to stand up. He looked at the lazy Archbishop in front of him, and then at Emilia on the ground. He made a decision: "Emilia! Run separately!!! Must survive!!" Go down!"

He chose to lure away the Sin Archbishop of Sloth so that Emilia could survive. He kept running and gave Sloth a big mouth: "Bite me if you can! You idiot! Even the witch doesn't love me as much as I do. ! What else can you do?”

The lazy man is stupid, Lai Yueang's wave directly provoked his most important point - the witch

"Die to me!!"

He rushed towards Lai Yue'ang like a madman, and Lai Yue'ang also ran wildly. Fortunately, the invisible hand was not fast,

Emilia's eyes became deeper and she started running. She did not choose to be with Le Yue Ang. She immediately thought of being with Le Yue Ang, but she could see that the Sloth Archbishop had a strange ability. , she can only do a disservice if she goes up there.

She could see that Le Yue Ang had a unique way to face the Sloth Archbishop. She needed to quickly gather her magic power and summon Parker to put it to great use.

On the other side, Lai Yueang was running wildly. He had forgotten time and speed, he only knew how to avoid

The big trees around him were being knocked down continuously. Even if he could see the invisible hand, it was quite uncomfortable.


His lungs were like bellows. He looked at the forest in front of him in pain. He had no strength left.

Finally, he fell heavily to the ground, and Lazy came to him crazily: "Hahahaha! It's really... Lazy!!"

Lai Yue'ang hoarsely said: "This time... I also failed..."

He lay on the ground in pain, waiting for the next death and rebirth.

"I'm so unwilling...Li guy...took half of my soul...but disappeared, right!!"

At this moment, when Lazy was about to take action, a burst of ice crystals came from a distance and went straight towards Lazy.

Emilia, came back. This guy was still worried about Lai Yueang. After getting rid of those guys, he came over directly.

Lazy turned around and saw Emilia standing in front of him with a determined look on her face: "Die!! The guy from the Witch Cult!!"

Lazy smiled: "It's really... Lazy!!"

He turned around and wanted to execute Lai Yue Ang, but the ice crystal struck again, interrupting him and causing his movements to deflect. His invisible hand also hit Lai Yue Ang straight on the waist.

"Ouch!! My waist!!"

Lazy sighed and took action again, but another shot of ice crystal hit accurately, and something happened to Lai Yue'ang's waist.


Lai Yue'ang's waist was completely destroyed. He lay on the ground in pain, and neither waist was good.

Sloth on the other side finally gave up on executing him. After all, this guy had no ability to fight anymore, and attacked Emilia directly: "Sloth... Sloth... You guy!! Why do you want to stop me!! Let me I'm getting lazy!"

Emilia's ice crystals clashed with Sloth's invisible hand. Due to invisible reasons, Emilia was at a disadvantage. The most important thing was that she didn't know the power of Sloth. She only knew that there was an ability on the other side that he couldn't see.

Leyueon was struggling. He turned over with all his strength and shouted: "Emilia, watch your left side!!"

Emilia immediately dodged, and at the same time, a big hole opened in her original position,

Lazy looked at Lai Yueang, and he stared at this guy again, mainly because this guy was too annoying: "Lazy... Lazy..."

Of course Lai Yueang couldn't avoid it: "Damn it..."

At this moment, Emilia stood in front of him without even thinking.


Emilia was knocked away, Lai Yueang looked at the scene in front of her blankly: "Emilia!!!"

Lazy kept biting his fingers: "Why... why... why do you always have to be so lazy... and make me accomplish nothing... why..."

He rushed in the direction of Emilia. Emilia, who had stopped him from killing several times now, seemed to be even more worthy of death in his eyes.

Le Yueang just watched this guy rushing towards Emilia, but he couldn't do anything.

"Why...why...! Did it fail even though it was like this?"

At this moment, an unexpected guy appeared in front of him: "Hey, Lai Yue'ang, you failed."

Leyueang was stunned: "You!!! Why are you!! Why do you do this!! Roswaal!!"

That’s right! In front of him was Roswaal, that clown! But what Le Yue Ang ignored was that this guy no longer had a habit of speaking, and he no longer pretended to be anything.

"I want you to grow up! Lai Yueang!"

Everyone in Leyueang is stupid, what the hell? Burning down your own house so you can grow? What kind of international joke are you kidding?

"Can you find a good reason!!"

Roswaal smiled: "I want you to know that there are some things! You can't do it. You need to make a choice!! Even if you try countless times!"

Lai Yueang was dumbfounded: "What? You... you also know?"

Roswaal smiled and nodded: "I know! Your ability!"

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