Li Ye has entered a period of rapid movement. With the help of Bailong, a flying monster, his speed can be said to be extremely fast.

Of course, the biggest problem is that this Bailong likes to eat meat made by Li Ye too much. Although he is a monster and can eat meat without milk, Li Ye brings a lot less condiments.

Li Ye's side has entered a period of rapid growth, and the battle on Fenn's side is about to end.

On the high tower, Finn looked at Phryne in front of him. Her body was covered with small wounds. The cursed weapon was still very deadly to others. Finn gritted his teeth, looked at the guy in front of him, and stood up. spear

"It's really uncomfortable!"

There is no progress at all on Ota's side. The guy in front of him is a bit too exaggerated. With the addition of the Ten Thousand Treasure Hammer, it is definitely the strength of lv.8! Even if Otta is the strongest person in Orario, it will be difficult for him to gain any advantage.

Ota's brows furrowed, he stuck his sword on the ground, and gasped: "You are a strong man who came out of nowhere!!"

Revis shook her head: "You don't have to know! You just need to know! Now! You are going to defeat me! And I am going to defeat you! That's enough!"

Otta casually crushed the head of the guy who wanted to attack him, and then looked away. The battle was still going on, but there was no progress. Grace and Bert also came here, but they had one arm and one testicle. , it is really difficult to stretch, and was directly entangled by the soldiers on the way out.

And Ishtar stood on the high platform, looked at the black sky, and laughed wildly: "Right away!! The sacrifice is about to begin! You!! All of you!! You must pay the price for your words and deeds!!"

She raised her head and looked at the towering Tower of Babel, her smile became even crazier: "Freya!! I! More powerful than you!! You! Will definitely be stepped on by me!!!"

In front of her, Haruhime was hung on the high altar, with the killing stone hanging on her chest. The strange stone glowed with a little light.

Ayesha on the side shouted: "No!!! No! Haruhime!! Why are you so stupid!!"

She wanted to save Haruji, but now someone was pressing her down and she couldn't move at all.

Chun Ji looked at Aisha and smiled reluctantly: "Sister Aisha... for you... I am willing. Chun Ji is just... I'm just sorry for Li Huohuashen... But Chun Ji is just... An unclean person...who is not worthy of being the child of Li Huan."

She is also a member of the Ista Family. The Ista Family runs Happy Street. Before that, she also picked up customers at Happy Street.

Ayesha gritted her teeth, turned around and looked at the people behind her, and then wanted to throw these guys away. She was level 3! Not too weak! But the person next to her received the bonus of the Ten Thousand Treasure Mallet, which was also level 3. With just one punch, Ayesha fell to her knees on the ground, without the ability to resist.

Haruhime smiled reluctantly: "No need, Sister Aisha, no need... Haruhime... Haruhime has a premonition... Haruhime is going to die... Even if we save Haruhime now... Haruhime won’t survive either.”

Ayesha gritted her teeth and looked at Haruhime in front of her, knowing that she would never have another chance. Tears flowed from her eyes: "Haruhime... you fool... you have to remember!! You are still pure!! Although you often receive customers, you will faint every time! No one has touched you yet! !

Haruhime smiled, but quite weakly: "It turns out... Haruhime... it's not..."

She lost her voice and her head hung down weakly. Ayesha shouted: "Haruhime!!!"

And Ista smiled crazily: "Hahahahaha!! It's coming!! It's coming!! Freya!! I'm going to launch the most terrifying counterattack against you!! I'll throw you away too! Go to that happy street! Let you be ruined every day!"

Finn on the battlefield watched everything happening in the distance, his brows furrowed tightly, he knew he had to stop this guy! But he simply can't do it! The hidden wounds from the last time he faced the fallen fairy were aching, and now the pain was even more unbearable.

He looked at the goddess Ishtar in the distance. At this moment, he didn't know that Ishtar was a member of the Dark Familia! Otherwise, how to explain the woman close to lv.8?

He stared at the other side, as long as Ishtar's sacrifice was successful! Then they will fall into an even more dangerous moment!

The moon flickered dimly in the sky, leaving only this tall tower burning in the fire, illuminating the entire Orario.

Finn gritted his teeth and wanted to make a final charge: "Burt! Grace! Can you continue to fight?"

Grace smiled, beheaded the enemy in front of him, and shouted: "Of course!"

Bert was quite uncomfortable. In addition to his solitary testicle, his leg was also broken. It was quite uncomfortable for a man to win with his legs, but he still shouted: "Of course!! No problem!!"

They charged forward together, and Finn also put the spear on his head: "Then! Let's kill wantonly! Magic Spear!!"

In an instant, the battlefield turned on the unparalleled mode, but the final result was still not good. Their physical exhaustion was too serious and there was no way to move forward.

Their team is like the waves, rushing up one after another and retreating one after another.

Finn sighed and shook his head helplessly: "Still...failed?"

He looked forward helplessly, Ista raised her arms, and the altar in front of her burst into dazzling light: "Then! Now! Sacrifice!!! Haruhime!!"

She looked at the towering Tower of Babel and laughed wantonly, but she stopped laughing because she seemed to see something coming towards her from the top of the Tower of Babel

The guards on the side looked at the things in the sky and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow! There's a meteor!"

"Wait! The meteor is coming towards us!!!"

Ista frowned: "Don't panic! That's not a meteor!! Quick!! Protect the altar!!"

However, it was useless, her words were useless, and the guards still shouted: "Run! The meteor is coming!!"


The next second, the meteor hit the first person who shouted heavily, and everyone finally saw what this guy looked like, with knotted muscles, lightning all over his body, and his muscles were blue. This guy! It's a hammer!

He landed on the ground and looked down at the whole crowd: "How ridiculous! You useless people! I still have to show up!!"

Finn saw the hammer and laughed immediately: "Finally! Did you make a move?"

Ishtar retreated repeatedly: "Damn it... Damn it!!! Why now... Why now!!"

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