Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 510 The final back-up plan

The silent old mother looked at Li Ye in front of her and finally raised some interest: "It's really good. Did you create this move yourself? It can reach 30% of the level of those younger generations. It is surprising that it appears on a three-year-old like you. ”

Li Ye chopped off all the lotus flowers around him. At this moment, his hands were numb. The energy in the lotus flowers, even if he had thousands of points of strength and mental bonus, was still unbearable even if he used the most labor-saving method.

However, when he looked at Wu Sheng's old mother in front of him, he didn't show any signs of fatigue. He raised his sword again and said, "Come again!!"

Wu Sheng's old mother glanced at Li Ye and yawned: "It's really boring. Forget it, I'm not interested anymore, so let's end it."

She stretched out her hand and flicked her fingers. In an instant, all the stars appeared around her, and a perfect world appeared, in which countless children sang in unison: "Inanimate Mother! Vacuum Home! Inanimate Mother! Vacuum Home "

The scene is so intoxicating that it's hard to take your eyes off

In an instant, Li Ye's eyes widened, and he discovered that there was a big hole in his chest, which penetrated directly through his chest.

"What... when..."

He looked around, trying to find out where the crisis came from, but there was nothing. In an instant, there was another cut, tearing off both of his arms. He quickly bit the long knife with his teeth and looked around, but where? What danger is there, only children singing, only a perfect world

"You didn't even show the state of the Golden Queen Mother. You just used the moves of the Wusheng Old Mother, who is only good at illusions, to play with me like an insect?"

Li Ye's eyes were a little unreal, but he stared at the surroundings: "If you want to do this, kill me! You still underestimate me!!"

His body instantly returned to its original state, flesh and blood grew, skin covered, the Law of Life, the Dog Talisman, the Horse Talisman, and his own dragon blood, as well as Steve's panel's quick reading speed reply, all added together, allowed him to The recovery ability has reached a terrifying level,

This is also the reason why Li Ye didn't incorporate the blood embrace into the long knife. This thing has no effect on him, and the sucking is not as fast as it can be sucked back. After all, Mondo has never been seen drinking blood.

Li Ye looked at the vision of the world in front of him and raised his long sword high: "Since you can't find the problem! Let's break it all!! Great freedom!!"

This is the third and final sword of his Shura Free Sword Technique. Currently, he has only evolved these three swords, and the last sword of these three swords is also his greatest killing move.

Gather all the strength of the whole body, transport the energy of the whole body, add it to the blade, and coupled with the evolution of the blade of "human and sword integration", embody the shadow world into a move, then condense it into the blade, and add the Zanpakutō At the beginning of the attack, he swung one of his swords. This is currently the strongest move he can make except for his last move.

In an instant, a gap opened in the world around him. Li Ye quickly escaped from it and came to the outside world. However, the outside world was still as usual at this moment. There was no world, no "lifeless old mother, empty hometown". There was only the Golden Queen Mother, or Talk about the birthless old mother

To the Wusheng old mother in front of him, everything he just got was just a small snap of his fingers, but it made Li Ye so embarrassed.

The old mother Wusheng shook her head: "You are as powerful as nature on the outside, but nature is still creation, let alone a creation without a 'heart'!"

Li Ye gritted his teeth and raised the knife again: "Then come..."

His words stopped because he saw his own body, his head cut off


Wu Sheng's old mother sighed, her voice was melodious and ethereal. She stretched out her hand, and the heaven-like hand was just enough to catch Li Ye's body. She opened her mouth and said slowly: "I killed you." In the past, this is the difference between creation and the other side, and it is also the first lesson I teach you! Under the other side, all are ants. You have never experienced the time of weakness, you have no heart of weakness, and your talent is difficult to reach the innate gods. I have never experienced what it means to be weak, and something big will happen eventually. This is the second lesson I have taught you."

Li Ye's broken head stared at the old mother Wu Sheng in front of him: "You kill me before you go over there... Then I... I'll go back over and kill you!"

In an instant, Li Ye's consciousness returned to a time point. This point was exactly when the old mother Wusheng wanted to take action. This was the biggest backup plan he had prepared for the world of the Supreme Being. In his heart, he was jealous of what the witch had obtained. !

"Death returns!"

He looked at the old mother without life in front of him, and slashed out a sword in an extremely disharmonious posture. The reason why this sword was called disharmonious was because the posture did not require any strength. The simplest sword techniques and the most evil sword techniques were all different. He didn't know how to use this move to exert force, but Li Ye used this move to make a move. It was all because of his next move. There was no need to use force, just slash out.


Li Ye used this move for the first time. This is his strongest move. It is a move that he has never released since he owned it. It is a move that can continuously accumulate its power and then release it in an instant. This move is Li Ye's strongest move. Attack, the final killing move, the move accumulated from re to now

After using this move, even his body will collapse. Fortunately, he has extremely strong recovery power and can recover instantly even if he collapses.

In an instant, a sword without any special effects was slashed out, plain and simple, like a crescent-shaped air blade slashed through the void,

The old mother Wu Sheng in front of him frowned slightly, her eyes looked at the long knife in Li Ye's hand, her red lips slightly opened: "That knife... who made it!"

With her eyesight, she could not tell that this move was the power of the knife. If the knife hit, even she would be damaged, but she did not panic: "Under the other shore, they are all ants! "

She stretched out her hand and wanted to fluctuate the time, but she was slightly stunned. She found that the time around her was not right, which made her grasp of time slower for a moment. The last time she felt like this was when she faced the Emperor of Heaven. , she immediately looked at Li Ye. The only person with her at the moment was that man.

I saw that Li Ye was holding a broken pocket watch in his hand at this moment, and the chaos of that time was all caused by that pocket watch. The pocket watch was definitely a treasure, but the chaos of time only made her stunned for a moment, and next If she uses it again, it will have no effect on her. What can she do in a moment?

Soon she knew what she could do in a flash

That sword strike hit her hand, and her hand was dripping with blood instantly. She frowned again. She looked at the man in front of her, why did the sword light hit her?

I saw that Li Ye's body was full of traces of fragmentation, no! According to his recovery speed, he should be fine by now! And it is still the case now. . .

That explains it! He also has the power of time! This is indeed the case. Li Ye has already launched inherent time control at 256 times speed. This powerful pressure almost crushed Li Ye, but fortunately the result is good.

The old mother Wusheng smiled slightly. She looked at Li Ye in front of her with an appreciative look. In just a few moves, she was shocked five times. As she smiled, all the lotus flowers around her opened. Sanskrit sounds burst out, and ethereal sounds followed. His red lips opened slightly and he said: "Okay! You are very good! Come and be my protector! I will give everything I have to you! You don't have to give me anything more, as long as you are willing!"

Li Ye also smiled back: "Of course!...No!!"

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