Chapter 54 No one likes the old sly guy

Li Ye sat upright on the chair of the Black Shadow Empire

He proposed a lot of compensation to Congress,

including his identity, the position of Minister of Defense, and certain military power

Of course, he didn't want to force them too hard, and he also made a promise not to do anything that would harm the United States

Of course, everyone knows that promises are just a piece of waste paper when you are stronger than him

The senior officials in the parliament hall made a big fuss

They were arguing about whether to take back Li Ye's power

If he took it back, Li Ye would do it again, and the United States would definitely not be able to bear it

But what if he didn't take it back? The US Secretary of Defense is actually an Asian? What a joke

Only Black-Boiled Egg is a wise man

He admitted Li Ye's identity at the door of the parliament hall

Tony yelled at Black-Boiled Egg: "You bastard! Idiot! As long as we take him down, why do we care about the Minister of Defense? No one will admit it!"

Black-Boiled Egg closed his one eye

"What if we can't take him down?"

"His summons are countless times more powerful than the intelligence said. If you can't take him down, how are you going to find him?"

Tony was stunned by the question, but then he threw his SHIELD consultant certificate to the ground

"I will find him sooner or later!" Then he flew away

Others may say this because they are not convinced. He is different. He said that he wants to find a way, which means he really wants to find a way to sanction Li Ye

Of course, Li Ye is looking forward to it

And what about Li Ye on the other side?

He was humming a song while sitting on Tony's recliner and drinking fine wine.

By the way, the fine wine was Tony's too.

He denied Jarvis's investigation of him and hid in the shadows. He wanted to see how Tony took off his armor.

After all, this guy now had more than 400 bones.

At this time, Tony flew back.

He smashed the glass and flew in. As soon as he flew in, the armor opened directly, and he fell out like a pool of octopus.

The deck that the doctor had made for him couldn't be used to put on the armor, so he took it off and stuffed himself in.

"Hahahaha, really interesting."

Li Ye laughed and walked out , standing in front of Tony

Tony was startled: "Jarvis!"

Li Ye put his hands in front of him

"Don't worry, Tony, have you forgotten? I said we are friends"

Tony looked up at him: "Friend? It's my honor to be friends with the Minister of Defense"

His words were purely sarcastic. It's not certain who is stronger between the Minister of Defense and Tony

"No, no, no, I still care about you as a friend"

Li Ye clapped his hands, and a black shadow ninja emerged from the ground

It was only then that Jarvis detected a living creature

"Sir, our house has been invaded, it's a level one Be on guard, Li Ye"

This message came directly from the armor that Tony opened

There was silence for two seconds

Li Ye waved his hand: "Don't worry about it"

The black shadow ninja directly helped Tony onto the chair, but Tony didn't feel good

The bone dislocation caused by moving without permission made him very uncomfortable,

The next second, the black shadow ninja slipped and threw him to the ground

Coincidentally, he was kneeling

Li Ye was stunned, and the black shadow ninja turned around

Good guy, the sunglasses guy

"Well, listen to me, I really didn't ask him to do it"

Tony shouted directly: "What do you want to do!"

Li Ye smiled slightly

Put a bottle of strangely colored iced black tea on the table

"This bottle of potion can help you, if you don't want to die,"


At this time, Tony already knew that he was poisoned by palladium metal. He was not surprised how Li Ye knew it. Li Ye said that he would die when they met for the first time.

What he cared about was why Li Ye gave him a bottle of strangely colored iced black tea

"That's all. I should go now. Whether you believe it or not is your problem."

Then, Li Ye walked out of the main door openly.

What was Li Ye's intention in sending medicine to Tony?

First, to create some rifts with these guys.

Second, to create confusion and do confusing behavior. Doesn't Hei Lu Dan like to guess other people's thoughts? Then he guessed it.

Third, Iron Man is in such a state that it's hard to make a battle armor, and it's hard to make a stretcher. Hurry up and cure him and study him, otherwise how can I have fun?

As for whether Tony drinks it or not? He will definitely drink it. A proud guy won't want to die.

Even if he can cure his limbs, he can't cure palladium poisoning.

Tony's palladium poisoning is still in the early stage, not to the point of being incurable. That black-boiled egg from SHIELD will definitely not give Tony's father's relics to him.

And now that Li Ye has found Tony, he walked out openly. According to the character of black-boiled egg who doesn't trust anyone, he will not give Tony his father's relics.

It's really a big dream to want to research new substances without his father's relics.

Under various factors, Tony will definitely drink the medicine.

So Li Ye is not worried at all.

Li Ye walked out of Stark Tower and rubbed his face.

"Why am I becoming more and more like an old sly person?"

"No, no, no one likes old sly people."

As he walked, pedestrians on the road seemed to find him.

"Batman!! Look! Batman!"

"It's the Secretary of Defense!"

Everyone rushed forward and prepared to ask for autographs.

Because Li Ye eliminated all the evil "Batman" at a rather exaggerated speed, coupled with the guidance of the military and Li Ye's public opinion, his reputation instantly reached a positive peak.

Of course, there must be those stubborn elements who think that Li Ye is Asian and his identity must be problematic, so he should be arrested.

These people disappeared inexplicably.

These days are so chaotic, fake Batman is running around, killing one or two people is not a very normal thing.

What does it have to do with him, Li Ye?

After experiencing the ups and downs of his reputation and the devastating blow to the military, the negative emotion value has reached 7w. Numbers

"Sure enough, you have to do big things to make money quickly"

In this world, with the power to overturn the table, Li Ye is not afraid of anything.

Even if he fails, it doesn't matter. He just doesn't act anymore. With Ame no Murakumo in his left hand and Ame no Yuhazaru in his right hand

Just flatten this country

"Let me think, the next plot is Hammer God, oh no, it's Thor, why do I always call him the wrong name, really"

Soon, Thor of Asgard will be thrown down by his old father for a trial. The plot is probably that Thor wants to start a war, and then his father exiles him, takes away all his power, and then his brother Loki doesn't want him to come back Go, wanting to be the king himself, so he took advantage of his father's sleep to drop a battle armor to kill his brother, and finally his brother exploded and was killed by the battle armor, that's it

After being dropped, Thor lost all his abilities and was just a stronger soldier.

Li Ye was not very interested in Thor, he cared more about Thor's hammer

Mjolnir, also known as Meow Meow Hammer

This thing is made of Uru metal,

Uru metal, a metal that is very suitable for magic transmission

Li Ye didn't know if it would have any effect on his mental extension, but even if it didn't, he would use it sooner or later

And Meow Meow Hammer also had Odin's blessing,

Only those who are righteous in their hearts can pick it up. As long as they can pick it up, they will have the power of Thor.

Li Ye really wants to know what kind of power this blessing is. Can he learn it? If he can learn it, he will arrange a hand for his mobile phone.

"Only those who don't want to look at the browser can open it."

Of course, the best way for Li Ye to understand is not to grab the hammer directly. Odin, the old man, is not worse than Ancient One. Li Ye may not be able to beat him with full firepower.

"I will send their assassinated prince back directly. Don't you think I will give me a few hundred kilograms of Uru metal?"

As for whether the experience is effective? What does it have to do with Li Ye? Li Ye just saw the prince being stabbed and helped to send him back. He doesn't know what experience is.

And there is also the Destroyer Armor, which is also a good thing. These things in the original book have never appeared in the subsequent plot, but I think they have fallen into the hands of SHIELD.

This time Li Ye has to collect them well. They are all consultants of SHIELD and Minister of Defense. It's not too much to take some of their things.

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