Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 78 The big one is here, it’s not too much to be arrogant

The surrounding area was instantly filled with black air, and all the surrounding creatures were cheering.

It seems that this figure is their lord, their emperor,

A strong golden light bloomed in the figure's eyes,

Under the black uniform, it was Li Ye’s face.

Dugu Bo was shocked on the spot: "What! Your martial spirit is so powerful!"

Li Ye's face suddenly darkened: "What the hell! I'm a tuba! I'm a tuba! I'm the coolest one! Do you understand?"

Dugu Bo obviously doesn’t understand

But Li Ye will make him understand

"Current host: Li Huohua

Host bloodline: Human; Dragon; Latitude Demon

Host properties:

(5 is the pinnacle of mankind)

Patience: 30

Spirit: 88

Strength: 40

Skills: Digitization, Rabbit Charm, Dragon Blood, Tiger Charm, Chicken Charm

Gold coins: 114514

World: Marvel MCU world, Dragon Clan world, Douluo Continent world, Naruto world

Warehouse: Poke Ball, Potion of Corruption, Mermaid Necklace, Freya’s Bath Water, Fairy Bean × 3”

Li Ye's eyes burst into golden light, and the surrounding black air continued to fill the air.

To be honest, when he arrived at this time, he could no longer contact the Black Shadow Empire, nor could he get energy replenishment and supply.

But after becoming the Lord of the Black Shadow Latitude, he can store this kind of shadow energy in his digital body, and even transform himself into a shadow energy creation, just like the other latitude demons. This is what the shadow told him. Knowledge

But when he tried to transform, he couldn't do it. He could only store energy. The stored energy was quite a lot. He had hundreds of times his own spiritual power, which was enough to squander. But it was impossible to transform the shadow creature.

He thought it might be because of Steve’s panel ability.

He thinks! [Steve’s Panel] There is definitely something about this ability that I haven’t discovered yet.

Back to the present, Li Ye raised his hand, and the black air around him flooded Dugu Bo like a tide. Dugu Bo was shocked.

"Seventh Soul Skill! Martial Soul True Body!"

To be honest, even if he is a titled Douluo, it would be too much for him to use his martial spirit avatar twice in a row, but there is no other way, he must do this.

"When did you have the illusion that you have used the true body of the martial spirit?"

Dugu Bo was immediately shocked. He had clearly released the martial soul avatar, and had already suffered the negative effects of forcibly using the martial soul avatar. But let alone the martial soul avatar, not a single shadow was seen.

and! He heard that the voice came from beside him. When he turned his head, Li Ye's face was right next to his.

Weird, handsome, coquettish, noble

He couldn't think of any better words to describe this face and his aura.


Li Ye smiled slightly, squinting his eyes and not showing his teeth, but the golden light bursting out from the slits of his eyes filled the surroundings with pressure.

"How's it going, senior Dugu?"

[Ding, Dugu Bo’s negative emotion value +100]


"The ninth soul skill! Green scale divine light!"

This move is to release his most powerful skill, which directly poisons everything around him. He usually doesn't use it because it's too strong! He can't even control himself

I can’t control that much now! You must use it. If you don't use it, your brain will be gone.

Li Ye smiled slightly and shook his hands

"Send it to cut off the antenna! Ah, no, there is a Chinese patch, then! Earth Explosion Star!"

All the surrounding soil and rocks were pulled by him and fell on Dugu Bo in an instant. In just a few seconds, a huge ball was formed, which was imprisoned and pulled to the sky, directly interrupting his spell casting.

This is Li Ye's ability to use the chicken talisman. Through his own development, he found that he could apply the acceleration ability of the rabbit talisman to objects with his own energy interference.

For example, the object controlled by the chicken charm

"Super speed sniper kill!"

Li Ye raised his finger, and a stone slowly floated up from the ground. It was torn apart at a hundred times speed without energy. He is now in quite good condition.

"Guess how fast I can increase my speed now"

"Oh! It's ten times the speed of sound!" This speed can surpass the atmosphere and go to space in Douluo. Who knows why the first cosmic speed in this place is so small?


In an instant, stones flew out at ten times the speed of sound. The violent speed directly caused a violent sound barrier, and even a gas circle was blown around it.


The heat brought by the violent speed vaporized the stones, but the impact still caused the Earthburst Star floating in the sky to explode quite strongly.

Dugu Bo, who was dressed in gray and black, fell from the sky. One of his arms had completely disappeared, and the broken part was burned black.

[Ding, Dugu Bo’s negative emotion value +500]

Li Ye smiled slightly, looked at this guy, and said in a rather pleasant voice

"Oops, it's really scary. I shot it wrongly. What should I do?"

"As expected of Senior Poison Douluo~ So powerful~ Really awesome."

Dugu Bo's face is quite dark, on a physical level. His poison can even corrode himself. Li Ye just restrained him and let him eat it all by himself, but now he doesn't dare to say anything at all and only begs for mercy.

"'s because I'm blind, senior..."

Dugu Bo is obviously breathing less out and taking in more air now. His ribs are pierced into his lungs and he is vomiting blood even while talking.

"Aha, no~ I'm just a little guy, and you see, all the things you burned turned into black dogs, so I can't help but let you farm."

Li Ye smiled and sat next to Dugu Bo. The surrounding fields were beaten into pieces, and there were pits everywhere. If Li Ye hadn't specially protected the flowers and plants, the entire vegetable garden would probably be gone.


Dugu Bo didn't know whether he was beaten stupid or something, and kept repeating this sentence.

In his eyes, such a powerful guy, who didn't need any soul skills or soul rings to beat him like this, must be a Titled Douluo above level 97.

Otherwise, he couldn't be so powerful.

Of course, he didn't feel anything above that. There are only a few above level 98 in Douluo Continent now.

Li Ye shrugged: "Okay, old lamp head, there is still use for you."

He threw a bottle of corruption potion in a beer bottle directly over.

"Drink it."

Dugu Bo had no choice. Now he was the fish on the chopping board. He used his remaining arm and used all his strength to grab the beer bottle.

"Ton ton ton"

After drinking the liquid in the beer bottle, he not only didn't feel better, but his head became more dizzy.

"Could it be Am I going to die here? Yanyan, Grandpa is sorry for you"

He thought in his heart

The next second, Li Ye looked at Dugu Bo's body and was stunned

"Hey, look at me, I took the wrong one, come, drink this, big gulp"

Then he threw out the contents of another bottle of iced black tea

[Ding, Dugu Bo's negative emotion value +100]

After a while, Li Ye sat on a chair made of black shadow energy, his eyes glowing with gold, looking at the vegetable garden

The real White King mode was turned on, and all the elements around him were He deconstructed all the elements, not to mention flowers and plants, he could even analyze the color of Dugu Bo's pants.

Well, I can't analyze this, Dugu Bo's pants were burned in a fight just now.

Dugu Bo stood in front of Li Ye with a face that didn't dare to speak. On the other side was Li Ye's child body and his martial spirit.

Dugu Bo clearly felt that when this powerful guy appeared in front of him, the original Li Ye became stupid and silent. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew he shouldn't ask.

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