Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 796 A trio with completely different styles

Standing on the tower, Li Ye looked at Strange, laughed and said: "Now that you understand! Then you can start practicing! Master Strange!"

Strange was numb. Is this a spell? What he wants to learn is a spell, not this weird thing, but when he looked at Li Ye's eyes, he had the idea of ​​beating him to death if he didn't practice. He could only say woodenly: "But. But"

Li Ye nodded: "I know that it may be difficult for you to practice to my level for a while, but don't be afraid! I have a quick method. It only takes three years for you to achieve this level!"

Li Ye smashed the huge "whale" on one side with a punch, then pulled the guy's spine and threw it out, hitting the other "whale" heavily, making Strange swallow his saliva and gurgle.

Although it was not quite the same as the spell he expected, he felt that this so-called "boxing" did not seem so bad.

Li Ye's muscles were knotted. He pulled out one of the "whale" vertebrae and threw it aside. He said to Strange: "Hey, Master Strange, if you want to learn boxing like me, you need to run ten kilometers every day! Do a hundred sit-ups and push-ups every day! You must stick to it no matter what! Even if it's hot in summer, you can't turn on the air conditioner!"

Li Ye's knotted muscles were displayed, like a dragon swimming behind him. This method made Strange numb: "Isn't this a simple fitness training method?"

Li Ye snorted and laughed: "Believe me! As long as you can bear the pain of not turning on the air conditioner! Then you will definitely be able to be like me!"

Li Ye laughed. Strange has his own strengths. According to the development of the world, the current Strange will be influenced by the Ancient One to become the Supreme Sorcerer no matter what, unless he dies. It seems that the old boss Ancient One did choose him and made some of his own moves in time.

Of course, it is also possible that Li Ye himself did not understand the Time Stone. His Time Stone now only has the ability to predict the future, which is achieved by communicating with the Mind Stone and the Time Stone.

The communication is roughly as follows.

Li Ye: "Give me the power to predict the future."

Time Stone: "You can't do it yourself?"

Li Ye: "Yes, but I'm too lazy to use it."

Time Stone: "Why do you need me if you can do it yourself?"

Li Ye: "Are you deaf? Oh, you don't have ears, I'm too lazy to use them."

Time Stone: "Give me a reason."

Li Ye: "If you don't give it to me, I'll throw you into the toilet, and then fix you behind the sewer so that you can't be found. I'll keep you there for one day if you don't give it to me."

Time Stone: "It doesn't matter, time will take action."

Li Ye: "I will block your time."

Time Stone: "No, you're too lazy to use it to predict the future, so you can just block my time?"

Li Ye: "I'm happy! I'm happy to stuff you into an African gorilla or an Indian giant lizard skin swallow, or stuff you into the body of a British little boy, and finally throw you into a cesspool and seal you for thousands of years."

So, Li Ye gained the power to predict the future, mainly because the Time Stone really didn't want to be stuffed into the little boy's body. As for the giant lizard and the gorilla, it was only a few cases, but the little boy was really a large-scale case.

Now, Li Ye looked at Strange in front of him and smiled slightly: "So! Are you ready?"

Strange nodded: "I'm ready!"

Li Ye nodded: "A young man can be taught! Now, we should solve everything in New York City!"

Strange looked at the flying Chirita soldiers in the sky and nodded: "Then Master, how do we solve these? This scale. Whether it is boxing or shooting, there are too many."

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter, I have taught you what I want to teach you. Just clean it up slowly. At most, I can cast a small spell."

The Avengers of SHIELD are flying in New York. The Hulk fell from the sky and hammered down a huge "whale". Ant-Man grew bigger and kept cleaning up the monsters in the air. This is the only one who can solve the giant whale.

But Ant-Man soon couldn't hold on. After growing bigger, he was more focused. How can he withstand the power of the cosmic army with his mortal body?

As for Thor, he took a machine gun and fired, which was able to suppress the heavy machine gun, making him feel that his divine body was very useful.

The remaining guys could basically only intercept the ordinary Chita soldiers, and had no way to deal with biological warships like "Whales".

Through the headset, the Black Widow Natasha spoke to all the Avengers: "No! This is not a solution! We must find and get rid of the guy called Loki!"

Hawkeye said: "Where is Stark now? Loki is in Stark Tower now, he must know the structure there very well!"

Spider-Man pulled the spider web between the houses, trying to stop a whale, and said to the headset: "I don't know, Mr. Stark hasn't accessed the chat system for a long time, I have been looking for him, but I can't find him at all!"

At this time, the voice of Iron Man was connected to the communication system: "Don't worry, I'm on my way to Stark Tower, Loki will be left to me, but according to my calculations, even if the portal is closed, the huge Chita army is not something we can deal with!"

Nick Fury also entered the communication system at this moment: "Don't be afraid! Tony, just do it!"

Seeing Nick Fury, Tony's eyes flickered, and then continued to fly forward in the air: "Okay!"

He landed in the Stark Building. He saw in front of him, in the center of the Stark Building, countless reinforced concrete was twisted and cast into a throne, and on the throne was Loki's figure.

Seeing Tony's arrival, he smiled and said: "A little ant? Interesting, do you want to feel the power of God before I kill Li Ye?"

This guy was beaten by Li Ye and had a problem with his brain. He became a middle school student. Now facing Tony, he felt that he was okay again.

Inside Tony's armor, Jarvis kept saying: "Mr. Stark, a very strong energy reaction was scanned, and a very strong energy reaction was scanned! The energy strength reached half of Thor! It is recommended to leave."

Tony's head is very confused now. He doesn't know what to do: "Then. Get rid of you first!"

In an instant, Tony took action directly and fired the air cannon.

The air cannon kept firing, but it was useless. Not to mention crushing Loki, the air bullet went straight through Loki's body and hit him from behind.

"Be careful!"

A powerful voice sounded from behind Iron Man Tony, followed by a shield flying straight over and hitting Tony from behind. Suddenly, there was another person in the void, who staggered. Tony saw that it was Loki!

He turned around and kicked Loki, but it was useless. Loki grabbed Iron Man's foot and controlled him. He touched his face, which was where the shield hit just now. Now a little blood was flowing out: "It's really a powerful shield!"

"Of course! Otherwise, how can I defeat you!"

Loki and Iron Man turned back together and saw a black-faced man with thick eyebrows and big eyes appeared here. This man has a characteristic, that is, his whole body is black, and his forehead is shiny white.

Loki frowned: "Shadow Elf?"

The black-faced man's face became even darker. He took out a jar from behind and took out a pill from it and ate it. The white on his forehead moved down further and now passed his eyes.

Iron Man took the opportunity to turn over and pressed Loki down, but Loki disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already far away. Iron Man also stood still and said to the black-faced man: "You old antique are here too!"

The black-faced man was naturally Captain America. The shield he held was naturally a vibranium shield. After being strengthened by Li Ye, it was no problem to cut Loki's skin.

This is not over yet. On the stairs on one side, a guy holding a heavy machine gun walked up. This guy was wrapped with ammunition belts, and there was a large ammunition box on his waist and back. Judging from the color of the bullets, these were specially made ammunition. This guy looked around and said in a daze: "Where is this? Why am I here?"

Loki was also stunned when he saw this man: "Brother?"

But then, Loki's eyes narrowed and became more and more dangerous: "My dear brother, it's been a long time. Haven't seen it!"

The machine gun man was Thor, Loki's brother who was not really his own. When Thor saw Loki, he shouted: "Loki! It's you! You shouldn't do this!"

Loki gritted his teeth: "My brother! You care too much! What do you want to say! Let me give up? Have you forgotten what Li Ye did?"

Thor shook his head: "No, I mean you shouldn't wear such heavy clothes! Where is your original armor?"

Loki is still wearing the iron can suit, which he specially forged. It has an extremely strong anti-fall structure. He is mainly afraid that Li Ye will throw him.

Loki looked at the machine gun on Thor and smiled slightly: "It's really ridiculous. My brother! Now you are going to use that kind of thing, and you still have the mind to criticize me?"

Loki narrowed his eyes and looked at the three people in front of him, the dark-looking Captain America, Thor with a machine gun, and Iron Man. Oh, Iron Man pulled out a vibration chain saw sword from his back, and the blue energy flow formed a chainsaw flow rotating on the sword.

Iron Man Tony held the chainsaw sword, looked at the guy in front of him, and said: "Although I don't want to admit it, I learned this from that guy Li Ye! You, you, die!"

Loki smiled slightly, pulled out two daggers from his sleeves, and smiled slightly and said: "Then. Come on! Let me show you the power of the first wizard in the Nine Realms!"

In an instant, Tony sprayed forward directly, and his chainsaw sword went straight to Loki, but Loki disappeared directly. The American captain immediately threw out the shield and blocked behind Tony. At this time, Loki appeared behind Tony, stabbed out the dagger, and stabbed it towards Tony's back, and the shield just now happened to block the dagger.

Vibranium shield burst out violent sparks between the dagger and the Vibranium shield.

Loki's expression did not change at all, but smiled slightly.

The full kinetic energy absorption power of Vibranium made it impossible for the dagger to pierce, and at this time, Thor also opened the machine gun directly: "My dear brother! Whatever you are doing! Stop first!"

But his marksmanship is really not strong. Although he can suppress the machine gun, it is very troublesome to shoot inaccurately. Loki flashes his body, moves left and right, and the Thor machine gun keeps firing, but it is useless, and even beats the team.

The machine gun hit Iron Man, causing him to stagger and even making some holes in his armor.

Iron Man was numb, his armor was not thick, and the machine gun used by Thor was not an ordinary machine gun, so he felt considerable pain when Thor's bullet hit it: "Don't eat the sour radish!"

Captain America was willing to help, but his shield was still with Iron Man. At this time, Loki flashed directly behind Captain America. Captain America responded immediately and punched, but it had no effect at all. Loki's figure appeared again The blur appears again, and it's Captain America's back.

Although Captain America has a lot of combat experience, he has never seen such a guy. What the hell is it that can teleport?

The next second, Captain America's waist was gone. Captain America, offline.

Iron Man Tony was numb, but he immediately thought of a way!

"Jarvis! Accept full authority of my body and lock the energy source to strike!"

In an instant, Iron Man's body became stiff, but every blow became extremely precise, and he moved towards the invisible Loki: "Humph! Technology is the primary productive force!"

In an instant, the big sword struck Loki, causing Loki to bleed and almost cut off a piece of his flesh. Loki was all numb: "Damn it!"

Loki immediately moved away and looked at the chainsword in Iron Man Tony Stark's hand, with murderous intent in his eyes. That thing could actually threaten his divine body!

In addition, at this time, Saul's machine gun also arrived, carrying out a saturation attack with bullets, mainly firing more than one bullet.

Loki smiled slightly and thought of a way again. He flashed again and came directly to Thor. The dagger went straight to Thor's waist: "I'm sorry, brother!"

Thor immediately dropped the machine gun and punched Loki directly: "My stupid brother! I am the God of Thunder!"

Although the machine gun on the ground made Thor's words unconvincing, the punch was indeed very powerful and very powerful.

At this time, Loki flickered again and disappeared, but there was a figure in front of Thor. It was Iron Man, and he still held a chain sword in his hand.

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