Nick Fury knew the meaning of his words. He did have the power of the Cosmic Cube, but it was not the power of the Cosmic Cube itself, but the energy from Captain Marvel.

"Fuck Fuck!"

He didn't want to say anything. He looked at the crossbones in front of him. It was obvious that if he refused, the level of suspicion in Hydra would definitely be greatly increased. If he didn't refuse, his friend would definitely be studied. It is possible to dissect it and break down the energy.

Crossbones saw Nick Fury's worry, so he said: "Don't worry~ My great Director, don't worry, we won't do anything terrible to your friends, we are just borrowing a little energy, You also know that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is in the hands of the Minister of Defense!"

Nick Fury still wanted to hesitate, but Crossbones said: "Director, you don't want to be unable to defeat Minister Li Ye~"

Nick Fury looked at Crossbones and had no choice but to agree.

"Mom. Fake!"

Now Nick Fury has too little help in Hydra. He returned to the office assigned to him by the base and recruited Black Widow. The two sat together and talked about the information they obtained.

“They came in from the original paperclip system.”

"It's really scary! Damn Fake."

These two guys are using the eye contact method taught by SHIELD to communicate. To put it simply, they use their eyes to type something like Morse code. There is no way, there are probably surveillance cameras and bugs everywhere here.

"Director, are you sure you want to type the characters Maja Fake? Don't these extra characters make your eyes uncomfortable?"

"Fortunately, Natasha, have you obtained any useful information? We must find a way to leave the atmosphere or make contact with aliens. Those Skrull guys should be able to help us."

Natasha: "Yes! I noticed a place in Hydra's files called Kama Taj. There are mages in that place. Their magic can transport us to other places and may do harm to us." Helpful.”

Black Braised Egg: "Natasha, it's materialism now, and there is such a thing as a mage. Well, it may indeed exist, so go check it out! You know, I only have one subordinate left."

Natasha: "I am super"

Black Braised Egg: "What do you want to express?"

Natasha: "It's okay, Director, I have a cramp in my eye."

In the camera, Crossbones and the other leader of Hydra, Whitehorn, looked at Black Braised Egg and Natasha and also smiled slightly.

Whitehorn is not an ordinary Hydra leader. This guy can be said to be the more developed branch of Hydra. He wears round black-rimmed glasses and looks quite artistic, and most importantly Yes, he looks quite young. If others don't tell, it would be difficult to connect him with any Hydra leader.

But he is one of the biggest leaders of Hydra, even higher than Alexander Pierce. He appeared in the original work, but not as an Avengers, but as an agent of SHIELD. The most famous thing he has done is to The main character of the show, Shockwave, had her mother cut off and had her mother's organs transplanted into herself, thus gaining immortality.

"Agents of SHIELD" is also part of the MCU universe, so it's not surprising that this guy appears here.

Crossbones looked at Black Braised Egg and Natasha, smiled slightly and said, "Commander, what do you think?"

Whitehorn smiled slightly: "Director of SHIELD, Captain Marvel Danforth's best friend, go ahead, I'm also very interested in Danforth's body. I want to see the body structure that is different from the Inhumans."

Crossbones' eyes flashed with a little dangerous light, and he aimed at Nick Fury, and continued to smile and said: "So, Commander, do you need to do something about this Nick Fury?"

Whitehorn shook his head: "It's not necessary. Although this director's eyesight is not good, he can still help us resist some of Li Ye's pressure. That man is really exaggerating~"

Crossbones nodded: "Indeed, Minister, that Minister of Defense is really scary. Are we sure we want to be his enemy?"

Whitehorn shook his head: "No matter how powerful he is, he is still a human, and as long as he is a human, he will die. We just need to wait for his death. You know, Hydra is immortal."

Crossbones curled his lips and said to himself: "You will live forever, but I will not live forever. I will have to hide in a dark place for the rest of my life."

Whitehorn looked at Crossbones and almost understood what he meant, so he smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, as long as you work hard, you will have a chance to enjoy eternal life!"

Crossbones smiled sarcastically: "Well, thank you very much, Commander, but I still have to say something. Commander, how should we face Minister Li's attack?"

Now the entire United States has become a piece of iron under Li Ye's hands. It's not that it is much stronger, but that these things were originally dispersed, and their rights were dispersed, distributed among various generals or some private capital hands.

But now it's completely different. These powers have become Li Ye's sword. Wherever Li Ye points these things, he will hit them. If they don't fight, then Li Ye will hit them, so they don't dare to do anything to Li Ye's things. Objection, now all the country's troops are concentrated in the hands of Li Ye, scanning Hydra.

Nowadays, there is even a situation where they think you are a Hydra and will shoot you to death on the street. This has caused dissatisfaction among many people. After all, they are Americans who like freedom and a healthy life. Why do they so-called They took to the streets shouting "Long Live Hydra" and pretended to be Hydra people, trying to get Li Ye to change by "harming the lives of unrelated people".

In fact, these young people just saw that Li Ye was powerful and wanted to "suppress" them. They had the idea that "the Minister of National Defense is so powerful that he will bow his head in front of me" to show their bravery and strength in front of their peers. It's also possible that the real Hydra provoked it, but Li Ye is not on Earth right now, and Hoe is in charge of this matter.

At this moment, in No. 2 Jinji Building, the huge guy from Jinji said with a sneer to the flirtatious woman in front of him: "Minister Hoe, someone else came to the street and said long live the Hydra. With all due respect, those are... College students, they may just be fooling around. If they continue to kill, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact on us, and someone will impeach us!"

The hoe stood on the high tower. This high tower was the No. 2 Jinbin Building. Because the original building was blown up by Li Ye, they built a new one.

"It's funny, Wilson, those guys are really interesting, why should we compromise? Since they said they are Hydra, then they are Hydra, one day they are Hydra, and they will be Hydra all their lives! You Have you forgotten? Wilson, your building was blown up by Hydra!"

Jin didn't want to say anything. There was nothing wrong with his eyes. He could tell at a glance that the building was blown up by Li Ye. Fortunately, there were not many people in the company at that time, and they were all shadow ninjas. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

"So, Minister Hoe"

Hoe looked at Gao Tian, ​​smiled slightly and said: "Hydra, we will never tolerate it. Even Captain America will do this, right?"

Jin didn't have anything to say. The position of the hoe is not low now. Li Ye also arranged a ministerial position for her. The minister of foreign affairs is responsible for America's current diplomatic affairs. As for how to do it, it is Li Ye's arrangement. The hoe is Of course, the status improvement brought by having a name is also quite high.

After all, everyone knows who is in power in America now. Li Ye said last night that he was going to eliminate gangsters. Before dawn the next day, all the Ni brothers in America started running out. No one was doing anything zzzq, everyone knew that Li Ye Ye is now zz itself.

But before they ran out, they heard that Li Ye was talking about destroying evil forces, which frightened these Ni brothers.

"It's really scary, Chief Hoe." Jin Bing didn't dare to breathe in front of the hoe. This person was much scarier than Li Ye. Li Ye at least gave him a reasonable idea, and this Chief Hoe , that is really just to complete Li Ye's mission at any cost, and the concept of "human beings" is very vague.

Hoe smiled slightly and said to Kingpin: "How is the front line doing now?"

Kingpin emerged from his fantasy and hurriedly spoke: "Report to the Minister, now on the front line, Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain America, and Spider-Man are all carrying out operations to combat Hydra. Nine-headed Hydra all over the world. The head snake organization is also slowly being investigated.”

Since Li Ye took control of America, he signed treaties with various countries around the world, allowing these countries to allow guys like Iron Man to explore Hydra everywhere.

They were unwilling at first, but later Li Ye picked an island country called Rishi, launched a Wushuang, and gave that small place a two-dimensional attack, so these guys became honest, but Li Ye was very fond of his hometown. Take care of it. Free trade comes first. Those other countries who are confused about the situation think that there is some kind of p/y deal between these two places.

The hoe fell silent and said, "There is no problem. According to the master's latest order, the next step is to get rid of Iron Man's property!"

Kingpin nodded: "No problem? Iron Man? Isn't he one of ours?"

The hoe nodded: "Indeed, but the master said that he has too much property, which is too scary. This power is really scary. Even he will feel fear in front of so many properties. This is too It’s dangerous.”

Jin did not speak. He glanced at the report in his hand. It said that Wilson Company's economy had overtaken that of Stark Company through cooperation with Eastern powers. He couldn't help but swallowed and made a grunting sound. He felt that he needed to It's really charity.

"Even if it's because the Minister of National Defense is petty. No, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's not too late to target Iron Man. I have to reduce my own property. Well. The Minister's painting level should be very high. I decided to spend 10 billion , buy him a painting. Hmm!”

But Jin Bin thought about it and shook his head: "Forget it. We still have to work on both sides. Do charity! We must do charity! I will build a nursing home and orphanage! I must establish a good reputation for the boss!"

At this time, Hoe had no idea about Jin Bin's psychological drama. She only had Li Ye's orders in her heart.

She still remembers the scene of Li Ye standing in the sun when he left.

"Go ahead and let them feel the fear of the shadows, but don't let them die easily!"

On the other side, Li Ye originally planned to go to the Collector or the Red Skull to play, but suddenly remembered that something was missing and returned to the Nine Realms.

At this moment, he was on the dwarf planet, which was still the same as before. Li Ye destroyed Asgard instead of here, so there was no change here. In addition, Asgard was not really destroyed, so there was no idea about Li Ye here. Even the dwarf king Aicui didn't know what happened in Asgard.

The dwarf planet was still full of smoke. I don't know if it was caused by the fire or the respirator called "cigar". This made Li Ye feel a little helpless here. He was not a person who liked the smell of smoke. At this moment, his strength became the current level. He didn't pay attention for a while and took a big puff of second-hand smoke, which choked him.

The most important thing is that he is not digitalized yet. He usually doesn't like to maintain the dataization of the Latitude Demon. The main reason is that Steve's advanced dataization has been used for a long time. Using the data of the Latitude Demon is like 4g to 2g, and the 4090 is replaced by an integrated graphics card. It's very uncomfortable.

"Great! If I had known I would have given Marika the cigarette, then this cigarette would have no effect on my body."

Li Ye had no choice but to switch to a 2g integrated graphics card and meet with Ai Cui.

Ai Cui looked at Li Ye and laughed: "Hey! My friend! You are here!"

Li Ye shook his head: "Your smoke and dust are really scary. I know a guy in the universe who likes environmental protection and family planning. He might come to chop you people and cut off your hands."

Ai Cui laughed: "Hey! My friend, you are exaggerating. If there is such a day, I will cut off my own cattle! Wash your hair upside down!"

Hearing this, Li Ye silently took out the recorder in his hand, and then took out the time gem and put it on it. He recorded a little bit of what he wanted to hear with the power of the time gem, and then said: "My friend, do you have time recently?"

Ai Cui shook his head: "My friend, you know me, I have no time, but if you want to forge, I can help you, after all, you are my friend, what do you want to forge?"

Li Ye slowly took out one thing after another from his trouser pocket, the time gem, the space gem, and the mind gem.

"These things have been wandering outside for too long, I want to give them a whole home."

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