The collector did not have the cosmic spirit ball, which is the power gem, and Li Ye knew that, but he knew that the cosmic spirit ball would get into this guy's hands sooner or later, so he stayed at the collector's place.

It's just that the collector is suffering. He used to be able to live an elegant life every day, but now he can't live an elegant life every day. He is beaten like a Muggle by Li Ye every day.

"Do you know? Do you know how exaggerated he is? He actually gave me a beating for the reason of walking in with his left foot first!"

"Then next time, just go in with your right foot first."

"No, yesterday my right foot was lame because I walked in with my right foot first. Today I walked in with my left foot first."

"Then you jump in next time."

"Both feet are lame this time, how can I get in?"

On the top of the tower, the collector was pouring out his bitterness to another friend of his, complaining bitterly about Li Ye's injustice and bitterly complaining about Li Ye's rage. He beat him day by day, so what? Can beating him make that guy Li Ye stronger? It’s unlikely that someone can become stronger if they have something that can cause negative emotions. If Li Ye really has that kind of thing, the collector thinks that Li Ye will be invincible sooner or later, because his hatred for Li Ye has reached the sky.

At this time, the collector noticed that Gao Tianzun on the opposite side did not reply, so he said: "No, Gao Tianzun, what are you doing? Give me a solution!"

Gao Tianzun laughed: "It's nothing. I've caught a few good slaves recently and just blanch them! Be gentle, don't use your teeth! What? What do you want to say? Let me help you?"

The Collector hurriedly said: "That's right! Help me quickly! This guy is too cruel. If I stay under his hands, I won't survive long!"

Gao Tianzun smiled and said: "Then what kind of assistance do you need? The powerful people here also know it. Just pick them, they are all slaves for fighting. I have told you a long time ago that when you come out to hang out, you must be powerful and powerful. There is a background, but you just don’t listen. Tell me what’s on the other side.”

The collector hurriedly said: "Brother, thanks to you this time! He is a little latitude demon. It seems that he has already connected to this world. We just need to find his latitude location."

The collector was stunned for a moment because he found that the phone had hung up. When did it hang up? It seems to be the time when he talked about the Demon God of Latitude.

"No. Eh? I'm super? What the fuck!"

The collector tried to call Gao Tianzun again, but couldn't get through at all.

"I'm so impressed! I'm really impressed! Didn't we agree that the universe elders are all a family? If not, you're going to fix this for me, right?"

He thought for a moment, then ran to Li Ye's side: "Well, Mr. Li Ye, I want to tell you. I also have the cosmic coordinates of a cosmic elder here, and I can also give you his territory defense map. , let’s get him together!”

Li Ye looked at the collector and smiled slightly: "I just like people like you! Come! Find you a companion!"

Then Gao Tianzun was captured, and Li Ye had another target for persecution. These two cosmic elders appeared quite a lot in the original work, and their strength was very good. The constant persecution made his points increase rapidly.

These two guys can be said to be very uncomfortable.

"Collector!! I swear to kill you!!!"

"Hey! Boss! Look! This guy is not convinced!"


"Hey! Boss, he's still not convinced!"

"I'll go to school at eight in the morning!"

"No, boss, have you not eaten? Why is he still dissatisfied? Eh? Eh? Boss, please listen to my explanation."

In the dungeon, these two guys persecute each other, and Li Ye sits and collects points. In addition, the two of them can't starve to death without eating all day long, which does not conform to Einstein's energy conservation shape, so a perfect perpetual motion machine is formed, which is the output power. A little lower.

But Li Ye waited and waited, but couldn't wait for the arrival of Star-Lord and his gang. Li Ye came to the collector just for the Power Stone, but he waited and waited and couldn't wait for any cosmic spirit. Ball, I thought to myself, maybe there was some butterfly effect that caused the Star-Lord guy not to come.

"After all, the death of the Lord of the Nine Realms is not a small news. Guys like Ai Cui don't know about it, but those behemoths must have noticed it!"

He didn't expect that Marika had taken Star-Lord's cosmic spirit ball, so he just waited here.

"Chao! No wait!"

Li Ye captured the collector and Gao Tianzun, and they all went to the place in his memory, the hometown of the Red Skull!

The collector was tied to the deck of the spaceship. Li Ye looked at this guy's fearful look and smiled slightly: "No, the elder of the universe can't die? Why are you so scared?"

The collector knew he couldn't die, but he was afraid of the pain, and who knew if the latitude demon had any way to really kill him: "Hey! Why are you taking me with you if you're not the boss?"

Li Ye laughed and said, "Don't I respect you? Look at Gao Tianzun, didn't I bring him to the deck?"

At this time, the collector saw Li Ye holding a book in his hand, with clauses written in an unknown language. The collector saw that he used a pen to scratch out the clauses on the book. Even though the collector saw I don’t know what those items are, but I still feel a little bit in my heart: "The boss is actually not very capable of me, why don’t you try Gao Tianzun? He definitely meets your requirements!"

Li Ye chuckled and patted the collector on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I value you the most and you will never be replaced!"

Collectors are all numb, who wants such respect? He was about to cry but wanted to say something, but at this time, Li Ye in front of him frowned: "Do you have any objections to me?"

The collector hurriedly said: "No, no, no, no, I don't dare. Boss, I like the boss the most! I am very happy to be valued by the boss, hahaha."

His smile was much uglier than his cry, but Li Ye changed his perspective to a large size, looked at the panel, and nodded: "Well, then don't betray my trust!"

[Ding, collector’s negative emotion value +123]

The collector's points have been increasing slowly in the past few days. It seems that they have almost finished their cultivation. There is no way. This kind of guy will always be persecuted when he finishes his cultivation. One day, he will get used to it. At this time, Li Ye will The only option is to kill these guys and get a wave of money.

“I just don’t know what will happen after the Elder of the Universe is killed~”

There was a little joking in Li Ye's eyes. He looked at the notebook in his hand. The notebook was written in Chinese and contained various killing techniques.

"Using the sun's core temperature to evaporate it, failed."

"Impact with high-intensity energy and fail."

"Killed with a sharp weapon, resurrected directly, failed."

"Burn into dregs, reborn directly from ashes, failure."

The bottom one is what Li Ye crossed out just now.

"Throw it into space and use the low temperature and vacuum of space to kill it. Failed."

Li Ye looked at the opposite side and smiled slightly: "It's really scary, but that thing should be able to kill him!"

The spacecraft slowly landed on the planet. The land here was quite desolate, barren and without a trace of life, but it contained oxygen and water, the basis for the survival of carbon-based organisms.

It is hard to imagine how a planet with oxygen, water and suitable temperature could not have the birth of carbon-based organisms, but be so desolate. Li Ye looked at the surrounding land and nodded: "It looks like it is indeed here!" Meet the memory!"

In front of him, a man in a black cloak walked out. He had a red face, like a skull. He came to Li Ye and said, "Li Ye, your father is... um ?You don’t have a father?”


A light cannon condensed with the power of the Latitude Demon God was fired, turning this guy into ashes. Li Ye blew on his fingertips and said to the red skull: "You don't have a father!"

Black mist loomed in the sky, and the Red Skull stood on the ground again. He spoke to Li Ye expressionlessly: "I know your name, but I can't see your fate. I don't know where you come from. I don’t know what you are going to do”

After the Red Skull was teleported here by the Cosmic Cube, the Space Gem, he was made the guardian spirit of this place by the Soul Gem. He has the ability to see through other people's real names, and then call other people's fathers by their names. I have to say, This ability would be quite good in Fate, but in Marvel, I have to say that not many of these Avengers have fathers, and there are even many who worry about their fathers.

The Red Skull just wanted to see through the name of Li Ye's father, but it was obvious that he failed. He could not detect the name of Li Ye's father. After all, his father was not in this world, so he could only detect it at the ooa level. Got a peek.

The Red Skull was still chattering, and he seemed not to care at all about what happened just now: "As long as you want to get the soul gem, you must sacrifice the life of the person you love most, go ahead. Go ahead. That."

Li Ye interrupted him directly: "Brother, I don't have time to mess around with you. Come on, I'll find an old acquaintance for you and you can talk to him."

The Red Skull was stunned for a moment. Li Ye drew directly in the void, and then a portal opened and surged forward. Then a naked big man was pulled out by the door. This big man didn't wear any clothes at all. What caught people's attention was his skin color. The bottom of his thighs were blue and black, while the top part was all white, including certain hardware. He looked confused, and the hardware on his body was still hard. He looked at Li Ye and didn't know what to say: "Li Ye. You."

Li Ye looked at his hardware and the posture when he came out, and said: "Oh, I didn't expect you to have thick eyebrows and big eyes. Didn't I just fix your old mistress's hair? You are getting worse day by day. "

The big man was naturally Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. He looked embarrassed: "No, my friend, I'm just..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the Red Skull in front of him and shouted: "You are alive!"

When the Red Skull saw Captain America, he was also stunned. The expression on his face finally changed. He became shocked: "Steve! You actually..."

But the next second he was turned into a repeater by some kind of law, his expression still cold: "Steve Rogers, the father is Steve Rogers."

Then the next second, the Red Skull changed back: "Rogers! You guy! You are alive too!"

Captain America was numb. He looked at Li Ye and didn't know what to say. Li Ye also nodded: "I saw your old friend in the alien world. He was a little annoying. I didn't like it very much. Then I thought of you." , go! Go say hello to your old friends!"

The Red Skull couldn't help it anymore and gritted his teeth: "Rogers! Everything about me! You destroyed it!"

Captain America also shouted: "You guy! No matter what you want to do! I will stop you!"

Then he fought with the Red Skull naked like this, full of mental pollution. No one of them minded. After all, these two people had a life-long friendship. How could they care about such a trivial matter? It's not you who cares about it today. Throwing my life away is what I am throwing my life away at.

Li Ye doesn't care about them. With the Soul Gem, the Red Skull guy can't die. Captain America is no longer the same Captain America. He has been in and out of the Shadow Latitude all year round. He also has the energy of the Shadow Latitude behind him. His strength is not bad either. No one can kill anyone.

And Li Ye has come to the edge of the cliff. This cliff is the one where Black Widow jumped off in the original work. Li Ye felt the power of a rule here. It was a long-lost feeling. This clone should be one of his many types. There are few who can feel the rules.

Seeing Li Ye standing on the edge of the cliff, Gao Tianzun and the Collector were held in Li Ye's hands. They both looked frightened. The Collector hurriedly said, "Um, boss, boss, this, this place is Only important people will get gem feedback if they go down.”

Li Ye nodded: "I know."

The trial of the soul gem, throwing away the person you love most in exchange for power. Thinking of this, Li Ye turned his head and smiled slightly: "Who said that it was 'I' who came to exchange for power?"

Gao Tianzun hurriedly said: "Huh? It's not you, boss? Is it us? Boss. Although we are both elders of the universe, we are so unfamiliar! Let alone the most important person!"

The collector also nodded crazily beside him: "Boss, boss, trust me! I can catch many people in love for you!"

Then Li Ye smiled slightly: "Who said that it is not important between you two?"

Both Collector and Gao Tianzun were numb. They looked at each other and almost cried out. Li Ye pointed to the sky and said, "Look! What is that!"

The two people looked over immediately, but there was nothing. At this time, Li Ye smashed a bottle over, and the water in the bottle directly poured a chill on the two of them.

"Hey~ Are you in love now?"

What Li Ye threw out was the foot-washing water he had treasured for many years. Freya's foot-washing water!

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