Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 816: The powerful assistance of the horse-faced wizard

"Your plan is quite good, and your idea is beyond my expectation. Sure enough, you should be my lifelong enemy. Maybe it's because this is my first time to be a latitude demon. Your existence is really scary to me! But anyway, you failed!"

The figure of Thanos appeared in front of Li Ye. Li Ye looked at Thanos' figure and frowned: "Sure enough? There is still one step away, that is, this step."

Thanos looked at Li Ye and said: "You are a powerful person. I don't want you to die. You are an opponent that I admire and a person that the woman fears, but I am also afraid of you living. You have caused too much interference to my ideals! You must die, otherwise, I will be uneasy!"

Li Ye did not speak, he just raised his long sword and faced Thanos. His meaning was very clear. In an instant, the two fought again. Li Ye burst out with a strong brilliance again and chopped Thanos directly. Thanos also burst out with a strong brilliance and flashed directly to the distance, fighting with Li Ye and continuing to fight.

Li Ye's eyes were stern. Thanos' teleportation ability was much stronger than what he had shown before. Originally, Thanos' teleportation had a "pre-swing", otherwise Li Ye would not have been able to kill him so easily. Infinite suppression made him unable to teleport, but now Thanos was obviously much stronger, and Li Ye could hardly catch him "pre-swing".

"What a trouble!"

Li Ye could only fight in areas he was not good at. Although he had mastered the golden energy and the power of the black shadow to a high level, he still had only a few ways to attack energy.

Throwing the flying sword and then detonating it, throwing the preserved egg and then letting the preserved egg track itself and detonate it, with just a few methods, he could basically cosplay the nuclear bomb sword fairy Emiya Tugou. Tugou was not weak, and Tugou's fighting style was not weak either, but it was no match for Thanos.

Thanos' reborn body was almost full of new power. He could wave the surrounding energy at will to attack Li Ye. Li Ye could see that the energy of the entire universe was constantly extending here, and this b was absorbing the world's energy to attack himself.

Li Ye was getting more and more tired in dealing with it, and his moves were getting less and less effective. It was not that he did not intend to fight, but that Thanos was too steady. When Li Ye approached, he teleported, then used his strength to defend and launched long-range attacks, just like when Li Ye played games to fight bosses. When the enemy advanced, I retreated, when the enemy retreated, I chased, when the enemy was tired, I disturbed.

And this time, it was Li Ye's turn to be the boss.

"Damn! He is really a despicable foreigner! But how could Thanos, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, come up with such a B style of play? Abstract!"

Li Ye swung his long sword, but this time he did not swing out a knife mark, which made him have a loophole in his vigilance in front of him. Thanos' energy bomb collapsed directly on him, and Li Ye was directly blasted out and hit heavily on the planet on the side.

The planet was smashed to one-tenth of its size, forming a huge hole, which kept blasting outward, breaking away from its original orbit and flying outward. The huge energy even generated enough to destroy the satellite belt around the planet. It looked like a planetary basketball entering the frame of the satellite belt.

Li Ye's energy battle with Thanos seemed weak, but the power of each blow should not be underestimated! Returning to the original state is not something that anyone can bear. Just such an ordinary blow is enough to kill ten Lokis!

But this is not the most important thing. Thanos' energy bombs are still flying towards Li Ye.

At this time, Li Ye immediately stood up and used the golden power to block. The huge golden shield directly covered the planet and blocked the subsequent energy bombs, but it still couldn't stop the planet from moving backwards.

Li Ye looked at himself and didn't expect that his chest was directly blasted with a hole. Those who didn't know thought he was cosplaying the Hollow in Death.

He was stunned for a moment, looking at his wound, frowning: "What? Why didn't it heal?"

The voice of the hoe also sounded at this time: "Master, such a high-intensity battle consumes too much energy from the shadow dimension, and the recovery of your body has almost consumed all the strength of the past few years. The golden power is different from the dimension energy. There is still a little bit of it, but it can't produce actual effect."

Li Ye didn't expect that the energy consumption was so fast. Thanos was too strong. Fighting with such a guy was simply a fight for money. He didn't know when he was dragged into the opponent's rhythm. Thanos didn't fight for so many years in vain, and his combat wisdom was not low.

The most important thing is that Li Ye now has no ability to continue to decompose the infinite gems. He can't kill Thanos again. As long as Thanos is alive, the energy of the universe will tilt towards him. As long as this guy is not a fool, he will never let Li Ye continue to decompose that authority.

"Is the existing energy not enough?"

Li Ye was a little anxious at this time. The lack of energy was very scary for him. He originally wanted to rely on energy to find opportunities. At worst, he would do something else and let Thanos kill him again, but now there is no way. At most, he would bite Thanos with a lighter and make him die.

Li Ye floated up from the planet. He looked around and realized that he could not stay away from Thanos in front of him. Otherwise, with the little energy he had left, it would be difficult for him to see him, let alone kill him.

"Li Ye! Can you do it? I can still use my strength for you! At worst, I will die!" Marika's voice on Li Ye kept shouting, and she also felt the lack of energy in Li Ye. .

Li Ye was also really angry: "You'd better live well! I don't have any ideas about asking women to help me, but I was just a little bit close to completely decomposing the energy of the infinite gems!"

Marika continued; "So what? Use the Infinity Stones to kill Thanos?"

Li Ye shook his head, with helplessness in his eyes: "There is no other way, the Infinity Stones cannot be used. If used, judging from the current state of the opposite Thanos, the power of the Infinity Stones will be completely blocked by him. After all, this is the key to someone else’s warehouse. If they move the warehouse, it will be useless if you have the key!”

Marika shouted: "Then what should we do? Wait to die?"

Li Ye thought about everything he could use now. It seemed that he could only summon the trumpet now. Now he had run out of ammunition and energy, and Thanos' condition was getting better and better.

Li Ye sighed: "Oh, do you still have to give up this power? Shatter this body and wait for the next time?"

Marika also shook her head: "This is the only way! If we usurp the throne then, the worst we can do is hide in a different space! Gather up your strength."

She stopped talking, because she knew that no matter how she accumulated power, she could not accumulate power faster than Thanos. As long as Thanos completely integrated the heart of the universe, he would have the final say in what the universe looks like.

Hoe suddenly spoke at this time: "Lord, now you said that Strange has extended an invitation to you."

Li Ye sighed: "What's Strange? Now that Gu Yi is here, he has to be beaten. It's useless for anyone to invite me."

But the next second, Li Ye's expression changed: "Wait? Who are you talking about?"

Hoe spoke: "Strange!"

Li Ye quickly said: "Where is this b now?"

Hoe spoke: "In the dark latitude! That is, the latitude of Dormammu!"

Li Ye said: "What does he want me to do?"

Hoe said: "He wants to invite you to kill Dormammu together. In addition, he carries your black shadow seal on his body, which belongs to the ancient mage. He can be teleported directly."

Li Ye laughed loudly: "Hey! Quick! Quick! Teleport quickly! There is still a glimmer of hope in despair!!"

In an instant, Li Ye disappeared. Thanos looked at the spot and was stunned for a moment: "He escaped? And he is no longer in this world? Damn it!"

Thanos knew that Li Ye was the latitude lord and had his own latitude and could escape back at any time, but he didn't expect that Li Ye would leave so quickly. He obviously still had the strength to fight and could carry out simple battles, but why so quickly? Just leave?

"No! There is definitely a scam! We must seize the time to integrate the power of this world! Or... find the entrance to his latitude! Ebony Maw! Find him for me, and then kill him!"

This Thanos is powerful, but too cautious.

But Ebony Throat on the other side of the phone wasn't so happy.

On the other side, in the dark latitude, Dormammu looked at the little Strange in front of him, laughed loudly and said: "Are you Strange? Hahahaha! I have heard of you, you little boy. Ancient One Where is that guy!"

Strange's body trembled, and he shouted tremblingly: "Kill you! Why use the Ancient Master!"

Dormammu laughed: "Ancient One is dead! Hahahahaha! You can't hide it from me! She owes me so much, but she turned around and threw herself into the arms of that guy. I hate that guy! "

Strange's body couldn't help trembling. He wanted to find some way to solve the problem, but he couldn't think of any way at all. It was like a cricket shaking a big tree, or a toothpick stirring up a big vat. It was of no use at all. His Marksmanship and boxing skills are nothing but a joke in front of this behemoth.

Dormammu looked at Strange's body and smiled jokingly: "But you can also repay Ancient One's debt. You only need to help me destroy the three holy towers that protect the world. Then... I It will give you eternal life!”

Although Strange's body was trembling, his eyes were extremely determined: "You are doing it for the Ancient One Master! For the sake of the whole world! You must not go there!"

Dormammu laughed: "You ridiculous little guy, if you didn't have a gadget that I like very much, you would have died."

The next second, Strange found himself hanging directly in the air. The dark energy made him unable to move. Dormammu's huge body actually grew an extra hand, and he felt out a hand on Strange's body. something.

It was a mark, a mark engraved on a board. The mark only consisted of two Chinese characters.

"Li Ye."

"Oh~ let me see what this is? A piece of text written in an unknown language, boy. I like this thing very much. Eternal life, do you really not want it? You know that guy Gu Yi is too You have obtained power from me, and you only need to open the doors of the three sanctuaries."

The trembling Strange was about to say something. The next second, a man's voice sounded: "So... can you really give him eternal life?"

Dormammu said: "Of course I am the Demon God of Latitude. Eternal life is not just a matter of who is talking?"

Dormammu reacted, turned around immediately, and saw a man wearing a broken golden armor over there. His body was covered with scars, and there was a big empty hole in his chest, which was daunting: "Who are you? "

The person who came was Li Ye, and he was teleported directly through the energy in this person's mark. Fortunately, there was a lot of energy in the imprint, and Li Ye could teleport directly. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to teleport without much black shadow latitude energy, and then When he arrived, he saw Dormammu beating Strange.

Li Ye looked at Dormammu and answered his question: "What am I? Well, I don't seem to be a thing."

When Strange saw Li Ye's arrival, he was so happy that he was speechless: "Master Li Ye, you have to make the decision for me!"

Dormammu slightly released his hand and sealed Strange's mouth. At the same time, he made himself even more terrifying: "What? Could it be that you can help me open the door of the sanctuary? If it is really possible, I will also Can give you eternal life!”

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "Of course, my Lord Dormammu, as long as you can give me eternal life, I can say anything. But... I want to know, can I not want eternal life? I want the life of death." ! That’s that woman, I hate her so much, if you give her life, I’ll open the door to the sanctuary for you!”

Dormammu was stunned for a moment. Only now did he realize that the eternity Li Ye was talking about was different from the eternity he was talking about. The eternity Li Ye was talking about was the existence that he couldn't afford to offend: "You guy. You are so glib. Ah, I have no choice but to kill you all and then open Gu Yi’s door. Gu Yi is already dead anyway!”

Li Ye sighed: "Lord Dormammu, why don't you ask me what I'm here for?"

Dormammu was stunned for a moment, why didn't he farm? As if he was being guided from somewhere, he said, "What are you here for?"

Li Ye smiled slightly and said, "I'm here to find the power bank!"

He slowly took off his armor, revealing the big hole in the void underneath, but within the void, there was energy that Dormammu was quite afraid of.

"I know what you are. You are the new latitude demon!"

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