With this move, Li Ye directly pulled his latitude here and wrapped Thanos, making Thanos unable to use his latitude power and unable to move. Now Thanos' home field advantage has completely disappeared, and Now, it’s Li Ye’s home field advantage!

However, the harm caused by this is also huge. If Li Ye dies once, he will almost never be reborn, and no matter what the battle situation is, his latitude will be diluted. The method used by Teacher Dormammu is to map the latitude and then take a bite Leave the real world directly, but Li Ye uses it differently. It is more like integrating his own world dimension into this world.

The original Li Ye could still survive if he couldn't defeat him. It's not impossible to become a good latitude lord, like Dormammu, or even stronger, like Anthos or Emperor Weishan. It's not impossible for one person to do so. Mental power cannot continue to develop. Thanos has no anchor for his survival. In the end, he can only slowly become divine. This is inevitable.

The ultimate point of any latitude demon is divinity, and Thanos is no exception, and the power of the main world will intensify this. Li Ye can obviously wait, waiting for Thanos to bite his latitude bit by bit after he becomes divinity. , just like Dormammu, but now he has chosen this lose-lose method.

Therefore, Thanos was quite surprised. He felt the disappearance of his own power, the increase in Li Ye's power, and the weakness of the surrounding latitudes. He shouted loudly: "Li Ye! You are the most powerful person I have ever seen!" Not only your strength, but also your heart! I, Thanos, am willing to call you the strongest!”

His voice echoed in this area, and he also understood that at this moment, there was only a fight to the death, waiting for Li Ye's death, waiting for the nothingness of Li Ye's latitude, and waiting for Li Ye's failure.

This is the only way out for Thanos. As for killing Li Ye, he has never thought about it because there is no need at all. Now as long as he defends, he can win. There is no need to kill the opponent.

Li Ye is burning his life to fight now, so he only needs to wait until his life is burned out.

"Li Ye! Come on! Let me see your last glory!"

Li Ye's eyes were filled with the light of nothingness and gold, as well as the color of the night, and he flew straight towards Thanos in front of him. He waved the long knife in his hand forward, and the light of the knife continued to slide forward, and Li Ye Ye didn't use much strength at all, but everything around him was helping him fight.

"It turns out that this is what it feels like when the world helps you!"

On his body, the sound of a hoe sounded: "Lord, please take action as you like, I will do everything well for you!"

The existence of the hoe directly eliminates the need for Li Ye to learn how to use the power around him. He only needs to know how to swing a knife, and the hoe will be like the protection of the world, making the most accurate calculations for him.

Marika's voice also came out. She did not act funny for the first time in a long time, but spoke in a serious voice: "Then, Li Ye, come on! Let him see our last glory! The power of the golden tree can be No cat or dog can resist it! You have the supreme will!”

Li Ye's eyes were empty and his expression was cold, and then he said: "No, I just lost a clone when I died. When you died, you were really dead. There is a big difference between us."

Marika screamed: "No! It's hard for me to be serious for once! But you let me lose so completely, are you polite? Burn!!!"

Li Ye's eyes were still cold: "It's nothing, I'm just telling the facts. Why do you think I dare to fight so hard? At worst, labor and management will call the big boss to help the world!"

Marika stopped talking. She felt that she should not be on Li Ye's body, but under Li Ye's feet.

Li Ye raised his long knife: "It's about to go!"

Marika was speechless and said: "Oh"

In front of him, Li Ye faced Thanos. He waved his long sword forward and approached Thanos directly. However, Thanos did not have the protection of energy and could not flash away at all. He could only use his own strength to resist: "Li Ye! Let your body burst out with the most brilliant brilliance! Even if you die! I will engrave your name on the memorial tablet of your planet! Let them praise it forever!"

Li Ye kept waving his long sword, one blow after another. The Thanos on the opposite side saw the moves and kept blocking. At this time, Li Ye also spoke: "There is no need at all! Even if I die, there is no need to kill him." Tell them my name!"

Thanos struggled to block a sword, and the power of this sword made him grit his teeth. Without the protection of the world, he had almost no resistance to the desperate Li Ye in front of him.

"Don't you want them to know how much you protect them? Isn't this the best honor in your world?"

Li Ye waved his knife and said: "Have you ever seen that farmer killed by another farmer? The slaves will come to worship. They will only be happy for this guy's death and face the new farmer. fear!"

Thanos once again struggled to block him. He was calling on the power of the entire world, trying to integrate into Li Ye's latitude, and then protecting him. Li Ye laughed: "Li Ye! You are indeed my friend! The worldly view of We are just shackles! You are the one who understands me best!"

Li Ye's long sword was downwards and he kept waving it. Thanos' power slowly penetrated, constantly weakening the influence of Li Ye's world on the two of them. However, Li Ye didn't think about anything, and his remaining spirit His strength is only one percent of his original mental strength. After all, there are a hundred Li Ye wreaking havoc in the heavens, but it doesn't matter, the hoe will take action.

She maintains the operation of the entire world. She knows that she will die regardless of winning or losing. Even if they win and re-analyze the Infinity Stones, allowing Li Ye to obtain the inheritance, the shadow world will disappear. In short, Marika may survive, and Li Ye's clone may also survive, but as a creation of the shadow, she will definitely not survive.

"It doesn't matter. I hope the next person can face the master better. I die, but the Tao will not disappear!"

She represents Li Ye's latitude, constantly strengthening the integrity of the latitude, doing her best to resist Thanos' oppression, and constantly calculating Li Ye's behavior. This is the last thing she can do for Li Ye.

Marika is different. She represents Li Ye's energy side. She can coordinate energy for Li Ye, constantly change and coordinate Li Ye's back energy, draw energy from the surrounding latitudes for Li Ye, and also increase the energy content of everything around.

And Li Ye only needs to be responsible for swinging the knife!

This is the Trinity of Vishandi. Li Ye has achieved the real Trinity and made up for his weak mental power. He is now the God of Gold, Shadow and Darkness! The real strongest state of the dimensional demon!

Li Ye's long sword is constantly swinging, and the glory is constantly falling. The Trinity allows Li Ye to only understand how to swing the sword. Now he is the strongest! His glory is constantly falling, and Thanos's double-headed sword is constantly raised. The two are fighting in the most primitive way. This is not like a battle between the dimensional demons, but every dimensional demon is unwilling to fight this kind of battle!

This kind of battle is not a normal battle between the dimensional demons, not a real energy battle, but about the control of the battle, the control of the battle mechanism, no dimensional demon dares to fight this kind of battle.

"Golden tree momentum! And. Golden roar!"

Li Ye directly shook the surrounding things. He vibrated the energy. Thanos in front of him suddenly felt that his perception of the surrounding things decreased a lot. The air around him became sticky. No one could move perfectly in this state. This is the power of glory, this is the vibration of gold.

But Thanos soon found a way to deal with it. He didn't think of any good solution to the man's moves in front of him, but he could adapt to this environment. He kept increasing his strength and instantly improved to his original state.

Li Ye's eyes were focused. He didn't expect that Thanos could still explode again. He didn't expect that this guy had something hidden, but he didn't have any worries. His strength was also improved to the point where he was comparable to Thanos.


With the hoe, he can do more than that, but this sacrifices the time he can hold on.

"Li Ye!!!"


"Li Ye!!!"


Li Ye fought with Thanos, with a bit of determination in his eyes. His long sword kept swinging, and Thanos kept blocking, constantly improving his own strength, constantly infiltrating Li Ye's world, trying to reduce the duration of Li Ye's world. As long as the latitude disappears, Li Ye can easily kill him.

"Hoe, light! Darkness! Increase your strength to the maximum!"

Thanos's sword kept blocking, he saw Li Ye's decline, he laughed and said: "Li Ye! You are about to lose!"

Li Ye's eyes were shining, he slowly moved his hand forward, he was constantly looking for opportunities, his strength did begin to decline, but. This is not the reason for his decline! This is the beginning of his plan!

The blades collided, and Thanos kept moving forward, but he still suppressed his strength. He did not completely show his strength. He was still conservative. He did not think about rushing forward. This was what Li Ye hated the most.

"This Thanos is so strong, but why is he so cautious!"

But Li Ye still reduced his strength step by step. He was waiting for an opportunity!

In a flash, Li Ye's power supply suddenly disappeared. Thanos slashed Li Ye with a knife. Li Ye also showed a shocked expression appropriately. He did not say anything, but immediately recovered his energy and swung the knife again.

But it was this performance that made Thanos think that Li Ye's energy consumption was too much, but he still did not provide more energy to himself. He had to retain some of his strength to face the man opposite. He still maintained a strong caution towards Li Ye.

But that was enough! Li Ye was ready to face his ability.

"One knife! Great freedom!"

Li Ye's eyes were shining, and he swung the knife forward. He chose this move because it was an ability he had never used before. It was a knife that did not require any inner strength. It was the pinnacle of his skills. He only needed to swing the knife to achieve maximum power. When he thought of this move, it was to avoid the need for inner changes in every world.

He knew that except for his own body, it was difficult for the rest to change their own energy properties, such as inner strength, true energy, original force, vitality, and other things. These were not interoperable, but there was definitely one kind that was interoperable! That was his body, Li Ye!

"This knife is the pinnacle of his skills. Come on! Thanos! Next!"

Li Ye had a good grasp of the timing. Thanos had no idea how to defend. He was just led into the offensive by Li Ye involuntarily. This was unavoidable. Although he played conservatively, he still underestimated Li Ye's combat effectiveness. This was Li Ye's combat ability guidance.

After all, Li Ye had been slashing all the way! The battles he experienced cannot be said to be all life-and-death battles, but most of them were not bad. Although Thanos had been fighting for years, he had definitely not faced as many masters as Li Ye, so he did not notice Li Ye's guidance at all!

"Great Freedom!"

With a knife swing, the light was cut off, the space was cut off, and the latitude was cut off. Li Ye directly cut off everything. He used the latitude to bury Thanos!

Thanos looked at the knife and was also stunned: "Why? Why didn't you take out this knife earlier? Obviously you..."

Li Ye watched his body slowly disintegrate. He didn't say anything, but just stretched out his hand. The Thanos in front of him turned into smoke and dust. This is the ultimate power! Then he looked at the disintegrating latitude and immediately got out.

Just like last time, he had to race against time, but this time he didn't need to start over. He had analyzed four gems before, and now he only needed to analyze the remaining two.


Li Ye spoke again, but this time Hoe didn't reply immediately, but spoke after a while: "Master, I am willing to serve you!"

The gems continued to decompose and continued to decompose into Li Ye's hands. Li Ye didn't say anything. He continued to absorb these powers, and infinite power joined his body. He analyzed the authority!

If he hadn't seen more powerful world rules, he would definitely not be able to decompose these things, but he had seen them. His eyes had seen the long river of time of the Supreme One, and the great power of space in fate, so he could decompose these things.

"Now! Thanos! Let's see who is the master of the world!"

Li Ye didn't get the power of the key, but he wanted to steal the treasures behind the doors through the key!

"I! Is the universe!"

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