Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 823: The Despicable Li Ye

Li Ye looked at Wanda beside him, somewhat speechless. He felt more and more that he was a bad uncle who deceived the girl's feelings, but he did not expect things to develop into this situation.

"It's outrageous. I didn't arrange a doctor template. How could it be like this? It's out of the blue."

Originally, he just planned to find Wanda, study her special abilities, study her chaos magic, and then unravel the mystery to find Xisong's hometown. Unexpectedly, this guy's magic had nothing to do with Xisong. He had to wait until she accepted the Dark Book to find the other party's path.

But the problem is also very serious. Wanda now can't accept the power of the Dark Book at all. Her ability is too weak.

The most important thing is that at this time, Wanda regarded him as a friend who shared weal and woe. Maybe because of the departure of Wanda's brother, this girl regarded Li Ye as her "brother". Now Li Ye doesn't know how he has become the current situation.

In the temporary residence, Wanda snuggled up to Li Ye and fell asleep sweetly, with some tears in the corners of her eyes, which had not dried yet.

"What should I do. What should I do."

Li Ye kept thinking with his limited mental energy. He certainly couldn't deceive the girl's feelings. If he really fell in love with the girl, he wouldn't do it either.

"Well, how about this? Stimulate her power? Then put the Dark Book directly into her arms, and I will go directly to Xisong and let him be my teacher?"

"The plan works. In this way, I also get Xisong's coordinates, and Wanda also gets power, and has the possibility of killing Iron Man. Isn't this a win-win situation?"

"But I don't know why, I always feel more like a bad uncle!"

Li Ye shook his head and looked at this girl who conforms to the oriental aesthetics, and nodded. This is a big girl in every sense, but after seeing this big girl, Li Ye's eyes were a little helpless: "Alas~ my unparalleled charm!"

Gradually, the sky was bright, and Li Ye stood up, intending to see everything in the distance. He wanted to call the black shadow ninja, but after thinking about it, forget it. His forces now have their own functions. The troops are not enough, and now they are squeezing their power. This is not good.

Then he lay down again, ready to use his mental power to connect the black shadow ninjas in the world, and see what they are doing one by one.

Hammer is still guarding the Dark Church. That place is similar to the entrance to Li Ye's Dark Latitude. It is a hidden danger left by Teacher Duo in the past. It must be guarded. The guy wearing sunglasses is also guarding it.

"No, buddy, how come you are resurrected too?"

At this time, Hammer raised his head. He seemed to feel Li Ye's gaze, and then slowly knelt on one knee: "My Lord! I am willing to sacrifice everything for you! Please give the order!"

Li Ye looked at the sunglasses black shadow ninja who had just woken up and looked confused, and said with a bad taste: "Ahem. It's still Hammer. You are not like some people who know how to sleep after getting my power. This is not good. I don't like it!"

Hammer immediately looked at the sunglasses black shadow ninja on the side fiercely. The sunglasses black shadow ninja seemed to have a few more needles piercing him, and he jumped up immediately.

Hammer also turned to Li Ye and said, "Don't worry, my Lord, I will definitely not let such things exist!"

Li Ye smiled slightly, as if he had seen how the sunglasses guy would be trained in the future. Thinking of the outrageous behavior of this guy before, Li Ye felt very happy.


Then his mental power slowly moved to the place where Kingpin was. Li Ye was stunned: "No, this is Kingpin? No. This is my subordinate? No, this is alas."

He looked at the scene in front of him and wondered if this place was Marvel.

Kingpin punched the sandbag in front of him in the training center, one punch after another, mainly because the sandbag in front of him was a little strange. In other words, this sandbag was not a normal thing at all. It was a black dwarf.

The most important thing is that while Kingpin was punching him, he was still shouting: "Only I can help the master become the strongest. One day, I will surpass everyone and become the strongest under the master!"

And Kingpin's appearance. He is now blue-black with red eyes. Good guy, he looks like a shadow ninja. Is this still Kingpin?

Li Ye felt a chill. He didn't expect Kingpin to become like this, but there was nothing he could do. It was not his fault. Kingpin became like this probably because he stayed in the shadow dimension for too long and was infected and transformed by the shadow. In the original book, Tru went to the shadow dimension to find the mask. The shadow dimension has a strong infectious power. Even a righteous man with thick eyebrows and big eyes like Captain America Steve Rogers will be eroded a little.

"Alas, Kingpin was a decent man before."

Li Ye shifted his perspective and came to the Big Boss. Dr. Green was studying something in front of him. Li Ye felt a chill: "Alas, the world is going downhill. How come my place has become like this?"

In the Big Boss's laboratory, Ebony Maw was lying on his laboratory table. The only difference was that this guy was not complete, but was disassembled into parts.

The most important thing is that Ebony Maw is not dead. He is still alive after being dismantled into parts. His head, which was cut and exposed to the cerebral cortex, was placed in a research instrument, with the spine connected underneath, and placed in a nutritional jar. His eyelids seemed to have been cut off, and he could only watch the big boss studying his body.

"You despicable person! I am Lord Thanos's subordinate! How dare you!"

"Ahhhhh!! I'm going to kill you!!"

The big boss looked at him and just said kindly: "Well, don't worry, you have no chance to come out. If the research character runs away, it will be very difficult for me. I will study for the master what telekinesis is. , If it can be attached to the Black Shadow Ninja, then the master will definitely give me more rights~ Hahahahaha!"

Then the big boss's eyes widened: "Hmm~ If that's the case, can my rights surpass those of Mr. Hoe? Haha."

There is a smell of formalin in this laboratory, plus the bubbling test tubes, the howling of the ebony throat, and the flickering lights. This is not an appropriate research base for a villain. .

"Oh, I used to be a decent person, but now I have become such a villain. I'm really speechless. It's all my fault. It's all my subordinates, the Black Shadow Ninja, the Golden Church, the big boss, and the Extremis Virus. Alas. Villain It's me. I'm obviously a bright and cheerful boy, but I just like to persecute a few people, but there are no good people I persecute. "

"No, I also raised a Captain America. This guy is extremely decent. When I think about this guy still fighting the Red Skull with his bare buttocks, I don't want to admit that he is my subordinate."


Li Ye took one last look at the big boss. This guy was transformed by the shadow, and his loyalty was still not very high. This shows how low this guy's original loyalty was. But Li Ye, why are you afraid? If he can find out what could harm him Things, then Li Ye is really powerful. You must know that even Li Ye's current body is at the level of the heart of the universe, so he is not afraid of this guy at all.

In addition, the big boss does have a high IQ, which is very helpful for his research. After all, it is correct that technology is the primary productive force. He can become the latitude demon and eat other people's food, but his subordinates no.

Even if he promotes the Golden Church to the whole world, it won't work. After all, the Golden Church uses his power. Technology doesn't.

"From now on, those guys will be wearing technological armor, holding chain swords, and then they will rush forward one by one for the golden tree, one by one, and, well, it will break. I will become the fourth peddler of subspace."

Li Ye shook his head and thought about shifting his gaze again, but was woken up.

"Li Ye! Li Ye! You don't want to die, oh, oh, what will I do if you die, oh, oh, oh."

"Don't worry, I'm not dead. If you keep shaking me like this, I might really die."

Li Ye woke up from his sleep. He looked at the girl in front of him and felt numb. Who would have thought that the crying little girl in front of him could be the Scarlet Witch who beat up the horse-faced mage in the future?

In fact, after thinking about it, Li Ye still felt that he was more abstract. Who would have thought that the person who deceived the little girl could be Li Latitude Demon God, the 1.8-meter-square God Steve, the best friend of Inhibition, Nidhogg, the designated God of the World, and was appointed by many ancient Where is the successor of the Emperor of Heaven, Ren Ye, who exists to protect the existence?

"It's okay, it's okay, don't cry, don't cry"

Li Ye patted Little Wanda on the back and thought about how to implement his plan. He planned to leave the bond and die directly, indirectly enhance Wanda's chaotic magic strength, leave a mark on Wanda, and then let Wanda Knowing the existence of the Dark Holy Book, finally through the fusion of Wanda and the Dark Holy Book, it was confirmed where Sithorn's hometown is.

In this way, Wanda gains power and he gains coordinates, a win-win situation.

As for why he couldn't directly imbue Wanda with cosmic energy and then directly give her the Holy Book of Darkness to solve the problem, he said that the clone's body was still tug-of-war with Thanos, and there was no possibility of Thanos appearing in a short time. After all, he has the heart of the universe. Even if Li Ye has the upper hand, it will take him nearly a few years to solve the problem.

He went to Sithorn to get some energy so that he could defeat Thanos in one fell swoop during the tug of war. Although he doesn't have much energy now, it will be different after entering the strong period of tug of war. Sithorne is still very simple.

Of course, this guy actually wants to give Wanda points. This guy has his own tokusatsu drama, and his strength is quite good. He has a love brain and cares a lot about friendship, love, etc. If he gives her a hand The drama of a good friend dying in front of his eyes. Li Ye could not imagine how many points he could earn.

"Hmm~ You gain strength, and I gain strength and points, perfect!"

"Hey! Hey! Li Ye! Li Ye!"

Li Ye woke up at this time and saw Wanda riding on him. He cried and said: "Li Ye. You must not die. Li Ye"

Li Ye shook his head: "Don't worry, I won't die even if oa dies, just don't worry."

Wanda didn't care who Ooa was, she just looked at Li Ye with choked sobs. She was hungry. Because she needed to escape yesterday, the food left by Pietro had long been thrown away. At this moment, her stomach began to growl. Li Ye also slowly stood up and said with a smile: "Don't worry! I'll help you find food!"

Ten minutes later, Li Ye stood next to Wanda with a large bag of food. The two of them kept eating. Neither of them said anything during this time, but this was one of the few moments in Wanda's repressed life. It's time to be happy.

"My name is Li Ye. I came from a research institute. My ability allows me to hide in the shadows and no one can find me. Therefore, I live quite well by myself. At that time, Thanos... it was after those guys broke into the research institute. , I used my ability to hide. I saw you leaving and knew that you were from the institute, so I rescued you at that time. "

"I used to be from the Far East. Well, you can tell it by listening to my name. Well, I come from an ordinary family. I was discovered with super powers, and then I was taken there for research, and then I encountered this shit. ”

This is the persona Li Ye gave himself. He planned to use this persona to get close to Wanda. After all, he wanted to gain favorability for others. As for what would happen after gaining favorability, Li Ye didn't think about it. Anyway, they would meet later. If he doesn't meet again, just let Wanda think he is dead later.

"My name is Wanda. I am a Serbian. I live with my brother, father, and mother. But Tony Stark, that criminal warmonger! The bomb he sold destroyed my family, and in the end only My brother and I got married, and then we were admitted to the institute. They have been studying me and my brother. After the explosion, we escaped, and then, a few days ago, I even lost my brother."

Li Ye watched the black mist lingering around Wanda's body, and there was some curiosity in his eyes. The higher the anger level of this guy, the higher his ability will be. When it is improved to the highest level, it can even give the original Thanos hand. After tearing it apart, it is also a wall hanging belonging to Marvel.

"I don't know how long this battle will last." Li Ye looked up at the sky and shook his head.

Thanos threw away all his men and resources this time. This time he was serious about it. Their technological level is also quite high, and they can even create semi-technological life forms. As long as they are willing to destroy materials, their combat effectiveness is not Damn it, this time they are rushing to directly consume the treasury, and it will definitely not last too short.

"However, everything will pass!"

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