Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 856 Battlefield meat grinder? Do you know what a meat grinder is?

Iggy's huge body, holding a big mallet, sat on the city wall, looking at everything in the distance, and nodded: "This time, Dujuan seems to have shown some of their heritage."

Blaze on the side nodded: "Yes, Mr. Iggy, fortunately, I have Li Ye's help this time."

Iggy laughed: "That guy is really a strange person. He has endless magic power, and also has strong learning ability and prayer ability."

Blaze shook his head: "There are still many powerful people in the world, and their sword skills are also very exaggerated."

Iggy laughed: "Fortunately, this guy is our partner at this time."

Blaze sighed: "But he will leave eventually. We can't keep him. He is that adult's subordinate."

Iggy also sighed: "Ms. Michaela, and Malenia, the holy tree is too powerful, and that powerful red lion. Can our Highness Lani's wish really come true?"

Blaze sighed: "I don't know either, but... I will do my best to make Her Royal Highness Lani succeed!"

Iggy looked at Blaze and said; "You're going to die."

Blaze shook his head: "I would have died, it doesn't matter, Mr. Iggy."

Iggy shook his head and looked outside at this moment. Because these were Li Ye's battles, their troops were perfectly preserved. This time it was also Mr. Iggy's idea.

"Let them accumulate troops, show their true strength, and then release the strength we have accumulated at once, causing them to... directly break their muscles and bones!"

Blaze looked at the soldiers of Kallia, charging forward with weapons, and he wanted to pick up the sword and move forward: "I should be able to kill a thousand of them."

Iggy stopped him: "No, Blaze, your mission is not to fight, do you understand?"

Blaze nodded: "I know, so I didn't take action."

Blaze is the guarantee, and there will be a sneak attack by enemies. You must know that Rhea Lucalia Mage Academy and Du Juan are now on the same side. Du Juan may only have one or two named strong men on his side.

Rhea Lucalia is different, they have many factions.

The Miriam Faction, the Highmore Faction, the Regular Mage Faction, the Servais Faction, the Full Moon Faction, as well as the Magic Development Department, the Puppet Development Department, and the Clay Golem Soldier Development Department are a series of magic factions, all of which have a... Professor of magic.

They can't stand any one of these guys.

Blaze must defend the city to prevent the arrival of these guys.

Iggy looked into the distance and said, "Fortunately, they didn't move this time."

Blaze shook his head: "Then... I'll trouble Li Ye."

Li Ye is simply a harvester on the battlefield. He is not tired. This is the most frightening thing. Anyone caught in a fierce battle may die, and may die miserably.

But Li Ye is different. He is a man with unlimited physical strength.

At this time, Blaze said: "It would be great if that man was still here. If I can kill a thousand people, then he should be able to kill a hundred thousand people!"

Iggy shook his head: "But he won't come back."

Blaze nodded: "Mr. Iggy, what should we do next?"

Iggy shook his head: "Next, we should be about to accept the attack from the academy. Those guys will definitely not give up."

Blaze showed his wolfish teeth: "Then what should we do?"

Iggy looked at Mugram who was charging down below and shook his head: "This is not something that one or two of us can decide, and Kallia's military strength is far inferior to that of the Magic Academy, unless..."

Blaze said: "Old man, unless what?"

Iggy shook his head: "This is too difficult."

You can kill ten people, a hundred people, or a thousand people, but what if I still have ten thousand or one hundred thousand people? What about a million? This is why those big guys don't fight alone, but instead build their power one by one.

Even if ten thousand of me fire magic at the same time, you alone can't bear it.

Dujuan is still a small force, with a total number of 20,000 to 30,000 in total. The reason why they did not use all of them to attack their Kaliya stronghold was because of the Broken War.

There is also the fear of that guy coming, they are afraid of a hot man.

They were testing, testing whether the man would take action in the attack on Kallia, testing again and again, but this time they were finally willing to take action with something real, because they were sure that the man would not come back.

The top management of the Magic Academy said this: "When the time comes, we will capture the Kaliya Stronghold, take away their heritage, and then continue to develop. Even if that man comes, we will not be afraid of him."

They are still afraid of that man, but they also have the idea of ​​challenging that man.

What they were afraid of was the man with red hair, the husband of the Full Moon Queen, Radagon!

The loyal dog of the Golden Tree, the guard of the Golden Tree, and the general of the Golden Army. In the Golden Tree War, this guy was advancing on their side, in the opposite direction to Godfrey.

The First King Godfrey is responsible for the battle between the Dragon King and the ancient dragon, while Taradagon is responsible for the affairs between the giants and ordinary residents.

He slaughtered the giants, killing only one or two of the powerful giants who had occupied the border area for tens of thousands of years. The giants' curse gave him red hair, so he also had the title of Red-haired Radagon.

He was married to Lenara, Queen of the Full Moon, but after giving birth to three children with Lenara, he left, abandoned Lenara, and instead went to find the woman called God.

Goddess, Mallika.

He, Radagon, became the second King of Elden.

These guys were afraid of this guy coming back, so they didn't kill the hysterical Lenora, but imprisoned her.

They did not completely destroy Kalia, but allowed Kalia to escape. During this period, they continued to test.

Destroying Kallia step by step, it seems obvious that this guy is not coming.

At this moment, in the Magic Academy Rhea Lucalia Academy, five or six people were sitting in a classroom, having a heated discussion.

The leader is a man who looks quite strong. He is wearing a red hood. He has a staff on his left hand and a big mallet on his right hand: "Use soldiers this time! Are you sure you won't attract that guy?"

On one side, a wretched man wearing the costume of a magic professor laughed: "Yuge, you are so indecisive, you are not like your master, Professor Haimo Magic!"

The guy called Yug sighed: "Servais, there is no need to hold my master to hold me down. I hate the battlefield, which is why I ran here from Selia."

The wretched man named Servis laughed and said, "It's really ridiculous that battlefield magicians hate the battlefield."

On one side, a man wore a stone head with two faces. He looked at the exchange between the two and sighed: "The Broken War has left them too busy to take care of themselves! How can they have time to care about us?"

Servis on the side also nodded: "Yes, Netherlands is right, we have to make our own decisions before we can solve them all, right? Moreover, after imprisoning the Full Moon Queen, you still want a good death. ?joke!"

The man named "Netherland" wearing a two-faced hood said: "Caleros, what do you think?"

A man wearing a blue plaster hood on the side said: "I think Servis is right, we need to take action."

Ned Land continued: "Lazli, what do you think?"

The other man on the side shook his head: "I don't agree. You know me. I am from the Full Moon Classroom, and I am opposed to the attack on Kalia."

Ned Land nodded: "It's okay, Razli, just bring it up."

Razli nodded, but he didn't see the amusement in the eyes of the two-faced man called "Netherland".

Servais looked at everyone and laughed: "Why don't we vote! Anyway, the principal is asleep, and everything depends on us in the classroom to vote."

Netherland nodded: "It should be so! I advocate fighting!"

Servais also spoke: "I am also a militant."

Caleros said: "Me too, our magic teaching and research classroom should be similar."

Razli shook his head: "I disagree."

The last one, the battlefield mage Yug, looked at these guys and sighed: "It doesn't make any difference whether I agree or not."

There were five people present, and three voted to fight. There was no need to continue.

Servais laughed obscenely: "Then, everyone, let's start making preparations! I have as many puppet soldiers as you want. As long as I capture Kaliya, I will do it with the heart of a demigod. A doll, haha, should be able to face that man!”

Nayug said: "I hate fighting, remember not to let me fight."

A light flashed in Ned Land's eyes at this moment. He spoke directly to Yug: "It doesn't matter, but battlefield mages are the best at fighting, and there is no stronger battle wizard in your classroom. Don't you go? , we can only invite your master out."

Yug slapped the table, shaking it with a loud bang: "Okay! I'll go! I'll go, don't call me master."

Ned Land's eyes flashed again.

Razli on the side sighed: "I'm leaving first, Full Moon Classroom will appear, just go find me then."

He left directly. Ned Land looked at his back and shook his head. Kaleros smiled at Ned Land and said, "Look, the Queen of the Full Moon is crazy, and she is still putting on airs."

Ned Land shook his head, put his hands on the table, crossed his fingers, and said with a slight smile: "They are the real principal faction."

Servais on the side laughed, stood up and put on his coat: "Yes, the principal's faction. The principal is gone, so what kind of principal's faction is there?"

Yuge didn't speak. He just looked at these guys and was silent for a long time. After being silent for a while, he stood up and thought about walking outside.

He hates fighting.

This is the Magic Academy, and these are the current senior leaders of the Magic Academy.

After Razli walked out, he looked at the distant classroom and shook his head: "With their greed for profit and intrigue, they will eventually get involved in things that endanger everyone and bring disaster to the Rhea Lucalia Mage Academy."

He looked to the other side, which was the real discussion room, but it was no longer open to discussion because there was a beast hidden inside, a beast named "Red Wolf of Radagan".

"Even if you don't want to deal with a beast, how are you going to deal with an angry Golden Guard?"

Razli shook his head again and walked away. He didn't see behind him that a puppet soldier's eyes turned red.

On the battlefield, Li Ye swung his sword and cut through all defenses as smoothly as flowing water.

This is the flowing water sword skill, which can ignore all defenses and all powers and cut you all off.

Of course, this is not the flowing water sword skill of this world. The flowing water sword skill of this world advocates endless life, but Li Ye has never been exposed to it and has no way to learn it.

The cuckoo knight was lying on the ground, with a big hole in his chest, which was cut by Li Ye's long sword.

"Damn it! Damn it!!"

The magician on the side quickly climbed up and bandaged his wound: "It's a pity that I don't know how to use prayer! Otherwise, the effect would be better!"

The Cuckoo Knight gritted his teeth as he looked at the killing Li Ye in front of him. If it hadn't been for the intervention of those soldiers, both of them might have died.

Li Ye now dances like a rose on the battlefield.

Crossbows and magic projectiles flew towards his body, but they were always blocked by his staff or long knife.

A dagger extended from his staff, a magic dagger that, in conjunction with his long knife, was like a wall, blocking the air around him.

Is this human power?

He cut down hundreds of people without batting an eye.

But at this moment, Li Ye said that even if he cut tens of thousands of people, his eyes would not be dry, just because he did not open his eyes.

The reason for not blinking is that the eyes are not open.

He uses the "snake" to observe everything around him. There is no need to open his eyes at all. If he opens his eyes, blood will spatter in.

There is still the same dagger on his staff. This magic is called Caliason Sword. In the game, it generates a fast slashing move, but in reality, it generates a magic dagger.

Similarly, there is the Kaliya Great Sword. Li Ye also learned it and it became a magical sword, but he didn't like to use it.

He closed his eyes and turned his head. There were soldiers all around him, but it was obvious that some of them were missing because the Kalyan army rushed over there and shared a lot of pressure on him. Although Li Ye There is no need to share it.

With unlimited physical strength and unlimited magical power, these people will be killed sooner or later.


"For the knight!!"

Li Ye shook his head and beheaded the person in front of him.

"Looks like that guy Blaze isn't that bad after all."

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