Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 858 See you at the banquet

"What the hell? What did you say? Speak louder, I can't hear you."

Brother Wolf Blaze smiled slightly and took out the telescope in his hand.

Li Ye was annoyed: "I'm so surprised, you are so idle, why are you watching people bandage their wounds? Do you have any strange serious illness?"

Blaze shook his head: "I just want to piss you off. It seems that your Qi-raising skills are not as good as mine."

Li Ye was speechless: "You wait for me to give you a telescope while you are naked. Are you stupid to be angry?"

Blaze still smiled and shook his head: "Anyway, thanks to you this time."

Li Ye sighed: "Next time if you want to I will help you, at least give me Adura's Moonlight Sword, or dig out his heart for me to see what it tastes like. "

Blazer laughed: "If that's the case, you can go and negotiate with Adura. It has been in the wizard tower of Her Highness Lani's teacher."

Li Ye stopped talking. Adura is a dragon, a pyroxene dragon. It has reached an agreement with Kalia to guard the gate for them, but it is limited to guarding the gate. This agreement is not perfect. It was signed several generations ago, so Adura will run away directly when it encounters danger.

As for strength, it is probably not inferior to this wolf. It is still a dragon, with higher strength and better at large-scale combat, but because of the agreement itself, it will not do anything for Kalia.

If he can be chopped by Adura, then he, Li Ye, can still be afraid of the wolf in front of him?

Li Ye was helpless: "I'm really convinced."

Brother Wolf Blaze looked at Li Ye, smiled and shook his head: "Don't forget to attend the celebration banquet in the evening. This time, everyone will be there because they all participated in the battle. You are the protagonist and must be there."

Li Ye was helpless: "Why didn't you attend the celebration banquet in the previous few times?"

Blaze said: "You were the one guarding in the previous few times, why should you attend?"

Li Ye sighed and left, saying as he walked: "We have to leave this broken place quickly."

His voice was very loud, and Brother Wolf Blaze could hear it. He looked at Li Ye's back, and the smile on his face gradually turned into helplessness.

"It would be great if you were really a Kalia."

It was soon night, and Li Ye did not do anything, but healed himself. There was no way. Praying in reality could not restore blood, but could only increase vitality, which could not heal his wounds.

"Is it night?"

"Yes, you woke up too late."

Li Ye sat up from Miriam's bed and shook his not-so-clear head. There was no way. There were too many bodies at the same time.

As for why Li Ye is here, the reason is very simple. Miriam is the only person here who doesn't care who he is. Miriam only cares whether Li Ye can help her complete the research, and she doesn't care about anything else.

As for the rest. The wound on Li Ye's butt will take at least three days to heal.

Looking at Miriam who was studying magic on the side, Li Ye shook his head.

"It's incredible that such a woman would bleed that day."

Li Ye shook his head again, and then cleared the confusion from his mind. He looked into the distance and said, "I may leave after a while. What will you do then?"

Miriam glanced at Li Ye and felt a little disappointed. Although she knew that Li Ye was going to leave, Li Ye was not from this place and he would not stay here. After all, Lani did not intend to join the Shattered War, and people like Li Ye could not be silent.

Although Miriam was not good at socializing, she was not stupid, otherwise why did she come to Lani? It was because Lani was quiet.

She said to Li Ye: "Can you write something for me? I think your ideas are very interesting, I want to write them all down."

Li Ye nodded: "No problem, but I need the experimental results."

Miriam nodded: "I will come to you after all the research is done."

Li Ye laughed: "Then I have to write less of those things."

Miriam didn't look up, just continued the research at hand: "Then I won't come to you."

Li Ye sighed helplessly, this guy is like this, not good at talking.

But he didn't care, since neither of them had any feelings: "Okay, it's time to go."

Miriam said: "Wait until I finish studying this part. No, I didn't participate in the war, so why should I go?"

Li Ye put on his Kalia Knight boots and said: "This time, all the people from Kalia are invited."

Miriam shook her head: "It has nothing to do with me. If possible, I hope to stay in the Kalia study. That place is more suitable for me, but there are too many cuckoos now, and that place has not been recovered, and I have to find you. It's so troublesome."

Li Ye didn't know what to say. This woman really guarded the Kalia study later.

He walked slowly, feeling that his butt was still a little painful.

Finally, he arrived at the venue of the banquet, which was in a large auditorium in the Kalia Castle. It was not the Kalia Church, but a large auditorium. The original book did not have it.

If the original book made all these things, the volume of the original book would make the faded run their thoughts.

There were many people participating in the war this time, so there were also many people here. When Li Ye came, the banquet was about to start.

When Wolf Brother Blaze saw him, he immediately invited him to the main seat: "You are a key combatant, you can't go anywhere else."

Brother Wolf is still wearing the same grandmother wolf costume, which makes him look a little happy.

Li Ye shook his head: "It's the same everywhere, isn't it? I can't stay long anyway."

During this battle, Li Ye was obviously a lot more arrogant, because Kallia needed him very much. Coupled with Brother Lang's words "It would be great if you were really from Kallia", these words had already made up the difference. It was explained clearly, so there was no need for Li Ye to hide anything anymore.

Brother Lang shook his head: "You always remind me of Mr. Wang. He was also an admirable person, but I don't know why. He left."

Li Ye shook his head: "Radagon. That is indeed a powerful character. Are you comparing me to him? Why, could I be that strong?"

Brother Wolf Blaze said: "Indeed, you have that kind of potential. Unfortunately, you are the most suitable person for the battlefield I have ever seen, and you are also the most suitable person for this broken war. So you are destined to leave, just like Mrs. Wang. Same."

Li Ye laughed and said: "It's not that exaggerated. Without me, Kalia will still continue to spin. Without Radagan, the Full Moon Queen will not spin."

Blazer ignored Li Ye's hell joke. This guy was used to Li Ye's abstraction. He just said: "It would be great if Mr. Wang didn't leave."

Li Ye also heard his subtext, and then he just picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "Who said otherwise? That Radagan is absolutely not loyal to Queen Full Moon. He is not at all like me, but he is loyal to Princess Lani. ”

Li Ye is destined to leave, and there is no cemetery to dig his grave here. What is he doing here? How else could he do bad things here? By chopping cuckoos? It would be better for him to sleep in the cemetery.

As for why Radagon left, he is probably the only one who knows the reason. What is the reason? That is Radhagaon and Mallika

It sounds confusing, but it's true

Radagon and Mallika are one body, Mallika is one body with two sides, and the other side is Radagon. To put it simply, it is schizophrenic and can even change the body.

Then one of them, Radagon, was a loyal dog of the Golden Sect, and came to marry the Full Moon Queen for the Golden Tree.

The other one is Queen Marika, who is constantly fighting against the Supreme Will to get rid of the Golden Tree.

In the eyes of outsiders, Radagan is a hero, the guardian of the golden tree, and the golden man who can destroy giants.

Marika is the queen, a divine being who can fight out of the Shadow Land together with the First King Godfrey, and a noble representative of the Golden Tree.

In their own eyes, they are probably people who can't deal with each other, but the two people's schizophrenia seems to be different. The two people themselves don't seem to have much communication, and they don't know each other's thoughts. Otherwise, they will pull Dagon High and Low cannot let Malika smash the Elden Ring.

These two people are quite conflicted.

Therefore, Lani and his two brothers are also the children of Marika.

"Is Malika's first husband Godfrey exiled because he was having sex with Malika and Malika became the Radagon Ichao? I can't continue to think about it. There is a picture."

"Wait a minute, did Lenora turn into a pussy when she was being fucked? I'm super, this is good, I want this!"

During this period of time, Brother Lang had already gone to see other people. There were many people participating in the war this time, including Shi Tiangou and Shi Dake. These two guys also participated in the war.

Shi Tiangou came over and put his arms around Li Ye: "Hey! Brother, you don't know. You guard the main gate. The two of us guard the east gate and west gate. It's dangerous there. How are you doing there?"

Li Ye laughed. Damn it, there are ghost cuckoos at the east gate and west gate. They were placed there to prevent sneak attacks from the other side.

However, Dujuan was caught off guard, and they had a sneak attack time.

But Li Ye still smiled and said: "Ah~ my friend, there is not much pressure on our side."

The two people also laughed: "Come, drink, drink, brother Li, it's too late for us to meet each other, how about we become brothers of the opposite sex?"

Li Ye laughed and said: "Drink, drink, let's forget about brothers. For my part, life is not very good, and it's a bit of a disincentive for brothers, so it's better not to get married."

Shi Dake also nodded: "Ah hahaha, then we won't get married, we won't get married."

However, what Li Ye thought about was that if word spread that he and these two idiots were brothers of the opposite sex, he would be embarrassed and die.

Looking at the two people who were still laughing and talking, Li Ye's eyes flashed a little. Foolish people naturally have their own tricks. He had to rely on these two to escape from here.

Yes, Li Ye still wants to leave, and it will definitely be troublesome to leave openly. Although Brother Lang is a lot softer now, I am afraid that he will not be able to contribute to the work, but if Li Ye leaves, the people who work will be gone.

And Li Ye didn't want to have too much trouble with this place. After all, there were some powerful magics here, and he wanted to get them later.

So only some special methods can be adopted.

At this time, Mugram walked to Li Ye, raised his glass to Li Ye, and smiled slightly: "Hello, knight, although we are each our own masters, but you help us, you are my friend. "

Li Ye also nodded and raised his glass: "Of course, we have always been friends."

After Mugram left, Shi Tiangou looked at Li Ye and said mockingly: "Oh, brother, that is Mugram, and he is not even in the same camp. He still thinks that he is loyal to the Queen of the Full Moon."

Shi Da Ke also spoke: "Yes, who doesn't know that this is the era of Princess Lani~"

Li Ye smiled slightly and said nothing.

With the words "The banquet has begun" by Grandpa Iji, the banquet began. Li Ye was invited to speak, but he refused. He hated this kind of thing the most.

"Ah Qingfeng and Mingyue, tsk, Mingyue is blocked by the golden tree."

The golden tree in this world blocks the sun, which leads to the fact that most of the time, this world cannot see the sun. Of course, the moon can still be seen from time to time, but it can't be seen today.

"Really leisurely and elegant, our great hero."

Li Ye was stunned for a moment, and instantly released countless words spirit snakes, which scattered around. There was no chanting, and there was no need to chant. The Dragon King-level soul made him not need to chant, and there was no problem with the direct speech spirit.

The reason for this was that he did not sense anyone around him at all.

But the feedback the snake gave him was. The snake died instantly, crushed to death by a person with strong mental power.

Li Ye turned his head and looked behind him, smiling slightly. It was Her Highness Lani, who was sitting on the high wall, looking at him with dignity.

Li Ye just smiled: "Her Highness Lani, long time no see."

Lani raised one of her hands, looked at the things in her hand, and said: "How presumptuous, my knight."

Li Ye shook his head: "No matter who comes, I will do this. This is a habit. In order to ensure the safety of Her Highness Lani, I must do this."

Lani did not speak. She always behaved very majestically, for example. Sitting on a high wall?

She looked at Li Ye and asked, "Thank you so much this time, Knight Li Ye."

Li Ye shook his head, "No need to thank me, Your Highness, Lani, this is my job."

Lani looked at Li Ye, shook her head, and said, "My brother, is he okay?"

Li Ye narrowed his eyes. This guy probably thought he was a demigod, brother. To be honest, Lani also grew up in the Royal City when she was a child. She had so many brothers, who knows which one it was.

But Li Ye knew that Blaze thought he was from the Royal City or the Holy Tree, and the ruler of the Royal City at the moment was Monget, and that guy grew up in the sewer, so it couldn't be him.

"Holy Tree?"

So he said, "Yes, Lord Michaela is fine."

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