Li Ye sat on the cliff, looking at the scenery below.

There are huge spherical squids here, which can wave their tentacles randomly to make you mentally retarded. Every blow can make people half-paralyzed and lie in bed forever.

There are lovely royal ghosts, which are monsters created by the resentment of Du Juan after she slaughtered the royal family of Kalia. They can kill people with one punch and then swallow them.

There are delicious prawns, each of which can accurately hit and pierce a person's chest within a hundred meters, and the damage is comparable to that of a sniper rifle.

There are also bell ghosts, which can also release tracking undead attacks, making it hard to defend against.

"Ah~ The beautiful scenery of the border is really beautiful."

Li Ye also knew that in this city, there is also the wonderful middle finger brother, like a big hand with ten fingers, and in other places there are big bears that run faster than spirit horses.

"Sure enough, Lake Lienia is a place of outstanding people and beautiful scenery."

He felt the breeze from the cliff and constantly integrated the energy in his body, especially the Great Rune of the Unborn. The energy contained in it made him temporarily unsure how to use it.

He could only use the dumbest way, which was to temper his body and slowly change his physique with this thing.

This is a slow process, not something Li Ye can decide on his own.

He enjoyed the breeze here and waited for the time to come. Now he has decided on his target, which is the limb-replacing noble Greg. This guy is estimated to have started the limb-replacing now, but the limbs he reattached do not have the fighting race of the faded ones, and their strength is not as good as the original game.

"It's really dangerous to hold the most core Great Rune, but he is not worthy of the position."

Li Ye shook his head, he slowly got up, patted the dirt on his body, he was waiting, waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to bypass Greg's large army.

After all, although Greg was rubbish, the lost knights he took in were not easy to deal with. They were the men of the Storm King.

But just as he stood up, a tall werewolf came up behind him. It was none other than Wolf Brother Blaze.

He looked at Li Ye and smiled slightly: "Are you looking at the scenery?"

Li Ye saw Blaze coming too and laughed: "Why, do you still want me to help you fight?"

Blaze nodded and smiled: "Sorry, I had no choice at the time."

Li Ye spread his hands and said: "It's okay, I am very satisfied with your compensation."

The things that Rhea Lukalia gave him were indeed very good, basically everything except what could not be given was given to him.

Blaze looked at Li Ye and said, "Can we chat?"

Li Ye looked at Blaze suspiciously, and simply sat back and said, "Tell me what you want to say. If you want to hire me, then think about the price."

Blaze looked at Li Ye, and also sat on the ground. Looking at Lake Lienia, he sighed, shook his head, and then said, "You really are... But this also makes me curious, who are you."

Li Ye laughed: "No, you are really brave. You dare to give me the Sword of Night and Fire without knowing who I am."

Blaze shook his head: "Originally I thought you were from the Holy Tree, but at that time, Mr. Iji could see the Supreme Gold in the depths of your eyes. I also noticed it at that time. Although it was faint, it was also Supreme Gold. I have only seen the blessing of the golden tree in the eyes of Wang Fu, so I also think you are Wang Fu's man."

Li Ye looked at Blaze, and then continued Opened: "Then what?"

Blazer shook his head: "Unfortunately not, if you are Wang Fu's man, you will not have this kind of personality, because Wang Fu himself is very special, and he will not have such a jumpy subordinate like you."

Li Ye shook his head: "Radagang? That guy should not be very serious."

Blazer did not answer, he just looked up at the sky and said: "Your growth speed shocked me. Now I guess I can only tie with you. I am not surprised, but I want to know where you are from. Of course, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

Li Ye glanced at Blazer and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, you guy, look at this finger, you will know."

Li Ye showed his little finger, which was the finger with "Help me" written on it. The characters on it were very special. It was a kind of character containing information. Obviously, Blazer couldn't understand it, but he could sense the energy in it.


Sensing this energy, he stood up instantly, almost pulling out his great sword, because his Highness Ranee's biggest enemy is the two fingers. She wants to get rid of her own fate, and the two fingers need the demigod to act under the predetermined fate.

Li Ye looked at Blaze helplessly. He wanted to forge an identity for himself, but it didn't seem that simple. He had no choice but to say: "Come on, I don't have any idea about your fate. I'm just the person sent down from above to solve everything."

Blaze was skeptical, but still didn't relax, and Li Ye continued: "Okay, your fate has nothing to do with me, and I have nothing to do with the two fingers. I'm just here to solve the Shattered War. The above is very dissatisfied with the situation of the broken ring. If the demigod doesn't solve the problem, I will solve all the demigods. This is the fate of my existence. As for what you want to do with the border, I don't care."

Blaze looked at Li Ye, still not relaxing, but finally he breathed out and sat down. He looked at Li Ye's fingers and said: "I don't believe you, but you help Cali I can’t argue with the facts.”

Li Ye glanced at Blaze and said, "Why do you feel that you are unwilling?"

Blaze shook his head: "I just wanted to recruit you, but I didn't expect that you turned out to be a person of supreme will."

Li Ye shook his head: "It's not a supreme will, but it's almost the same."

Without the chairman, the general manager must have more say than anyone else in the group.

Blaze didn't speak, just looked at Li Ye, and then shook his head: "You are really incomprehensible, just like those two monsters."

Blaze was talking about two dark abandoned children. They were two monsters released by the Supreme Will. They were really released by the Supreme Will, not the Mother of Fingers. After being released, the signal of the Supreme Will disappeared.

At that time, one of these two monsters, in the form of a celestial being, directly smashed the city of Nokstra, which was originally located in Lienia, into the ground. The reason was very simple. The people of Nokkstra wanted to create A weapon that can kill gods, a weapon that can truly kill gods.

Hunting finger knife!

Then it was smashed into the ground.

The other one was relatively calm, and it was smashed down by chance. It had been in the snow-capped mountains and had done nothing bad.

Compared with these two emotionless things, Li Ye is simply different, which is what Brother Lang sighs with emotion.

As for Li Ye's former identity and supreme will, what else is impossible?

It doesn't matter whether it is false information instilled by the Supreme Will, or whether Li Ye was put there since he was a child and grew up slowly. Now Li Ye is a rapidly growing demigod killer.

As for whether Li Ye could kill a demigod, Brother Lang said that he had no doubt that Li Ye might have the ability to kill a god now, and it had only been a few days.

Li Ye glanced at Brother Lang and just smiled without saying anything. It was very simple. He didn't need to speak. He was not a project of the Supreme Will at all. In total, it could only be regarded as a project of the Mother of Fingers.

Brother Lang sighed: "It's a pity that I can't work with you forever."

Li Ye smiled slightly: "What, you still want to keep using me?"

Brother Lang shook his head: "I'm afraid you will be unfavorable to Her Highness Lani."

Li Ye shook his head: "Lani abandoned the big rune and deviated from my goal, so there is no need to worry."

Brother Lang looked at Li Ye and shook his head. Then the two of them talked about some trivial matters and stopped talking about identity and the like.

But Li Ye knew that this identity would soon spread among the upper echelons of Kallia, but Li Ye didn't say anything. This is what he wanted, to create an official backing identity for himself.

Looking at his fingers, he understood the role of this identity. It was really great. As long as he used it well, even if he was caught by the Golden Dynasty, they would not dare to touch him.

Moreover, he was famous for attacking and killing those demigods!

It took a certain amount of time to convey the news, and Li Ye also wanted to wander around the Kaliya Walled City to see what magical things he could finally find here.

This time he was wearing regular clothes, so he wasn't afraid of being recognized by others, because he had always been wearing armor before.

Walking to the gate of Kallia Walled City, he remembered the two mentally retarded people from the past, Mei Naozi and Mei Limao. He didn't know what happened to those two brainless things now.

"Hehe, little people can have big problems. Those two hot chicken knights reminded me. Find them when you have time and kill them."

Li Ye shook his head. Suddenly, he seemed to see something slowly approaching in the distance.

The soldiers guarding the city gate immediately took out their long swords and wanted to step forward, but Li Ye stopped them. When the soldiers looked at Li Ye stunned, Li Ye had already dropped a badge into his hand.

"Kalia Knight Badge! You are"

Li Ye put his fingers on his lips and blew: "No need to say more."

The soldier nodded eagerly. Now Li Ye is the only one in Kallia who has this badge, but another person with this badge will arrive soon.

In the distance, a man wearing a mage's robe staggered and leaned on a woman. He walked slowly towards this side, stumbling step by step. The woman seemed to be still saying something.

And Li Ye strode outwards, walked towards the two figures, smiled slightly and said, "Hey, isn't this Mugram? I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you acting like this?"

That's right, the person who came was Mugram, another knight of Kalia. This guy looked at Li Ye, tears and snot flowed out one after another: "Knight Li Ye! I. I finally returned. Home!”

The woman looked at Li Ye and said boldly: "Hey! That boy, are you Li Ye? You are the one who brought my Mugram to Rhea Lucalia!"

Li Ye looked at Mugram, then at the woman, and said jokingly: "Oh? Knight Mugram, it seems that you have found a lot of fresh blood for Kaliya, and it seems that you also want to make New blood?"

Mugram smiled awkwardly: "Then what."

The woman glanced at Li Ye and said, "Listen up, Knight Li Ye, my name is Yuna, and I am the wife of this boy Mugram. You must be nicer to Mugram in the future! Do you understand?"

Li Ye nodded and smiled slightly, looking at Mugram's pleading face, and said nothing, but turned his head to make way and made a "please" gesture

Mugram breathed a sigh of relief and followed Yuna into Kalia.

Li Ye could vaguely hear something like "Keep your voice down, he just tore off Yug's hand.", "Even if he can kill Yug, so what, you are afraid of nothing! And why are you so poor in Kalia?"

Li Ye didn't say anything, but next to him, Se Lian appeared, hugged his arms and looked at Li Ye and said: "You are really generous."

Li Ye glanced at Se Lian, squinted his eyes, then opened his eyes completely again, and said: "Why, when was I not generous."

Se Lian shook his head, looked at the book in his hand, and said: "When were you generous."

Li Ye said: "Hey, hey, hey, can you stop being so venomous, this attribute is not good."

Se Lian still looked at the book in his hand and said: "But this will make me feel happy and help my research, so I will do it."

Li Ye was helpless: "Do you know about that thing?"

Se Lian stretched out his hand and picked up a finger in the book. It was the finger with "Help me" written on it, which was cut from the hand that Li Ye tore off.

Se Lian's eyes did not change, but he just said: "You are spreading lies to them."

Li Ye glanced at Se Lian and smiled slightly: "You can't escape your eyes."

Se Lian shook his head: "I want to know who you are and what is your relationship with the Supreme Will."

Li Ye smiled slightly: "I want to know, it's very simple, I need you to help me do one more thing!"

Se Lian frowned slightly: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Li Ye said: "It's very simple, I want you to help me. Kill the demigod!"


"Hehe, I'll tell you when the time comes~"

At the same time, the entire Lake Lienia was shaking, because the Dekedas Elevator welcomed a person who did not belong to this lake at all.

It was a woman wearing golden armor, with a slender long sword in her hand, and behind her, followed by a large number of troops.

And the place where their swords pointed was the Lake Lienia in front of them, no. It should be farther away, it was the distant Gelid!

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