Chapter 879 Big Rune +1

The Great Study of Kallia was built when Rhea Lucalia had not yet been built. At that time, there were not so many ghosts and ghosts in Lijenia of the Lake, and there was only one royal family of Kallia.

The royal family of Kallia resides here, and the Kaliya study is where the royal family of Kallia keeps all their knowledge.

Later, after the Queen of the Full Moon watched the stars here, the Rhea Lucalia Mage Academy was established, which brought the entire Lienia of the Lake to its peak period, and was even able to withstand the invasion of the Radagan Golden Army.

And everything since that time has been recorded in this big library.

This large library is one of the largest library Li Ye has ever seen when playing games. The other one is the species collection room. That one is bigger, but that one is also older, and most of the records in it are species knowledge, and this one , then they are all magic books.

Slowly walking inside, Li Ye could see the surrounding paintings, the surrounding books, and the aisles built into bridges.

He looked back at Se Lian and frowned, because Se Lian didn't seem to be very interested in this. He said, "Aren't you interested in these things?"

Se Lian shook his head: "Everything about the origin magician was burned by the Queen of the Full Moon after the two masters of Azler left. Even here, there is nothing. Except for the books of the origin magician, Lei It’s also available in the Alukaria Mage Academy.”

Li Ye nodded: "So that's it. I was just wondering to see your excited expression."

Se Lian shook his head: "If you want to find something, hurry up."

Li Ye didn't say anything, he just walked up, and Se Lian followed him.

There are not too many monsters here now. Those hand brothers probably only appeared after Miriam came in. They should be the by-products of that girl's research on magic.

His hands touched the bookshelf and he could actually take out each book, which was completely different from the game world.

"Oh? The history of Rhea Lucaria's origin?"

Se Lian on the side glanced at Li Ye and said: "Lea Lucalia was founded by the Queen of the Full Moon. It was originally just a small aristocratic teaching lecture hall. Later, the Queen of the Full Moon went all the way from the stargazing girl. The position of Queen directly controls the entire Rhea Lucalia and opens it to all talented people.”

Li Ye nodded: "You remember it very clearly."

Se Lian shook his head: "Professor Razli always likes to talk about these past glories. Razli is the owner of the stone goggle in your hand."

Li Ye shook his head: "If there is no hope for the future, we will always pursue the glory of the past, right?"

They walked slowly and finally arrived at the top of Kaliya's study, but there was nothing here.

Se Lian was not curious when she arrived, and just waited quietly behind Li Ye, because she knew that Li Ye was not the kind of guy who liked to just hang out without anything to do.

The next second, Li Ye stretched out his hand and took out a piece of paper. This piece of paper was simple and yellowed, and it was the one that Iggy gave him.

It corresponds to the stars and the moon, and corresponds to Kaliya's study, and a shape is faintly revealed.

So Li Ye directly slapped his hand on the floor of the entire large library. Suddenly, the entire Kaliya large study trembled, as if some mechanism had been opened.

Li Ye immediately walked to the railing and looked at the center of the place, a very high place, where a large blue-gold rune slowly appeared.

"That's Lani's big rune!"

Se Lian looked at Dalu En and didn't say anything. Instead, she looked at Li Ye's hand and had some thoughts: "What you just used was not the magic you burned?"

Se Lian called Li Ye's way of learning magic burning magic, because it was exactly the same as the spell caster.

Li Ye looked back at Se Lian and said, "Of course, how about it, isn't it great?"

Se Lian spread his palms and said, "It's very unfamiliar, and the technique is very blunt, so I also wanted to ask which idiot I learned it from, and it turned out to be you."

Li Ye: "."

So the two of them returned to the exit of the big study. Li Ye used the inversion statue to turn the entire Kalia study upside down. Li Ye didn't know how this inversion statue worked. As long as it was inserted on the table of the study, he could control it. positive and negative.

This may be the big mechanism that was set up when this place was first built, or it may be that Queen Full Moon built this place to help her daughter, so that her Divine Grant Tower could not enter normally.

After returning to the tower, everything in the tower was turned upside down. The original big rune appeared directly at the bottom. Li Ye walked directly down and took the big rune in his hand.

Se Lian on the side looked at him, his eyes narrowed, and he had already taken out a notebook in his hand: "You want to absorb this thing now?"

Li Ye glanced at her, smiled and nodded: "Of course!"

Slowly, he directly pressed his hand on the big rune, and then took out a rune arc.

The next second, a powerful energy was poured into his body, and it combined with the big rune of the undestined person to form a brand new big rune. This was Li Ye's big rune.

It's not the big rune of the person who was born without destiny, nor the big rune of Lani, but the big rune of him, Li Ye.

Li Ye's eyes were full of light. He looked at his hands and couldn't help but exhale a breath of foul air. Damn, this time he almost didn't get him.

He sensed his body. The power added this time was not much. It just raised his power from close to level 7 to level 7.5. Of course, it was still not displayed on the grace panel.

Gradually, through external development, this panel could not keep up with his development. It could only be used as a means of improvement, not as the whole.

This time he also felt that he had gained some power.

"Dark Moon Affinity, using the full moon and ice magic is more powerful."

Se Lian looked at Li Ye, recorded everything, and then checked the rune residue on the ground, but found nothing.

Li Ye straightened his chest and said: "Do you want to know how to do it? Beg me and I will tell you."

Se Lian rolled his eyes at Li Ye, said nothing, walked to the door in front of him, and stood there waiting for Li Ye to come.

This gate is the road leading to the God-granting Tower of Lake Lienia. Li Ye also knew what was waiting for him ahead, so he smiled slightly and stretched out his hand, holding a holy mark in his hand.

"Then let me see what's ahead!"


The gate slowly opened, and the slender and straight road led to the front. Li Ye could see the end of the road, a huge pillar across the sky and earth, that is the God-granting Tower, the God-granting Tower of Lake Lienia belonging to Lani.

The location of the God-granting Tower owned by each demigod is different. Most of them are in their own fiefdoms, similar to Lani and Star-breaking General Latan. One of them occupies Lake Lienia and the other occupies Galid.

Of course, Lani's situation may not be as good as her brother Latan. Latan is now a real warlord, preparing to fight from Galid to the royal city and sit on the throne of King Elden himself.

But he didn't know that a little Nanliang named Michaela was combining with Marennia to find trouble with him.

On the way to the God-granting Tower, Li Ye also saw what he wanted to see.

"Oh, as expected? You are already here, buddy, what are you doing?"

In front of Li Ye, a huge fat man was crawling on the ground, fiddling with a bonfire in front of him. Something seemed to be roasting on it. It seemed to be a mouse?

This guy was awakened by the sound of Li Ye's arrival. After he saw Li Ye, there was an inexplicable relief in his eyes?

Li Ye felt that this guy was pitiful for some reason.

This is a monster in the original game, a monster called "God Skin Noble". The reason why this thing is called a monster is that it is almost impossible to kill. Even if it is killed, it can be resurrected in another place.

Their origin is very great, and it can even be traced back to ancient times, in the more distant past of the Golden War, the Giant War, and the Ancient Dragon War.

They once followed the god named "Queen of Xiaoyan", mastered the first generation of "destined death", conquered the entire border, and beat the gods outside the border so hard that their heads were buzzing.

They make a living by hunting gods, and use the skins of those gods to sew their own clothes, and call themselves the God Skin Nobles.

Later, the Queen of Xiaoyan was defeated by Marika, and the destined death was also taken away and sealed on the arm of the black sword Malekith. Since then, immortality has become one of the propaganda slogans of the Golden Army, and a series of wars including the Golden War broke out later.

But these things still survive and walk in the world. I don’t know what they are for, or who they are for?

But why is the one in front of Li Ye so pitiful.

Li Ye seemed to remember something. He had a possibility that this guy might be trapped here by someone. After all, there is no way to open the door without the inverted statue, and the divine bridge cannot be lowered. This guy will not live here for so long.

Then when playing the game, I finally saw the door open, and finally had a chance to run out. Who knew that I would meet a newborn fader. When the fader saw such a guy, he went up and killed him without saying a word.

"This is really. Great! Killing such a guy must be considered an evil thing! The improvement must be great."

Se Lian on the side glanced at Li Ye and said, "Need help?"

Li Ye shook his head, felt his own strength, and said, "No, I just happened to test my strength. After all, I ate so much, and I will have indigestion if I don't digest it!"

No matter what the reason, seeing the God Skin Noble in front of him draw his long sword, Li Ye had no intention of surrendering.

As seen in the original book, the God Skin Noble in front of him waved his sword directly and attacked Li Ye.

Li Ye also understood that this guy must have some unspeakable mission. These guys are entrenched in various God-granted Towers and even Storm City. They definitely have their own missions to complete.

And Li Ye feels that this mission is vaguely related to Marika!

But no matter what, now is the time to fight!

He also slowly drew out his long sword, the Sword of Night and Fire, and another Kalia Staff.

"Then let me see my strength!"

The next second, the God Skin Noble rushed towards Li Ye without saying anything. He was holding a rapier called God Skin Needle, which could easily penetrate the skin of foreign gods and sew it into clothes.

The heavyweight body pressed directly towards Li Ye.

And what Li Ye held in his hand was not ordinary, the Sword of Night and Fire, the legendary weapon of Kalia, although it was a bit unworthy of the name, but it was also very useful.

Li Ye threw out the fire directly, making it impossible for the guy in front of him to get close

The God Skin Noble looked at the fire in front of him and seemed to be thinking about something. The next second, he directly penetrated the fire and attacked Li Ye.

"I'm awesome! Did you open it?"

The God Skin Noble did not answer Li Ye's words, but only answered Li Ye's words with the foreign god skin clothes in front of him.

His armor was too hard! Li Ye's long sword could not be inserted into this huge God Skin clothes.

And this is a soft armor, not heavy armor, even blunt objects are useless.

Feeling that Li Ye's sword could not pierce him, the noble of the divine skin pressed directly towards Li Ye.

The two of them directly presented a strange posture. Li Ye used his sword to pierce the divine skin in front of him, and the divine skin pressed Li Ye with his body, which made him directly suspended in the air.

Li Ye also frowned and stabbed out his long sword: "Laser!"

The next second, the laser appeared and directly blasted the divine skin away. The divine skin looked at the long sword in Li Ye's hand thoughtfully.

Li Ye was panting heavily. The weight of this guy was really not covered.

Se Lian on the side looked at Li Ye, slowly stepped forward, and stretched out his staff. The blue light in it was bright, as if telling something.

But Li Ye shook his head and blocked her in front of her: "If a noble of the divine skin cannot be conquered, it is really too low."

Li Ye's eyes had a little blue light. The next second, his body turned blue directly, and then his arms. He directly had four arms.

He turned into Lani, or to be more precise, he turned into Lani's teacher, the Snow Witch.

This time, Li Ye used the power of cold and moon, which was the transformation of Lani's Great Rune.

"Byd, you are very tough, right? Then how about trying cold? This is cold that weakens resistance!"

In the distant Lani Mage Tower, Lani's closed eyes suddenly opened. She seemed to see something she shouldn't see. Li Ye's power could make him become someone else?

This shocked her a little.

"Is this the power of the person sent by the finger?"

She had some doubts at first, but now. They are all gone.

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