What kind of strength is Se Lian?

After this battle, Li Ye determined the specific range of her strength. It is estimated that she can be at level 7.5, which is the same as himself, but she must have some trump cards that she has not used, otherwise she can soar to level 8.0.

As for normality, her magic power must be at level lv.8.0, but her shortcomings are also obvious. This guy is too brittle, almost unbelievably brittle.

Li Ye covered his chest and fled from the side of Stonewell City. Naturally, he took the way he came in. As for why he didn't take the back door.

Although the back of Stonewell City is relatively close to the location of the city lord Greg, due to special reasons, Li Ye cannot use the back door. As for the special reasons, Valkyrie will give the answer.

The current Valkyrie is stationed at the back door, and he can escape through the back door.

Once you walk out of the back door, you can bump into the woman who can bloom + three-stage waterfowl. She can see at a glance that she has three large runes in her arms. She is not in full condition yet. She tore it apart and gave it to her dear brother.

Li Ye is a bit schizophrenic, but he is not a fool.

Li Ye covered his chest. The blood pumping there was a little slow. He needed to take the initiative to apply pressure, and Se Lian went out of the city with him.

Se Lian looked at Li Ye, frowned and said, "Why are you so serious?"

Li Ye covered his chest and spoke tremblingly: "Who knew the depletion could be so serious? The big rune took a supplement, but now for some reason, it started sucking my energy again."

The two people now started running around in the woods. Se Lian held Li Ye with one hand and said, "Where should we go next!"

Li Ye grinned: "Go to the cemetery! I know where the cemetery is! It's deep in the dense forest."

He fainted before he finished speaking. Se Lian was helpless when she saw this scene. She felt that there was indeed something in Li Ye's body that was constantly absorbing his power.

I'm afraid this is not the depletion of power after using explosive power, but the devil of the big rune. The core big rune is probably doing something evil in Li Ye's body.

If this thing doesn't stop, I'm afraid Li Ye will die without a burial place.

"Who told me it was you?"

Se Lian looked around and saw that there was no one around. She dragged Li Ye to a cave and took off the blood-stained clothes.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she inserted her hand directly into her chest. The severe pain made her almost unable to breathe, and then she took out a light blue stone.

Originite, the foundation of an Origin Mage, contains the most original power of an Origin Mage, and it also has another characteristic.

Unlimited energy.

Yes, it's similar to the bug that Li Ye got stuck inexplicably. This thing also has unlimited energy, but it has a principle and draws power from the surroundings.

Se Lian brought the thing close to Li Ye: "Go and get closer to the source!"

At this moment, Li Ye fell into a dark space. The surroundings were extremely dark. The stars in the sky were constantly emitting their own light, but they could only illuminate a small area.

He walked forward slowly, stepping on the water that was like slime liquid on the ground, and walked slowly forward.

He was familiar with this kind of liquid. It was the teardrop of the Golden Tree's Faith. Red Dettol and Blue Dettol were produced by this thing. Li Ye already had some ideas about where this place was.

"Come out, I know it's you."

In front of Li Ye, a huge purple halo appeared, the content of which was like a black hole, distorting the surrounding light. Then, the black hole spit out a huge body.

This body has a body like twisted fingers, and its head is replaced by a huge finger. In addition, she also has two hands. Although there are no eyes or other parts, Li Ye can feel it. This guy is looking at himself.

"Mother of Fingers, we finally meet."


A conversation of unknown meaning came from the mother of the finger, but it was obvious that Li Ye had never spoken to the finger before, and he could not understand it.

Li Ye took out his ears and said, "No, what are you talking about? I don't have a plug-in, can you speak c?"

Then Li Ye heard the mother of fingers say "c", and the word was spoken in a clear and round tone, which sounded like America.

"Good guy, the whole world is really talking about English."

Then a scene happened that Li Ye had never seen in the game.

The mother of fingers in front of her slowly collapsed and turned into a gray-skinned woman. To describe this woman in one sentence, she was big, huge, super huge.


It's not just her height.

His appearance is also pretty good. It was obvious that he was modeled after someone because his appearance was too stiff. But as for who he was imitating, Li Ye couldn't tell. He had never seen it, so how could he tell?

She was as tall as three Li Ye and half as big as Li Ye. She was lying on the ground like this, looking at Li Ye in front of her: "Hello, noble foreign god, this appearance should make it easier to communicate with you. "

Li Ye looked at the mother of the fingers in front of him and smiled slightly: "Indeed, after all, I don't belong to the fingers, so I can't understand the words of the fingers."

He waved his hand, and his mental power formed a chair under him. This was a low-level application of mental power. He had learned it when he was the White King, but it couldn't support the physical body.

But he is only mentally active now, and this chair can be used in this way.

At the same time, he also saw something similar to "burrs" on his spiritual body, just like tearing a piece of paper with his hands. These "burrs" would remain on the edge of the paper. These were left behind by his cutting spirit. trauma.

"Oh, Mother of Fingers, I want to know, what do you want from me this time?"

The Mother of Fingers saw Li Ye in front of her and said slightly: "Honorable Outer God, I have just recovered part of my strength to be able to create this spiritual realm, so I immediately invited you to come. I want to thank you for your help. "

Li Ye narrowed his eyes slightly: "So what do you want to say? Do you want to take away the big rune?"

The Mother of Fingers shook her head slightly: "You know, I won't do this. I only need the existence of a magic ring. As for the inner items of the big runes, they will be generated sooner or later, and those original big runes will serve as I will never ask for your reward.”

"As for this time, I invite you to come, mainly because I want to know about the outside world now."

Li Ye rolled his eyes and knew what this guy was thinking. It was very simple. This guy couldn't contact his superiors and wanted to know what was going on outside, so he pulled Li Ye over to ask if there had been any changes at the top and why the chairman People are gone.

Li Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and raised the corners of his mouth: "You want to know what state the existence of the supreme will is in, right?"

The woman transformed into the Mother of Fingers nodded: "Indeed, can you tell me."

Li Ye shook his head, and then slowly stood up: "I don't know either. Oh, to be honest, look, my body is full of wounds. I was beaten here by my enemies, because I am covered in wounds. The injury caused my perception of strength to be a lot weaker. If it is repaired, it might be better. "

The mother of the finger saw Li Ye's appearance, and the whole finger was not in good condition. Li Ye's evil smile looked like the words "asking for money" were written on his face.

But what can the Mother of Fingers do? "Well, Your Majesty, I still have some glory left by the Supreme Will here, you see."

Her hand opened, revealing a little bit of light. It was obvious that it was a good thing.

Li Ye dodged and took the thing away. Then he looked at it. This thing was neither gold nor wood nor iron. It shone with purple light: "Oh? This thing?"

The Mother of Fingers spoke: "That was left behind by the Supreme Will, and it represents a part of his will. Can you sense him for me?"

Li Ye smiled slightly, put the thing into his pocket calmly, and then said with a smile: "That must be possible, but I need a little help from you, at least tell me the direction to the Supreme Will, and You have to find a way to seal the stars."

"Then I would like to ask, Your Majesty, are you able to search now?"

Li Ye closed his eyes, resonated with his other clones and body, and then nodded: "Of course."

On the corner of his mouth, there was a smile that showed success.

The mother of fingers nodded, and she stood up directly. Like a big fish, she stretched out her hand and pointed it at the sky. Her huge body stood upright. Li Ye felt a little bit of this guy's will.

Why does this guy look like a woman who wants others to find her husband? In order to find her husband, she spent all her savings.

And what is Li Ye going to do?

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, of course he wanted to help this "weak woman".

"Okay! I'll do it!"

He stood up directly, because it happened that he also wanted to detect the state of the supreme will and understand what kind of world this was.

This time is just right, and it can also let the Mother of Fingers know her true power! Don't test yourself.

This time can also be regarded as a test to test whether Li Ye is an alien god, how he broke the seal of the stars and came here, and what his strength is.

The next second, his body erupted with intense light.

The Mother of Fingers turned into a finger from a distance, pointed to the sky, to the distant stars, and then she saw an incredible scene.

In the distant Marvel Universe, Li Ye opened his eyes. He has now refined almost half of the universe. Except for the earth, the heart of the world, most of the other planets have been refined.

Marika worked beside him, helping him lock the planets and stars. Looking at Li Ye refining with his eyes closed, she curled her lips and said, "I don't know how I am doing, I just know how to do the refining with my eyes closed." change."

"Oh my pity, I am eighteen years old and have to live with a big rock. Alas, I feel so miserable~"

She transformed into Marika's human form, pointed her finger on Li Ye's chest, and said, "What a pity that you are such a heartless person! You took my heart away from the little lady, but you didn't keep your own heart." But I only know how to look for those sisters~"

At this moment, Li Ye opened his eyes and grabbed her hand: "When will you be worthy of calling those people sister?"

Malika was stunned: "Li Li Papi! You can actually come back!"

Li Ye was numb. He stood up slowly, loosened his non-existent bones, and then said: "I've always been here, you drama queen."

Marika looked at him and curled her lips: "I'm really impressed. How is it? The soul has grown well, it's all my work."

Li Ye glanced at her, then said nothing, and directly summoned the hoe hidden in his body: "How is it, how much effort did she put in?"

The hoe didn't even look at Marika, but knelt on one knee and said: "My lord, Lady Marika. She did put in some effort. She just usually I just like to watch dramas, play games and watch videos here. "

Li Ye looked back at Marika, who immediately jumped up anxiously: "How can you slander me out of thin air? I was just tired and just looked."

Li Ye shook his head: "Okay, return the world to me as soon as possible, Marika, the big runes on the other side should also be gathered, you just take good care of my body, I'll be back soon."

Marika pouted: "It's the same as if you were not in Yi."

At the same time, in the Dragon World, in a small house, Li Ye, who was playing games with Eri, sensed something.

But at this time, Iori Yagami on the screen was still fighting Mai Shiranui.

Eri on the side stared at the screen in front of her with concentration, so cute.

Li Ye immediately narrowed his eyes, and in an instant, only white was left in his eyes.

"Destroying the world mode."

"Then it's the Eight Young Girls! Followed by ordinary light attack, followed by heavy, long-range, perfect!"

The next second, the speed in the space slowed down a lot, so Li Ye successfully won the game.

Huiliyi turned her head and looked at Li Ye, puffing her lips: "Li Ye! Bad!!"

Li Ye laughed: "Hey, you can't say I'm bad just because I won."

Huiliyi's lips puffed: "Bad! Li Ye! I don't like you anymore!"

Then she turned her head to the side, and Li Ye laughed and said: "Really? Huiliyi doesn't like me anymore?"

Huiliyi turned her head back and secretly glanced at Li Ye. Seeing that Li Ye was laughing, she still snorted and threw herself into Li Ye's arms again.

At this time, the door opened and Xia Mi walked in with a fruit plate in her hand. Seeing the two people, she also smiled: "Li Ye, you bully Yiyi again."

Li Ye waved his hand: "How is it possible? A good person like me never bullies others."

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