Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 889: Everything Returns to One

Li Ye looked at Se Lian in front of him. He could feel that the originally mixed strength in his body was becoming unified. This was probably the power of the core big rune, which contained the other two big runes.

As for why there is no such function in the original game. The fader in the original game also did not have the opportunity to use the big rune correctly.

Sensing Li Ye's awakening, Se Lian also stood up slowly. She acted very calmly: "Are you awake?"

Li Ye nodded: "I found out that someone used the source stone to replenish my energy. Didn't I want to wake up?"

Se Lian glanced at Li Ye, and then shook his head calmly: "Your value is very high, you cannot die, and the state you were in just now reminded me of the origin, and it also benefited me a lot."

Her face looked a little bad. Her originally elegant and noble face was now slightly covered in mud, and her body was even more tattered and covered in blood. Her lips were white and her body was trembling, as if she had just emerged from a pile of dead people. Just like climbing out.

There was no other way. Just after experiencing a big battle, I immediately used the source stone to replenish myself with energy. That's it.

Li Ye shook his head: "You guys, you really look like Lani."

Se Lian glanced at Li Ye and shook his head: "So what was your state just now?"

Li Ye pointed to his chest; "It's no big deal, it's just that the big runes merged to form my law. And you said you sensed the origin, probably because this is the birth of the law."

Se Lian frowned slightly: "The birth of the law?"

Li Ye nodded: "Yes, because according to my idea, prayer and magic are actually the same. It's just that prayer uses other people's magic. And it just so happens that I have my own law and use my own 'Magic' generates prayer and you perceive the existence of the origin."

Se Lian looked at Li Ye and was about to reach out to pull Li Ye's clothes. Li Ye quickly backed away: "Hey, hey, hey, what do you want to do!"

Se Lian looked at him and frowned slightly: "Let me see what the origin is."

Li Ye chuckled: "Want to see it?"

Se Lian looked at Li Ye, his expression still dignified: "Tell me what you want me to do again."

Li Ye stretched his body, then puffed up his chest, opened the clothes on his chest, and said: "Look, consider it as a reward for helping me with the source stone. Of course, you can also Let’s go because our agreement has expired.”

Se Lian looked at Li Ye's chest, and there was a divine black circular pattern on it. Se Lian could feel the energy contained in it, as well as the process of evolution, the endless brilliance and energy evolving in it.

She knew that as long as she stretched out her hand, she could touch the core power and the deepest brilliance, but she didn't, she withdrew her hand.

Se Lian's face didn't change at all, it was still the same expression that had no empathy for anything. He just said: "Then I choose to follow you. I will touch this thing more often, and I can also see it." to the evolution of this thing.”

Li Ye chuckled and raised the corner of his mouth: "Is that so? Miss Selian, did I say that I must let you go if you touch this thing?"

Se Lian looked at Li Ye and was stunned for a moment. She raised her head, looked at Li Ye's mean smile, and smiled slightly.

She rarely smiled, but her smile was very beautiful, but Li Ye also smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to her, and then patted her head: "Hey, hey, I won this time, remember. ?”

Se Lian returned to his cold look: "Sure enough, people who lack love care about winning or losing in relationships."

Li Ye shouted: "Hey, hey, who lacks love? And who has any relationship with you?"

Se Lian's expression improved a little, and it seemed that she didn't lose either.

Se Lian's hand touched the legal ring on Li Ye's chest, and then felt the feeling of opening up the universe in it.

This is the creation of the law. Li Ye is creating his own law. This is the right of only demigods or gods. When a demigod or god feels that he is qualified to do so, he will use methods. Create on your own big runes.

Similar to Blood King Monger, he chose the path of blood. If someone else gets his, the big rune will have the power of blood and cannot be modified.

There are also some demigods or gods who find that something is not quite right after carving. The carving is wrong. There is nothing you can do. You have to break the big rune through other methods before you can create it again.

Similar to Michaela at that time, he was originally a charming big rune, but later he changed to a gentle big rune that tolerates all things.

As for Li Ye, this was simply a big rune created by the Mother of Fingers to trick him.

He was not ready at first, but who knew that guy Godwin was ready at that time. Then Li Ye got his big rune and inexplicably inherited his current state.

"Hey, at that time he was preparing to fuse with the Great Rune and create his own law. No wonder a guy like that who could end the Dragon Clan's war could be chopped down by the Black Swordsmen."

As for why Greg failed to trigger the subsequent improvement of this law, the reason is very simple. Greg is not qualified. He does not have the ambition and courage to become king, and he is not recognized by the Great Rune at all.

In addition, this guy has been running away and putting it away since he obtained the Big Rune. Even in his own body, he regards it as a burden. How can he possibly develop the power of this thing?

Greg may just regard this thing as some symbol of his ancestors.

Li Ye shook his head. He touched his heart and felt the power in the Great Rune. His law was not Godwin's law, but his own law, because Godwin did not create his own law at all. , was killed. He was composing at the time but had not finished it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Li Ye to directly fall into the fusion state after obtaining this big rune.

But it was also a blessing in disguise. Li Ye had his own law, and he also felt a little bit of a groundbreaking feeling from it. Maybe the people in the law ring were useless, but he was different. He was a person of fantasy.

"It's interesting."

The more useful thing created by the law is probably to control the power in his body.

His law is called "Dao Yiyi", which is similar to an epileptic fire, but not like an epileptic fire. An epileptic fire burns everything and becomes the eternal one, while Li Ye mixes everything in me, Create an eternal one.

Same, but also different.

Of course, it's not very useful now. It can at most be used to better control the "talent demon", yes, but it will be of great use in the future.

Li Ye dripped some blood on his back and completely unfolded his panel. This battle also filled his level 6 experience points.

The main thing is to enter other people's homes and kill other people's city lords. It is indeed not something that a normal person can do. It perfectly meets the needs of a "devil". The improvement of points is called a high level.

"It's a pity. How come I, an innocent young man, am considered a bad guy?"

Li Ye said this in the tomb.

Before he could speak for long, a huge heart was thrown in front of him, and he was covered in blood. The one-armed Se Lian slowly walked over, without a trace of the blood on the heart just now.

Li Ye crawled out from under his heart, looked at Se Lian and cried out: "Hey, hey, hey, isn't it! Can you handle it gently!"

Se Lian just sighed and said, "Give me one of your arms. I want to carve one for myself."

Li Ye said helplessly: "How about you wait until I read the skills first?"

Se Lian didn't speak, just sat quietly beside Li Ye, flipping through the book of Li Ye's records.

Li Ye also continued to look at his skill list, absorbing the huge heart on the side.

"The fire dragon Akil, the flying dragon that occupies Lake Akil. It's a pity that when he met the dragon-slaying warrior Miss Serian, he could only die~"

Se Lian raised her eyes and glanced at Li Ye, and then said: "Do people who lack love also like to read in pieces?"

Li Ye sighed: "Forget it, I won't quarrel with you. Today is a good day to upgrade, so I won't quarrel with you."

"Ability value: lv.7

Strength: 0(e)

Durability: 0(e)

Magic: 0(e)

Agility: 0(e)

Dexterity: 0(e)

Magic: [Adura's Moonlight Sword], [Lani's Dark Moon], [Star Shower], [Loretta's Big Bow], [Broom Star], [Golden Tree Oath], [Golden Tree Favor], [Golden Tree Tractor Smash] (unavailable) [Golden Tree Flying Super] (unavailable).


All laws are unified: You have the power to unify your own energy, take advantage of the power of the Great Rune! Once you ascend the throne of the King of Elden and replace Malika with this law, all things will be burned, the gods will make way for you, and you will be the last one!


The law includes:

Pure Golden Law: Improve one's own faith, enhance the power of prayer released by oneself, and form part of the law of all things.

Dark Moon Law: Enhance one's own dark moon energy, enhance the power of moon and ice magic released by oneself, and form part of the law of all things.

The laws of Li Ye/Grek/Godwin: core energy, which forms the core of the law and is used to connect all laws to form its own law.

King: Endowed with power from an unknown life, you can use all the power of the Great Rune and integrate everything with your body. You carry hope, and you are her last hope.

The Faded One who has not faded: In theory, you should be a Faded One, but for some reason, you are still blessed, but as a Faded One, you can use the magic and power of all factions. This will not change, but if you want To further study stronger magic, you need to rely on your own talents.

Talent - Demon: Tarot card faction ability, you can enter the state of the demon, additional abilities: the more evil you do, the more powerful you gain!

Reality (Second Dimension - Pandora): The reality of existence will deviate from your ability, and you need to adapt to it yourself. Just like Pandora's box, you will be promoted and you will be degraded. Everything depends on it. At random.

Stone Dragon:

Fire Dragon: You have strong fire resistance, and you can also spit fire from your mouth, cremate your enemies with fire, and swallow more fire dragon hearts to improve this ability.

Development ability:

Swordsman: b


Li Ye looked at this thing and nodded: "Well, it's really a good ability~"

Se Lian didn't speak, and stood up slowly, looking at the sky outside the tomb, standing there like an oil painting.

Li Ye looked at her, with the sunset hanging on his body and looking into the distance. She looked like the kind of artistic girl who had had enough to eat and had nothing to do.

So Li Ye asked: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing standing there?"

Se Lian looked back at Li Ye and then said, "Where are we going next?"

Li Ye looked at her and smiled slightly: "It's very simple! Someone is going to fight, how can we not get a share of the spoils?"

He slowly stood up, and the staff in his hand slowly emitted a dazzling light; "I am the man who will dominate the entire border!"

Se Lian on the side looked at him, his face did not change at all, just sighed and said: "So, turn off the starlight, and also, take off one arm for me, and finally, I have gained a lot from you, wait until I have digested it before leaving."

Li Ye smiled awkwardly and turned off the "starlight" on the staff.

"Starlight", lighting magic, only the ability to illuminate.

At this moment, the city of Stonewell is like the original, with a huge hole next to the city gate. Because of Loretta's arrows, the city wall here is also bumpy, it can't be said to be broken, it can only be said to be crumbling.

In the city lord's courtyard, sitting on the city lord's seat, was Marika wearing a helmet. She was the winner of this battle, and it was understandable that she sat here.

Her legs were placed on the other prosthesis, her hands were folded on her legs, and she looked at the corpse in front of her with great elegance.

What kind of corpse was that?

It was a huge mountain demon corpse full of arms, and the corpse was full of golden light and moonlight residues. The glittering conflict was that this body had a small head.

This was Greg, the previous city lord, the golden king.

There was a big hole in the chest of the corpse, and it was obvious that someone had taken something from it.

Marlene narrowed her eyes: "So someone killed Greg before us?"

Fenlei bowed slightly, lowered his head, and didn't know what to say. After a long time, he spoke: "Lady Marlene, it is true. According to Ingwill, he thought that it was our man, so there was no need to choose to do it, because he thought his death would replace Greg's death, but it was obviously not our man."

Marley shook his head and said sarcastically: "How weak Finlei is, he can let someone kill his prey under his nose. Beautiful and elegant Lady Marlene. If I were the commander, this problem would definitely not occur."

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