Infinite Heroes Seat

Vol 4 Chapter 22: adventure

It's now!

The long tongue in the man's mouth was shooting towards Mo Wen like a sharp arrow. The speed was so fast that it almost reached a level that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

But it didn't work.

Mo Wen seemed to have eyes on his back, and Mo Wen just shook his upper body, leaned back slightly, and easily escaped the secret blow, and then grabbed the man's tongue with almost the same shooting speed.

There was a look of disgust on his face, Mo Wen grasped that slippery tongue, turned his head and shouted at the man who was crawling on the ceiling.

"Toad, did anyone say you are disgusting?"

An astonishing cold air spread from Mo Wen's hand, and Toad watched in horror as his tongue was turned into an icicle, and then the remaining cold air hit him unabated.

not good!

The big steel tooth on the opposite side felt his scalp numb, and the original good situation was instantly reversed. Regardless of his fear of Mo Wen, he rushed towards Mo Wen with a roar, stretched his arms, and was about to stop Mo Wen.

A black shadow flashed past, Big Steel Tooth's body was stiff, holding Toad's tongue in his hand, Mo Wen suddenly lifted his leg, and kicked Big Steel Tooth's head with a blow.

The blood flowed slightly, and Da Gangto felt his head groggy.

The body sank slightly, and Mo Wen turned around. With the angle of rotation, he kicked the head of the big steel teeth in a posture that an ordinary person would never do, like a cannonball, the whole of the big steel teeth. People were kicked out, hit the wall, and they didn't know their life or death.

"--Woo!" Seeing this, the toad was even more desperate, watching the frost that continued to spread, and finally saw him cruelly, and with a violent force, he broke his tongue alive.

The tongue that was frozen into an ice sculpture fell on the ground and turned into fragments of the ground.

"Woo!" He covered his bleeding mouth. Toad glanced at Mo Wen with a bitter bitterness, and when he turned around, he crawled out.

But the eye is a huge fist.

With the muffled thunderous sound, the entire goddess statue trembled.

Teleport, punch, and close. When Mo Wen fell from the ceiling. There was no toad there anymore, instead it was a curved spine. Half of the **** corpse buried in the ceiling, the **** piece looked extremely bloody, and the blood dripped down the ceiling onto the ground.

The body fell lightly on the smooth floor, Mo Wen didn't even look at the messy museum. After tidying up the clothes, he strode towards the elevator.


The dazzling white light shrouded the surroundings. Sitting in an instrument that resembled a stargazer, the little mischievous hand was tied to the metal pillar, and his eyes were filled with despair.

"Mo Wen, where are you, come and save me!" Feeling the energy flowing away from the body. Little mischievous eyes were full of tears, and she kept begging.

And standing in front of her, the pale Magneto was full of enthusiasm, his eyes fixed on the dazzling white light. He didn't mind the pain in his eyes.

"How many years have passed, my long-cherished wish! Today those world leaders will join us and become our brothers. What else can stop us in this world? Our mutants are the direction of human evolution!"

With arms open, Magneto roared loudly at the sky.

"Sorry, I won't let you do this!"

With his face sinking like water, Mo Wenhan appeared in front of Magneto. He glanced at the little mischief trapped in the instrument and frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, little naughty, I will rescue you soon!"

"Yeah!" Looking at the figure standing in the dark, Xiao Naughty smiled and nodded. Although there was still strength in the body, her heart warmed up.

he came!

He came to save me!

He really came to save me!

"Mowen! You are also a member of mutants. Why are you here to stop me? We can be companions. Don't you want to make all mutants happy? Didn't you think that's how you invented the physique enhancer? Come on? Well, as long as you watch quietly, a new era is coming soon!"

He said half-truth, Magneto began to delay time, he was not an unheard opponent in a normal fight, not to mention the present that has not yet recovered.

"shut up!"

The dazzling lightning flashed across the dark night sky and slammed towards Magneto.

"Damn it, stop me!"

Magneto Wang Jai was about to split his canthus, exhausted all his strength, and condensed a large metal shield in front of him.

A huge lightning struck the huge shield and burst open suddenly. The blue arc kept wandering away. Although the huge shield did not break apart, it was exploded into a large pit.

Seeing that his shield blocked the lightning strike, Magneto was relieved. Just about to say something, another bolt of lightning broke through the air.

One, two, ten thousand!

The thunder snake danced on the Statue of Liberty, and the entire night sky was illuminated like daylight.

Standing above the void, Mo Wen manipulated the lightning, like a thunder **** descending to the world.

Using magic as a guide, borrowing the power of heaven and earth from the God of War catalog, Mo Wen has merged the power of two different systems at this moment. Although it is still relatively superficial, it is indeed one step closer to his goal.


Amid the harsh screams, the swarming Razers resembled manic beasts, tearing apart Magneto's metal shield and submerging him in a blue ocean.

With his eyes condensed, Mo Wen, who had solved Magneto, waved his hand, and the lightning turned, and a thick thunder pillar struck the instrument that trapped the little mischief.

Rotating frantically, the dazzling white light gushes out from the instrument, blocking the oncoming thunder light like a protective cover.

The white and blue energies are intertwined, and finally annihilated together.

The brow furrowed tighter, and under Mo Wen's control, lightning bolts continued to slash. Although the white light was pressed back into the instrument a little bit, the little mischievous look inside became more and more painful.

"Okay!" Stopped the action in his hand, took a deep breath, Mo Wen suddenly flashed, and appeared in the instrument the next moment.

"Little naughty, don't be afraid! I'm here to save you!"

There seems to be a strange power madly absorbing the power in his body, Mo Wen's face is white when he enters the instrument, and he is stumbling subconsciously.

"——Well, Mo, why did you come in? No, it's dangerous here. Get out!"

Listening to Mo Wen's voice, the little mischief who had been stunned by the energy absorption was taken aback. Looking at his face in pain, he screamed anxiously towards Mo Wen who was approaching him step by step.

"It's okay!" Mo Wen squeezed a smile on his face, came to Xiaoqi's side, and reached out to grab the shackles that bound her hands.


But when he encountered the little naughty hands, Mo Wen couldn't help but let out a scream.

The little mischief only felt a familiar power from his hand, and the body that had been sucked out of oil quickly recovered.

"Mo, stop!"

Little mischievous and anxious, she started to cry. Although she didn't know what method Mo Wen used to resist her ability, she undoubtedly failed in this special environment in front of this machine that also has absorptive capacity. , At this moment, coupled with the suction of the instrument, Mo Wen's situation is very dangerous. No one knows the terrible power of these two suctions better than her, and Mo Wen is likely to die soon after doing this.

"It's okay, I will rescue you soon!"

Mo Wen's face was very pale, but he was still trembling and pulling on the shackles of the little mischief. The metal button began to deform under his strength, but it was unable to pull it apart for a long time.

"Go! Go!"

The little mischievous cried, struggling desperately.

"No, I won't leave, I said I will save you, I promised you, I will do it!"

With a faint smile, among the white light, Mo Wen's face was extremely pale, a little embarrassed, not as handsome as before, but the little mischievous felt that he would never forget this smile for the rest of his life.

The next moment, the machine roared, and the white light rose, and the two disappeared into the white light together.

The White The politicians of various countries who are holding the summit are all surprised by the wonders of the sky not far away. In the dark night sky, a dazzling white aperture suddenly spreads, and mysterious power strikes from the coastline. Came straight to the venue.

Some panic, people subconsciously hugged their heads and squirmed and avoided. For the mysterious and unknown, people always have fear and anxiety in their hearts.

The breeze hit, and the white aperture was about to envelop the field, but after only a slight sound, the aperture shrank at a faster speed and disappeared without a trace.

Everything returned to its original state. Looking at the quiet night sky, people looked blank, not knowing what had happened.


On the Statue of Liberty, watching Stormgirl and Wolverine rushing over, the little naughty cried loudly, "Professor, hurry up! Save him, we must save him!"

Not far from her, Mo Wen crawled on the ground motionless, as if dead.


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