Infinite Heroes Seat

Vol 5 Chapter 78: Demon descends

The girl named Demon God closed her one eye. {First issue}

It's like removing the hopelessly dirty harlequin from consciousness.

Immediately after--

boom! !

Trillions of abnormal explosions covered the space where the two were close at hand.

The bones were shattered, the muscles were crushed, and Mo Wen was blown out by just a face-to-face encounter.

Although he tried desperately to stop in front of him with his right hand, he could only protect the vital parts. Once the supreme **** of the line, Odin, who stood at the apex of Norse mythology, was not what Mo Wen could now contend with, and Mo Wen even doubted it. , Odinus in front of me is stronger than the **** Odin in other worlds. After all, the magic forbidden book catalog is a high-level plane, and all kinds of weird spells are emerging in an endless stream. I have not heard of Odin’s ability in other worlds. "Infinite Possibilities", there is half the possibility of success in anything! Compared to Odin, who is tall, wearing gold armor, riding the eight-legged horse "Sleipnis", and holding the famous gun "Gunnier", the magical girl in front of me is even more troublesome, at least the former He also knows how to put his fist round on the opponent's face, and the latter is difficult for him to get close to.

"Damn it! There are ten minutes left!"

There are still ten minutes left until the **** seat descends. There seems to be another hand intervening in the world. Perhaps it is the origin of this world, or the demon gods are at work. In the end, Mo Wen still has to have a fight with Otinus. .

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, Mo Wen's bones were wailing.

Although the strength of Ortinus' magic does not exceed the divine right of the fire on the right, the frequency and coverage of the round's attack. The latter couldn't catch up with the demon **** in front of him. In the blink of an eye, Mo Wen was hit by hundreds of magic.

The body slammed hard against the stone pillar. Mo Wen plowed a long deep hole in the ground.

The continuous, carpet-like bombardment, the star of Bethlehem, which had long been overwhelmed, completely disintegrated in a burst of explosions, turned into countless tiny meteors, and slid towards the ground.

Among the piles of ruined walls, Mo Wen headed down and took off his whole body.

There are still seven minutes left.

Standing in the sky. The one-eyed Otinus squinted the only remaining emerald green eye, searching among the ruins of the Star of Bethlehem.

There are still six minutes.

There was a ray of murderous aura on his face, and Otinus rushed towards a falling rock.

Just waved his hand. The huge boulder as high as two stories turned into fly ash, exposing the unknown behind.

"Damn it!"

The space behind Mo Wen burst into wave-like ripples, knives, swords, spears, halberds, and all kinds of weapons with gorgeous light slammed toward Otinus.

five minutes.

Otinus wandered through the rain of weapons. Nor did she use any magic. But those treasures seemed to have been manipulated, always a little bit worse, and finally left.

A faint light radiated from his hand, and a cone of light suddenly broke through the atmosphere between the two, shooting towards Mo Wen amidst the howling sound.

Four minutes.

A ray of blood bloomed in the air, and his left leg was abruptly interrupted, but Mo Wen reversed the attack that was originally shot at the heart and flew out with force.

Otinus was taken aback for a moment. Then swooped towards Mo Wen again.

three minutes.

It only took less than a minute, under the attack of Otinus. After the left leg, Mo Wen lost his left hand again, and blood was all over his body, falling downward like a blood dance.


The light in his hand spread out like a spear. Otinus looked at the unusually handsome face, but in his own eyes he disliked the unusual face, and slammed the spear into Mo Wen's heart.

Two inches, one inch, the spear gradually approached the final goal, and Mo Wen's pupils were slightly opened because of the bitter ice.


A group of dazzling light, like a cannonball, shot out from Mowen's armpit, rubbed his body, and hit Otinus's body fiercely.

The spear shattered, and Otinus was blasted into the sky.

There are still two minutes left.

A series of light **** continuously shot from the ground, and the muffled sound like a drum continuously swept Otinus’ eardrums. Amidst the gunfire, the one-eyed demon looked down and crossed a distance of several kilometers, the United Kingdom The figure of the Puritan army is clearly visible, and there are nearly a hundred magicians standing on a huge magic circle constantly outputting their magic power, and then the huge magic power converges on the figure of the middle person, turning into a cannonball. Shoot towards the sky.

"Thinking that this can stop me?!"

Embarrassed by the attack just now, Otinus's one eye was sprayed with angry sparks, his hands were raised high, and a light group larger than a hundred Puritan magicians appeared in his hands.

The next moment, both hands were waved down, and the sound of artillery fire on the ground stopped abruptly, accompanied by a huge beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth.

There is one minute left.

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Otinus slammed at Mo Wen, "I see who else can save you this time!"

The distance between the two of them kept getting closer. At this time, Mo Wen was still intact except for his right hand, almost without the ability to resist.

Listening to Otinus screaming in surprise and anger, there was a smile on Mo Wen's blood-stained face.

"This is not necessarily true!"

A blue-and-white figure flew from the sky quickly, and the ice crystal-like wings seemed to have crossed the distance of the space, and they were firmly protected by Mo Wen.

"Power of God!"

Looking at the figure with the huge wings on his back, Otinus gritted his teeth and uttered three words.

"Do you think this can stop me?"

With a violent explosion, the entire sky was rendered into two colors of gold and blue.

There are still the last ten seconds.

The ice crystal wings guarding Mo Wen began to shatter.

Five seconds.

With the harsh cracking sound, among the countless pieces of ice, Otinus appeared in front of Mo Wen, with scars all over his body, and there was even a pin of ice stuck in one of his legs.

Four seconds.

Trying to prevent Ortinus from being blown away by the power of the gods.

Three seconds.

The spear composed of light appeared in the hands of Otinus.

With the petite soles of feet stomping on Mo Wen, Otinus held up his spear and was about to stab it.

Two seconds.

"Don't you want to go back to the'original world'?"

Looking at Otinus, Mo Wen said softly, this is the goal that Otinus must achieve when he is an enemy of the world.

For a moment, Otinus' spear stopped in front of his eyes, and the sharp tip of the spear was not even a millimeter away from the inaudible eyes.

One second.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the face of Otinus changed in the next moment.

"You lied to me!"

The spear was stabbed sharply.

But-everything is too late.

Amidst Mo Wen's laughter, a huge **** seat appeared in the sky.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, no matter how hard Otinus tried, the tip of her gun couldn't be pierced out.

The wounds all over his body healed at a weird speed. With just a blink of an eye, Mo Wen appeared in front of Otinus again intact, without any magic, even under the interference of the fantasy killer. He still stood in the air with ease.

Mo Wen squeezed Otinus' face humorously, "Ms. Devil, it looks like I won this time!"

"But thanks to your last stop, otherwise the young master's income will be much less!"

"Although I usually suffer from bad luck, in the end, my character was strong for a while!"

Looking at Mo Wen’s smug gritted her teeth with hatred, and then listened to her opening her mouth with difficulty, seeming to bear a great burden, every word. And said: "Did you—take—be—you—you—win—?"

An unidentified feeling flooded into Mo Wen's heart, and he subconsciously looked at Otinus.

In this still world, there was a slight noise, and Otinus' face, the blindfold made of black cloth, began to sink inward.

The protrusions filled with red and black liquid slowly flew out of the opened eye sockets.

——It was a gun. The tip of the gun was not a slender sharp knife like a small knife, but like a double-edged sword forcibly connected to it, forming a wide blade with a red-black liquid all over it.

With its appearance, the world in Mo Wen's eyes fell into darkness in the next moment. (To be continued...)

ps:    thank you monthly pass.

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