Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 66: Project 2

Touching his head, Mo Wen frowned and said, "Well, I'll solve this problem. The big deal is that I will cast the Imperius Curse on Ron directly, but even if we directly tell him the content of the project, he may not be able to pass it. , Don’t be drowned directly at that time."

   Crazy-eyed man grinned, "Leave this to me. I have already arranged it, and I will fix it."


In the end, Mo Wen still didn't cast the Imperius Curse on Ron. He had a better way. He looked at the naked and beautiful twins lying on his bed affectionately. Mo Wen just smiled, "Parvati, ha That guy Li is too incomprehensible, and I don’t know how to cherish it if I have a partner like you."

Paraty, who had recovered from the aftermath of the climax, gave her an angry glance, "His Royal Highness, Ravenclaw, you are not strong enough. When you asked me to play with my sister, I should Knowing that you have no good intentions, now you are finally satisfied, put our sisters in bed together!"

Padma behind her just smiled, "Isn't this great? My dear sister, our prince is much better than your Harry, and much more handsome than Butch and Linton." Butch and Linton are the partners that the sisters have met recently in Boothbarton. At the Christmas party, they were ruthlessly ignored by Ron and Harry, two unmannered guys. They were trying to prove their charm. Originally wanted to get to know some boys from other schools, but Mo Wen took the initiative to approach him. Of course, Mo Wen was a better choice no matter from which point of view.

   pretending not to care, Mo Wen suddenly asked, "Speaking of Harry, has he solved the second mystery?"

   "Who knows?" Paraty said grimly, "Who cares about that dishonest guy!"

   "But," Mo Wen frowned, and said, "The second project is very dangerous. Harry will die if he is not careful."

"Really?" Paraty was a little nervous. After all, she was a classmate who had been with him for a few years. She was not so cruel that she wanted Harry to die, and then quietly asked, "Guris, the second project. What is it exactly?"

"It's nothing, it's just looking for objects underwater. Just put the golden egg in the water and open it, and you can hear the singing of the mermaid, which will tell you the information of the game." A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Mo Wen understood his purpose. It’s reached, but he didn’t forget to remind Paraty, “Patti, if you want to tell Harry, it’s best not to tell him that I said it. You also know that he hates me. Maybe it will have the opposite effect. , Just say that I overheard it from Busbarton."

   Paraty blushed, "Modi, you guessed it, I just don't want Harry to die, nothing else."

   "It's okay," Mo Wen smiled, "After all, it's a school. I don't have a good relationship with Harry, but I don't want him to die. That's fine."

   On the other side, Padma looked at Mo Wen with stars scattered in her eyes, "His Royal Highness, you are so polite, and you care about your competitors so much!"

   "Haha, just a little kindness..."


In the second project, by the lake, Mo Wen watched Harry squeeze a ball of algae into his mouth, and he was quietly relieved. He was really afraid of any problems in which link. Now the whole plot has been dazzled. He changed a little messy.

   Krum used Transfiguration to turn his upper body into a shark, and then jumped into the lake.

   Furong also cast a head-foaming spell, wrapped her head, and jumped into the lake.

   In a blink of an eye, only Mo Wen was left on the bank.

   I saw him move his body, and then cast a magic-biological positioning technique, and immediately Qiu's position appeared in his mind.

   Flying technique, Mo Wen's body suddenly flew without a broom.

   The oncoming wind raised his hair, and soon under the screams of some spectators, he came to a lake.

   I saw him raising the magic wand in his hand, the magic power of his whole body was constantly surging, and the strange spell was blurted out, and a bright light shot towards the lake.

   That piece of lake water slides down quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, six levels of change magic—control the water level.

   Like being absorbed by a huge vortex, the lake in that area disappeared, and the scene at the bottom of the lake appeared in front of everyone.

   There is a house on a meadow. There is also a group of mermaid in front of the house. They are screaming in horror around a statue. Obviously, the disappearance of the lake made them quite frightened. And under their statue, there are four people tied up.

   "Oh my God! Mr. Guris separated the lake! He found his treasure!" Bagman yelled, "It's only a few minutes, and we have an hour to play!"

   slid down slowly from the air, Mo Wen stepped on the muddy ground at the bottom of the lake.

Looking at the people who were tied up, Ron was tied between Hermione and Qiu, and there was another girl who looked no more than eight years old, her silky silver hair and cute little face, it was not difficult to tell that she was in love with Fleur. related. UU reading www.

   With a wave of the magic wand in her hand, an invisible wind blade cut Qiu's rope. With Mo Wen's move, she flew into his arms.

   But looking at the remaining people, Mo Wen sent out two more wind blades, cutting the ropes between Hermione and the little girl.

   "No, powerful wizard, you have taken your things, the others must stay!" A murloc with a spear in front of him stopped in front of him, and even though he was shaking, he still spoke. Behind him is a group of cowering murlocs.

   Then the murloc saw those golden and silver eyes, "Ah!" As if seeing something extremely fearful, the murloc held his head, screamed, and ran away. When the murlocs who had not dared to come over, they swayed their tails and jumped into the surrounding lake desperately.

   "Cut, a bunch of cowards." He said in disdain, only a fear technique was settled.

   Then I looked at Qiu and Hermione in my arms, and then at the little silver-haired loli. Now everyone else was rescued by me. Harry, what do you rely on to show your noble sentiments?

   Mo Wen had a little magic wand in his hand, and flew back to the shore with the three girls.

Bagman yelled from the sidelines, "Oh, our Mr. Guris has returned. We looked at the time, and it took less than ten minutes. This is amazing! This should bring back Mr. Guris. The difference with other players—hey, Mr. Guris seems to be in trouble!"

   I saw Dumbledore, the Maksim woman, and Karkaroff all coming to Mo Wen's side.

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