Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 128 You Are Probably a Fake Brother

"I heard that too."

Bishamontian said with a solemn expression, and the owner of the voice was an acquaintance of himself.

Bishamontian, who has the ability to sense the sound, already understood the situation of the two of them, and he had to rush to rescue them, otherwise Ye Fighting God would go crazy.

Cedric snapped his fingers, "I hope to get there."

The infinite [Wish Power] communicates with the origin of the world through the priesthood of [Prayer], distorting reality, and changing the rules is just a matter of one sentence.

The next moment, they crossed the barrier between ghosts and the world, and appeared on the same day and the sky above their heads.

As a violent believer, Yiqi and a flying kick kicked a villain far away, but this is the limit of mortals, and more and more villains are about to surround them and eat them flesh and blood.

"I hope that my believers will come here and save the disaster."

Cedric made a wish again, bringing Iki Kazuto from another world here.

I haven't waited for Kazuto to understand.

Yiqi Rihe shouted, "Run with people!"

Although I know that my younger brother is an onmyoji, but a third-rate onmyoji from a third-rate dojo can't even beat himself, how can he deal with these evil people in front of him?

But after being taught by Cedric, Kazuto is no longer the little onmyoji he used to be, and he quickly figured out the situation.

A unique card appeared in his hand. The main body of the card was made of gilt gold, and a simple human figure was painted on it, which was a soldier holding a bow and arrow.

One of the seven major servants, Archer.

"I entrust [Thousand Cranes Universally Zhaozun's Order] to drive away all demons and monsters in the world."

The card is used as a medium to connect with the small holy grail in Cedric's body.

As the alchemist of God, although Cedric could not take away the Hall of Valor from the Xingyue World, all the information of the spirits who descended through the Holy Grail was recorded in the Holy Grail.

As long as there is enough energy and personality, it is not difficult to visualize information and give it to others.

It's just a superficial application of the Holy Grail ceremony.

Kazuto Iki was covered in a crimson archer magic dress, and with the blessing of Emiya Hero, he was the man who could win the Holy Grail War overnight.

"Projection · General Moxie."

Black and white double knives covered with fine lines appeared in his hands, and the violent airflow rolled up the surrounding dust.

As we all know, the weapon that archers are best at is the sword, so veteran Huang Zhong is also known as the best sword and bow.

Well, knives come before bows.

The figure of Iki Kazuto disappeared at the extreme speed, only two streamers of light were seen flying, and bloody flowers bloomed from the bodies of the villains.

In less than a second, there were only stumps and pieces of flesh left on the ground.

"Ah." The horrified cry of the best friend pierced the sky.

Cedric in the sky couldn't help covering his ears. It seemed that saving her was the right thing to do. He shuddered at the thought that there might be a tweeter serving him.

"Karen?" The dismembered corpse who passed through the ground uncertainly walked over. She pinched her brother's cheek to make sure that he was not transformed by the Disguise Technique.

This is probably not a fake brother.

Of course Iki Kazuto knew what his sister was thinking. If it was in the past, he might have been happy to show it off, but he has become a fanatic, and it can even be said to be the pinnacle of fanaticism.


Carrying the great power of the gods with the human body, both the strength and the mentality will gradually change, gradually conforming to the path of one's own gods.

"It's me, sister."

Seeing Iki Kazuto's expression at this time, Hiyori is even more sure that the person in front of him is a fake younger brother.

"Sister, I am serving Master [Qian He Pu Zhao Zun Ming] now. He heard your prayers and sent me to save you."

Having said this, Ichi and Hitomi prayed together.

No matter how you look at it, the wicked god I serve is very interesting this time. If my sister has an accident among the ghosts, I am afraid that I will be in pain.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, the best friend calmed down, and heard Cedric's divine name immediately, she said excitedly, "Master Chizuru heard my call?! Sure enough, Master Chizuru loves me, From today on, everything about me belongs to Master Qianzuru."

Hiyori ignored her buddy who was committing a nympho, she looked at her younger brother seriously, "[Thousand Cranes Purify Your Life]?"

As one of the few people who know the gods best in the mortal world, the younger brother's current state is not as simple as serving.

"Well, I am now a high-level priest serving the great god, and I am in charge of all the beliefs of [Thousand Cranes Shine Your Life] in the secular world."

Ichi Kazuto said calmly that he is no longer a third-rate onmyoji who is bullied in the dojo.

He is a great priest who can be received by the emperor and chat and laugh with the leaders of the consortium.

At the time when his life was at its worst, a gate of heaven opened to him, and he stepped through it, becoming a high shepherd.

Hiyori didn't say much, if it was a nameless god or an evil god, she might even admonish her younger brother, but "Qianhe Puzhao Respected Mandate" is a righteous god of good fortune granted by heaven.

Then she thought of another question, "Master Qianhe can really fulfill the wishes of ordinary people?"

Hearing this question about his belief in the main god, Kazuto Iki originally wanted to answer with a serious face.

However, the best friend next to Hiyori took a step ahead, "Hiyori, why don't you understand that you are a deadhead, it is Mr. Qianzuru who heard our prayer, so you sent your brother to save us."

"What more can I say, let's go home quickly, and I will immediately be Lord Qianhe's support!"

Can prayers be heard? Why can't you hear it? One day and looking at the distant sky.

"It's really interesting, a wild god who abandons fanatics." Cedric clapped his hands and said.

He has already heard Yiqi Rihe's prayer, if he wants to respond, he can send Yiqi Rihe to Yato God immediately.

However, Bishamontian next to him held Cedric's little hand with serious eyes, "Qianhe, you were born not long ago, and you still don't know about Yato."

"Oh, Yato?" Cedric looked at Luna curiously. He really wanted to know the difference between the Yato in this world and what he knew.

"Yes." Bishamonten nodded cautiously, "Yato God is the Noragami Hiyori believes in."

"However, he is different from the general Noragami. I have known him since the Heian era."

"The Noragami who lived from the Heian era to the present?" Cedric may not have felt anything about this before, but he, who has become a god in this world, knows the horror of it too well.

You can imagine what it means to have a Noragami who has lived for more than 1,000 years and has not disappeared.

It's like an exam.

Great gods are like excellent students who can score more than 90 points in the test, so they have always attracted people's attention, and they don't worry that they will disappear.

And Noragami, those little gods who failed the exam, a batch of them will disappear after one exam, and the outstanding Noragami will gradually become famous great gods.

The time for each exam is 20 years for one generation.

But now there is a Noragami who took the exam for more than a thousand years, and every time he took the exam, he got exactly 60 points, neither rising nor falling.

The horror in it is not comparable to that of ordinary 90-point masters.

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