Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 347 You are such a bastard!

"But it's not surprising. I don't understand a great existence like you, and it's only possible that it came from that mysterious country." Edmund put away his gun and sighed.

"Who am I?" Cedric asked suspiciously.

Edmund took out a tube of injection and gave himself a needle, and threw another tube to Cedric, "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, we are all mortal bodies now, CPH3 cannot be taken continuously , this is an injection for replenishing energy."

Cedric became cruel, and imitated Edmund to puncture the vein in his arm. The liquid medicine was automatically pushed into Cedric's blood, and even his sluggish spirit was lifted a lot. "Stimulants?"

"There is a part of artificial adrenaline in it, and we may face a battle in a while." Edmund leaned on the glass of the Ferris wheel car. At this time, the Ferris wheel car they were riding in had reached its peak. She looked at the bustling below. "It's so beautiful here."

Cedric suddenly read resentment, sadness and a touch of resentment in her tone.

When Edmund turned around, tears flooded his gorgeous makeup.

It's hard for Cedric to imagine that a female version of Rambo like her will show such a weak side. Shouldn't she be the kind of ruthless person who harvests life in the hail of bullets with no expression and never looks back at the explosion? ?

"What's wrong?" Cedric touched his whole body, trying to find a piece of paper, but finally took off his beach shirt and handed it to her. Said that she really knew this ruthless man, and she was a big shot in her mouth. Anyway, Cedric now has a natural sense of trust in Edmund.

"I'm not as fragile as you think." Edmund took the shirt and wiped away his tears and makeup. "It's just that I just remembered a bad memory."

In the process of hallucinating, as a mortal, she saw more specific pictures, failures again and again, scattered pictures of world destruction appeared in her memory.

She understands that this is all true, the country she loves, and tens of millions of people may have been destroyed countless times without knowing it, and she found Cedric every time, but each time she ushered in more Deep despair.

The reason why she is still persisting is that she wants to fight for the last hope for the people below, and someone always needs to carry the burden forward.

"What did you see?" Cedric asked.

"When the world is destroyed again and again, the specific situation is not clear. After all, as the world line advances, your strength will gradually recover, and us mortals can't even see your faces clearly in your battles, and every time With the restart of the world line, although I have your protection, I will still lose a certain amount of memory, coupled with the combination of memories from different world lines, I can now be regarded as a mental patient."

Speaking of this, Edmund laughed at himself, "If it weren't for the innate killing skills of this body, maybe I would have thought that I had taken too much hallucinogen."

"Who the hell am I?" Cedric asked again, he had gradually believed Edmund's words.

"You are a great person, but you are also a bastard." Edmund showed a complex look, and it was difficult for her to express her feelings for Cedric, "You created a world, shrouded a huge disaster in it, and prevented the real world Destroyed at once, but you are betting the lives of tens of millions of people, as for what you want to do, only you know."

Scenes of Cedric and Cedric when the world restarted flashed in her mind. He was always so high, even when the sky collapsed and the black hole devoured everything in the world, he seemed to be winning, and panicked at this time. Like a little white mouse with different expressions, which one is the real him?

Cedric opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while, and finally he could only sigh helplessly, "That may be more on the side of the bastard, after all, I am not the kind of person who sacrifices himself for others, at best I am lawful and neutral. .”

Speaking of lawful neutrality, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he picked up the twenty-sided dice and looked at it carefully.

Edmund asked nervously, "Did you remember anything?"

Cedric frowned, and said with some uncertainty, "You said that the world line here is constantly restarting?"

Even without the memory of becoming a great person, Cedric still understands the concept of restarting the world line.

Edmund nodded solemnly, "Although I don't know how many times the world line has been restarted, there was never a time when you didn't even have any memory like this. I guess this time is very special."

Cedric raised the dice in his hand, "Have you seen this thing in my hand before?"

Edmund took the dice unceremoniously, held it in her hand and carefully searched for relevant memories, enduring the pain of a large number of disordered memories hitting her mind, she shook her head affirmatively, "No, I have never seen this thing before."

Then handed the dice back to Cedric, "Do you remember?"

Cedric played with the dice in his hand. If he remembered correctly, in the picture he saw with hallucinogens before, the bastard also had such a dice in his hand. After countless pictures dissipated into the simplest lines, they were all destroyed. This dice absorbs.

The world is built on a dice!

Cedric knew this argument. After human science entered the quantum realm, the double-slit interference experiment broke everyone's cognition of fatalism, and even the cognition of causality.

Then the proposal of the "uncertainty principle" in the quantum field pushed everything into the unknowable field.

Although Cedric didn't know the specific principle, he remembered a sentence, the world is built on a dice!

"This world is built on a dice." Cedric murmured.

"What?!" Edmund asked anxiously.

"Do you know the principle of uncertainty? If I'm really as great as you said, maybe when I built this world, I relied on this principle." Cedric said loudly.

The principle of uncertainty, this knowledge quickly emerged in Edmond's mind. In the statement of the law of causality, that is, "if you know the present with certainty, you can predict the future", what is drawn is not a conclusion, but a premise.

Knowing the present with certainty, but not being able to foresee the future... Edmund took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and quickly assembled the information she had received.

In her memory, no matter how many times, their final outcome is the destruction of this world. It is a possibility, rather than ending up as a result of inevitable destruction.

Some special force must be interfering with the cornerstone of His creation: the Uncertainty Principle.

As long as they find this power and solve it, they can create a new future.


The "heat death" produced by the extreme increase of entropy will inevitably lead to the destruction of the universe. What he has been fighting against is the increase of entropy. Does he want to reverse the increase of entropy? !

He dared to use the fate of countless people to do such an incredible experiment, Edmund punched Cedric directly in the stomach, "You are such a bastard!"

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