Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 486 Building a Floating City

Cedric still can't build a complete floating city.

Although he can solve the two biggest difficulties of Floating Void City, energy core and technology.

But the last difficulty, he has no way to solve it in terms of resources.

A complete floating city must have at least five legendary mage towers as control hubs, coupled with puzzle locks, automatic defense mechanisms, large magic cannons, and even formations of astral ships in the floating city.

Floating City Astral Ship Formation You read that right. In the late Netheril era, Floating City has been used as a space carrier for the Arcane Empire to mine astral resources. Of course, a completed astral ship formation is needed.

It's just that the radical approach of the Netherese at that time led to a joint boycott by all star world civilizations, coupled with the turbulence within the empire at that time, as a last resort, the Arcane Empire canceled the star world resource mining plan.

From the perspective of modern people, the ruling class of the arcane empire composed of great arcanists is too lacking in ruling power. If they had been able to give up everything in the main material world and not get entangled with Felin Mokui, they would All the resources are used for the great development of the star world. It is impossible to say that the arcane civilization will really become a great civilization.

It's just that the mutual wrangling between the great arcanists made the astral resource mining plan reluctantly give up when encountering the initial difficulties. Maybe they had a plan to solve the internal crisis of the empire and then restart the astral mining plan. There is no chance to start this plan.

Cedric built the floating city for the two most important purposes. The first is to resist the invasion of orcs, and the second is to exploit the almost endless resources of the star realm.

Sure enough, only the stars and the sea are worthy of a man's conquest.

Going back to the previous question, Cedric wants to build a floating city, and what he lacks most now are resources.

Generally, in the early stages of building a floating city, great arcanists would use a powerful spell to cut off a section of the mountain range, and then keep [Gravity Reversal] and [Legendary Levitation].

It's just that it is too expensive. Although these two legendary technologies are not difficult for Cedric, they can build a floating city in his ideal.

It is estimated that the 50 million gold coins provided by the goddess of wealth will be able to complete the infrastructure, and there may be a large gap.

Moreover, this method of building a floating city on the bright side is no different from seeking death. A floating city without a complete defense system will definitely become the first target of the orcs, and then I have to fight the orcs in advance.

So Cedric decided to grab a 'floating city'.

This must mention an astral race, the githyanki.

After they got rid of the rule of the spirit suckers, they evolved into radical egalitarians, turning into pirates in the astral world, constantly plundering resources to strengthen themselves.

It can be said that it is notorious and full of evil.

As the light of the righteous way, I certainly will not allow such cunning villains to go unpunished.

Robbery is not robbery, is it?

Cedric rubbed his chin, at least it would not cause too much deviation from the camp.

Then it's up to you, githyanki!

As well-known pirates in the astral world, the Githyanki are of course the main force preventing the Arcane Empire from entering the astral world, so don't underestimate this race that is not protected by the true god on the surface.

Each of the Githyanki is a natural psyker and warrior. In other words, they are a race with extraordinary professions, so the lives of the main material plane have little resistance to their plunder.

Of course, this refers to those remote main material planes where the true gods pay less attention. If the Githyanki dare to come to the twin stars of the DND world to make trouble, the gods will instantly teach them to be good people.

However, it is undeniable that the githyanki have developed astral ship technology, and they also built a huge astral fortress as their home.

And what Cedric is eyeing is these built star world fortresses.

Although it needs to be modified before it can be used in the main material world, there is no doubt that this is the natural base of the floating city.

The biggest astral fortress of the Githyanki is the [Queen's Kingdom] built on the [Sea of ​​Stars].

This is an almost perfect astral fortress, its base is an ancient and powerful god corpse, coupled with the incomplete kingdom of God and a large number of demiplanes.

Even Cedric wasn't confident that he could win the astral fortress head-on.

What's more, although Queen Lakis, the supreme ruler of the Githyanki, is not a god, she is undoubtedly the closest existence to the true god.

In addition to this [Queen's Kingdom], the Githyanki still have many excellent astral fortresses. Although these fortresses can withstand the attacks of ordinary saints, they are far from enough for Cedric.

Qianhe Puzhao, who had a similar heart with Cedric, said with a smile, "You are really evil, but I like it."

[Wheel of Truth] Floating in front of the two of them, on the golden round wheel, an image composed of countless Ouroboros symbols appeared.

Number '10' Wheel of Fortune.

The githyanki have offended a lot of enemies, so their astral fortresses float in the astral world with special trajectories. At the same time, in order to prevent the opponent from finding their position with divination, these astral fortresses are also kept as legendary. level [anti-prophecy].

It's just that the legendary level [Anti-prophecy] is still not enough for Cedric and two second-order destiny artifacts.

Cedric threw out the [Mind Vision Robe] and rolled the dice on twenty sides. He said softly, "My next actions will be unpredictable."

The dice fall on the river of fortune with the number 10 face up.

Although the [Mind Image Robe] has the ability of [Fate Concealment], it is better to be careful if you prophesy the other party yourself. After all, the githyanki queen is also a ruthless person.

The biggest fortress of the githyanki in the astral world, Lakis, the queen of the githyanki woke up from her sleep. She stretched herself and suddenly felt as if something was missing.

"Servant." He said majesticly.

An attendant walked up to Lakis with a frantic expression and said, "Your Majesty, you are awake, and the return ceremony is ready."

Hearing the [Return] ceremony, Lakiston immediately understood what he was missing. It turned out that it was time to 'eat'.

As a false god transformed into a lich, of course he doesn't need to eat.

However, as an ambitious false god of the evil camp, he is always yearning for more powerful power.

So there was the famous [Return] ceremony of the Githyanki. He would 'eat' a group of powerful Githyanki on a regular basis, so as to make himself more 'perfect'.


In the main material world, the wheel of fortune began to turn slowly, and a githyanki fortress floating in the astral world was locked.

Cedric took Aiolia, Hongji, and Qianhe Puzhao to open the portal at the next moment, and arrived not far from the locked star fortress.

He can't shield the opponent for long, so it's best to fight quickly.

This is a huge astral fortress, with a diameter of about 20 kilometers, much larger than ordinary floating cities, because in the astral world they don't have to consider the reason of the planet's gravity.

The buildings above retain the traditions of the Githyanki people, and a large number of silver products decorate the whole city with silver light.

Really rich, Cedric exclaimed, he really murdered and set fire to the gold belt.

There is nothing more lucrative than a mugger.

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