Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 143: 18 Palms of the Dragon VS Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong

   In the center of the ring, five wheels of gold, silver, copper, iron and lead flew in with an extremely overbearing force.

   On the opposite side of the five wheels, a golden dragon shadow flew towards the five wheels.


   Jinlong collided with five wheels.

   The air seemed to be shaking.

   The heroes who were close to the ring were so shocked that they all stood unstable and fell to the ground.

   The cups, plates and dishes on those tables were also cracked to pieces.

   The five wheels suddenly seemed to hit a boulder, flying in all directions.

   bang bang bang bang-

   The golden wheel hit the right wall, knocking the wall out of a hole;

  The silver wheel soars into the sky, flying far beyond the fence;

   The copper wheel fell on the ground, and the ground was smashed into a pit as long as one foot;

  The iron wheel flew out to the side, and it was in the middle of a pillar beside the ring. The pillar suddenly broke, and the ring collapsed in half;

   The lead wheel flew in the opposite direction and smashed towards the chest of King Jinlun.

   The King of Golden Wheel was taken aback, and quickly transported the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung to block his chest, only then barely blocked the blow.

   When the lead wheel flew out in the reverse direction, the force was a bit stronger than when he shot it. He was so punched that he couldn't help taking five steps backward.

   However, after the golden dragon shadow collided with Wulun, its momentum continued to fly towards the King of the Golden Wheel.

   King Jinlun was even more surprised, and he couldn't even dodge.


   The golden dragon shadow is booming on King Jinlun’s chest.

   The King of the Golden Wheel was like being hit by a huge boulder, and he flew upside down ten feet away, even knocking out a hole in the wall.

   At this moment, everyone present was shocked.

   Lin is also deeply shocked.

   I have always heard that Jianglong’s Eighteen Palms is the most rigid and fierce palm.

   When I saw it today, it was even tougher than I thought.

   After being shocked for a moment, everyone present yelled in unison.

"it is good!"

   "Guo Daxia mighty!"

   "During the dragon with eighteen palms, it really deserves its reputation!"

  Guo Jing stood on the ring, with a body like a gun, and shouted: "The King of Wheels, what else do you have to say?"

   For a while, King Jinlun couldn’t get up.

  Dalba quickly helped Jinlun up.

   King Jinlun looked pale, and his heart was shaken.

   He has already practiced the seventh level of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, and thinks that he is a great master and can sweep the Central Plains martial arts.

   But unexpectedly, he was only palmed by Guo Jing, and his internal organs were shaken, and he suffered extremely serious internal injuries.

   He reluctantly emphasized his breath, but felt that the more he adjusted his breath, the more fiery his chest hurts.

   He took a deep breath, and reluctantly said, "Guo Daxia has delivered eighteen palms to the dragon, and he is indeed well-deserved. I will visit again in the future and say goodbye!"

   talked with his two apprentices and fled in embarrassment.

   According to Lin Yi's temperament, he must cut the grass and remove the roots at this time, and must take care of King Jinlun.

   However, although King Jinlun was seriously injured, Lin Yi's strength is still far behind King Jinlun.

   And if the King of Golden Wheels is dead, many plots will be impossible to proceed.

   His biggest hole card in the world is to predict how things will develop. If the plot changes, there will be no life-saving cards.

   So just think about it.

   Guo Jing defeated King Jinlun, and everyone present was applauded.

   Yang Guo defeated Dalba and fought against the King of the Golden Wheel with the little dragon girl. Everyone respected them both.

   As for Lin Yi, the name of his fortune-telling was completely passed on.

Huang Rong said to Lin Yi: "There is an old predecessor in the martial arts, named Gu Ying, who is nicknamed the **** fortune teller. It's just that her **** fortune is in mathematics. Today, the Lin brothers anticipate the enemy's opportunities, and the **** fortune is a veritable fortune. child!"

   Guo Jing also smiled and said: "Brother Lin just asked me to save the dragon girl. I was wondering, but I didn't expect the dragon girl to be in danger. The fortune teller is worthy of the fortune teller."

   Since Guo Jing Huang Rong called it, Lin Yi's nickname "God fortune teller" was really called.

   Next, Yang Guo took the little dragon girl and met with Guo Jing and others.

   Guo Jing was very pleased to see Yang Guo becoming famous in front of heroes in the world, so he talked about giving Guo Fu to Yang Guo.

   As a result, Yang Guo said that he would only marry Xiaolongnv as his wife in his life.

   This rhetoric immediately aroused the ridicule and contempt of the heroes of the world. Guo Fu even cursed on the spot: "The shameless Yang Guo is going to marry his master. Betraying the relationship and subverting the general rule is simply shameless."

  Gai Yin Xiaolongnv is Yang Guozhi's teacher. In the Song people's opinion, the master is the father.

   The little dragon girl is a woman, and the teacher is the mother.

   How can Yang Guo marry his mother, isn’t this *?

   But Yang Guo is naturally proud. The more you ridicule me, the more I want to marry Master.

   In the contempt of the heroes of the world, the two walked outside the village.

   At this moment, Lin Yi exclaimed, "Brother Yang, stay."

   Yang Guo turned his head and stared at Lin Yi: "You want to laugh at me too? It doesn't matter."

   Lin also glanced at the little dragon girl, laughed and said, "Brother Yang, I wish you all grow old and live a long life."

   Yang froze for a moment, and looked at each other with the little dragon girl, a wave of gratitude surged in his heart.

   Just imagine, when people all oppose your marriage, there is someone who stands up to support you, how grateful you should be for that person.

   He gave Lin Yi a fist: "Brother Lin, if there is anything I need Yang Guo to help in the future, just speak up!"

   Xiaolongnv said to Lin Yi: "I and Guoer will be grateful to you."

  Lin Yi nodded to Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv, and the two took another deep look at Lin Yi, and then walked away slowly in the eyes of the hero of the world, which was contemptuous and angry.

   As soon as the two of them left, the hero of the world turned his attention to Lin Yi.

   In their opinion, Yang Long’s behavior is no different from *. Now Lin Yi openly supports them, which makes it difficult for them to understand.

Guo Jing was pale with anger by Yang Guo, and he was not very polite to Lin Yi: "Brother This is obviously a mistake. You have to support him. This is not a mistake. ?"

Guo Fu was dissatisfied with Lin Yi in his heart. At this time, he seized the opportunity and pointed to Lin Yi and said, "Master Yang and his apprentice have done such things with animals and animals. You have to support them. In my opinion, they are either stupid or crazy, you It's not stupid or crazy."

   Everyone also looked at Lin Yi questioningly.

   Lin Yi just sincerely blessed both Yang and Long, but unexpectedly put himself in the target of public criticism.

   But Lin can also be a person who has lived for more than a hundred years, and this scene does not bother him.

   Looking at the gaze of the world's heroes, Lin Yi laughed and stepped down slowly.

   walked outside the door, while chanting loudly:

   "People laugh at me too crazy,

   I laugh at others and can't see through.

   I don’t see the tomb of the Five Tombs heroes,

   There is no flower and no wine to **** Zuo Tian. "

   The poem was finished, and he also left Zhuangzi and turned on the thin horse.

   Under the sunset, go leisurely.

  The end is like an expert in the world.

   In Lin Yi's mind, the voice of the system came:

   "This pretender, I will give you full marks!"


   There are thousands of heroes in Lujiazhuang. Look at me and I will look at you.

   Although what Lin Yi had just done made them puzzled and a little angry, they were amazed at Lin Yi's magical calculations and the masterful demeanor when Lin Yi left.

   The monkey said: "Brother Lin is so young, but with such a magical calculation, it is really amazing."

   Guo Jing said coldly: "No matter how strong his ability is, no matter how good his martial arts is, his behavior is not correct, but he is disgusting.

   Huang Rong said: "Otherwise, I think Brother Lin has a magical calculation and a strange behavior. He will do something in the future."

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