Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 408: New plane

Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing waited there for a few days, and the epidemic in Lijiang has basically been brought under control.

In the past few days, Lin Yi did not see Hydra come out.

He was able to detect that the Hydra was in the cave, occasionally moving around, but basically stayed motionless most of the time.

According to the system, this Hydra is in its growth phase.

During the growth period, the Hydra will basically remain motionless. Only in this way can it grow into an adult Hydra as soon as possible.

Seeing that it was already the night of December 31st, Lin also wanted to enter the film and television plane.

But with Shui Ruobing here, he felt a little uneasy.

He always felt that Shui Ruobing was not that simple, and he didn't know why she approached herself.

Although it seems that she has no malice towards herself, she has to be defensive.

Gradually, the time was approaching twelve o'clock at night.

Lin Yi slept in his tent and used the creature tracking skills to perceive it, and it was obvious that Shui Ruobing was already asleep.

At 11:59, he walked out of the tent.

Looking down at his watch, seeing that it was 11:59:58, he quickly revealed his rental house, opened the door and walked in.

Two seconds later, his rental house had disappeared in place.

And the water Ruobing in the tent was asleep and didn't even feel it.

At this time, Lin Yi's consciousness seemed to have come to a dark space.

The draw is about to start again.

The system said: "Now you are a level 9 evolutionary, so for every draw, you need 5oo evolution points."

Lin Yi cursed in his heart: "True Nima Keng."

But there is no way, the flower should be spent.

If you get something, you can save your life.

At this moment, the turntable appeared in Lin Yi's mind again.

He spent 15oo evolution points and drew three times.

Of course he hopes to draw Gongsun Lue again.

But this time luck was not so good.

The first time I got the character package in the consumption class.

After opening, the word "A Xing" was written.

In other words, A Xing can be summoned to fight with him once;

The second draw was also a consumable item, which contained a prop: the profound iron epee.

In other words, you can use the profound iron heavy sword for five minutes when necessary.

Although both of these are consumables, Lin Yi is a bit dissatisfied, but I have to say that the things given in the consumables are still pretty good.

And in the end, when the turntable stopped, Lin Yi looked at the motionless pointer on the turntable, and couldn't help but his heart beat: Divine Eagle!

And this sculpture is not a pet bag in the consumable category, but a real sculpture.

In other words, in the entire plane, Lin Yi wanted the statue to appear, and it would appear.

It seems that we are going to fight side by side with the gods once again.

When Lin Yi opened the door of the rental house again, he saw a vast field in front of him.

Above the field, there is a sparse grassland with small purple flowers occasionally growing.

There are basically no trees in the field, but there is one occasionally, but it is very tall.

It was midsummer at this time, and the grass was slumped by the sun.

Even the big tree not far away is listless.

Lin Yi used biological energy to take off his coat, only put on a short sleeve, and slowly came under the tree.

Then he asked the system: "System, what plane is this?"

The system chuckled and said, "Do you think that based on my urinary sex, I will take the initiative to tell you? It is better to find the answer by yourself, Sao Nian."

Lin also ignored the two items of the system, and after a short break, he enveloped the creature tracking skills within a radius of one kilometer.

Then let the system give it to itself.

He patted the solid back of the **** carving and said, "Brother Diao, we are going to fight together again."


The divine eagle flapped its wings and said to Lin Yi.

After that, Lin Yi stepped on the back of the **** sculpture, and the **** sculpture screamed loudly, flapping its wings, and soaring into the sky.

Lin Yi rode a **** sculpture while flying, thinking to himself, fortunately there is a **** sculpture, otherwise, under such a hot sun, he would have to walk on foot. Wouldn't it be very hard?

But even so, under the scorching sun, he still flew for about an hour before he saw a road ahead.

Lin Yi came to this highway, put away the **** sculpture, and then walked slowly on the highway, trying to find some clues.

But after waiting for more than half an hour, there was not even a car on the road.

"System, can't you tell me honestly what plane this is?"

Lin also couldn't help asking the system again.

The system chuckled again and said: "Young man, be patient, or find the answer by yourself."

This time Lin couldn't help it, and wanted to talk to the system theory, but at this moment, a car drove into the distance.

Lin Yi moved in his heart and put away the **** sculpture.

Then stood on the side of the road, stretched out his right hand, thumbs up, and made a gesture of wanting a ride.

When the car came to him, it stopped.

There were three white youths in the car, all of whom looked only eighteen or nineteen years old.

"Hey, buddy, want a ride?"

The tall and thin driving man asked in pure American English.

Lin Yi nodded and replied in pure American English: "Yes, where are you going?"

"Let's go to Gilt City, 5o miles ahead."

"Just right, I'll go there too."

Lin Yi said.

The thin and tall man patted the body and said, "Get in the car." He looked very bold.

"Thank you."

Lin Yi got in the car.

Lin Yi, a young general next to him, took a look and asked, "Are you an Oriental?"

"Yes. From China."

Lin Yi said.

The young man looked at Lin Yi with emotion and said, "Your American language is very pure."

Before Lin Yi answered, the system used his voice to say: "Of course, we have a school there that teaches American English."

"Oh? What school teaches so purely?"

"Lan Xiang? What school is that? Is it a famous university in your country? Why haven't I heard of it."

The system replied in Lin Yi's voice: "Learning technology, come to Lanxiang. Free trial for one month, first learn technology and then pay. Internship fee will be paid one year after graduation. You can also learn driver's license for free if you learn intermediate and advanced technicians. ..."

Lin Yi can hear a black line, and the system is too noisy.

And those few people also looked at each other.

Although this oriental man speaks American English very well, they can't understand what he says.

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