Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 41: Avril Lavigne's fighting skills

   After the school exam, the results will be released in three days.

   Lin also planned to take advantage of these three days to find more movies and TV shows.

   But early the next morning, Avril Lavigne came to him, and besides serving him breakfast as usual, she said: "Are you already a level 2 evolutionary now?"

   Lin Yi didn't feel surprised at all that Avril Lavigne knew that she was promoted to level 2.

Avril Lavigne continued: "Now your basic strength has reached 400 kilograms, but you still don’t know any fighting skills. I don’t know how to maximize the effect of this 400 kilogram force. So, starting today, my sister will teach you fighting skills. ."


   Lin also looked Avril up and down.

   Avril wears a pair of ponytails, a white T-shirt and a red skirt, her big eyes blinking.

   No matter how you look at it, she is definitely a lovely girl.

   Can she fight?

   Just kidding!

   Avril knew that Lin Yi did not believe it, pointed to her nose and said, "Hit me."


   Lin is also a bit inexplicable.

   Avril said: "Hit someone, won't you?"

   Lin also looked at Avril Lavigne again, no matter which man, it is impossible to start with such a cute girl.

   "I never hit women."

   "Let you hit and hit, mother-in-law, like an old lady. Can you hit?"

   These words made Lin Yi feel a fire, he simply clenched his fist and waved at Avril Lavigne.

   Avril pulled away from Lin Yi's punch by only turning her side.

   Lin was also very surprised. Although he had no use for even 10% of his power with this punch just now, he was a Level 2 Evolution after all, and his speed was very fast. It is impossible for ordinary people to avoid it.

   In the end, Avril Lavigne easily avoided.

   Avril was still taunting: "The punch is so slow and so soft, are you a cute girl?"

   Lin also saw that Avril seemed to have some strength, and simply slammed a punch at Avril's door.

   This punch uses 50% of the power.

   However, when he saw that he was about to reach Avril Lavigne with this fist, Avril Lavigne suddenly turned 180 degrees with his right foot as the axis.

   In this way, Lin Yi's fist just fell through and stretched over her right shoulder.

   Avril grabbed Lin Yi's arm, tugged, and lifted her back.

   Lin also got out of control immediately, dashed a semicircle in the air, and fell to the ground violently.

   He was thrown over the shoulder by Avril Lavigne.

   This surprised him very much, regardless of the pain in his back, he said, "Avril Lavigne, you can really fight?"

   "This is all fur."

Avril Lavigne patted her hands and said: "My mother knows a lot of things. I know astronomy and geography; I know 500 years before, but 500 years old; I can go to the moon for nine days and catch turtles in the oceans; Able to lift a pen to settle the world, Wu can go to horses to set the universe; Shang Kang knows his wife, and down Kang knows shoes."

   Lin is also taken aback, how come these Avril Lavigne’s words are exactly the same as what the system said?

   It seems that Avril Lavigne must have a close relationship with the system.

   "Avril Lavigne, is this last sentence not for you?"

Avril Lavigne chuckled, patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, and said in the tone of an elder: "Young people, don't care about these details. From now on, this master will teach you fighting skills. I will try to let you in the summer vacation. Practicing peerless martial arts, smiling proud of the world, for thousands of years, dominate the rivers and lakes."

   Lin did not expect that Avril Lavigne is the same as the system in Secondary 2.

   is not the second of the system, it is under-flat type, and it is two and cheap;

  Avril Lavigne's second, but how cute he looks, it makes people feel cute.

   Lin also considered that he really didn't have much fighting skills.

   A magnificent Level 2 evolutionary, fighting can never be like street gangsters.

   He immediately made up his mind and learned to fight with Avril Lavigne.

   The two found the deep forest in the city sports park. Few people come here, and it is the best place to practice fighting.

   For these two days, every morning and afternoon, Lin Yi would come here to learn to fight with Avril Lavigne.

  Although Avril Lavigne is not as powerful as Lin Yi, her fighting skills are really practical. Lin Yi fights with her and is basically tortured.

   The third day is the day when the results are announced.

   When Lin Yi opened the door early in the morning, Avril was already outside: "Lin Yi, continue to practice fighting today."

   "But today is the day when the test results are announced. Should we go to school to see the results?"

   Avril pursed her lips and said, "What exams, it's not interesting at all. It's interesting to go to practice fighting."

   Lin Yixin said that you were abused by you in fighting, of course you find it interesting.

   But he said in his mouth: "Today I went to school to see the results, and it was a holiday. We have time to practice fighting."

   Avril bit her index finger and opened a pair of big eyes, looking at Lin Yi pitifully: "Shall we not go?"

  Avril Lavigne is such a cute girl, looking at her with such an attitude, no matter which man it is, she will be moved by it and can't help but agree to any request from her.

   Lin also almost agreed.

   But the thought of the results will make parents happy.

   The most important thing is that the cousin knew that he hadn't left him to learn because of raising money for him, so he would not stop him from raising money.

   Thinking of this, Lin Yi said: "Let's go and see the results."

   Avril frowned, she seemed to be a little angry: "You are going to don't come to see me in the future, hum!"

   Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, closed the door and walked towards the school.

  Avril Lavigne's voice came from behind: "Hey, are you really going? Can't you hear the voice of a pitiful little girl?"

   Lin Yi was really speechless for this strange Avril.


   More than ten minutes later, Lin Yi came to the school.

   The other classmates have all arrived, and the head teacher came earlier.

  The head teacher cast a deep look at Lin Yi.

   All the students in the class thought that the head teacher’s gaze meant disappointment. Almost every time the head teacher announced the results, they would look at Lin Yi with such disappointment or even despair.

   The few school tyrants in the class all dismissed Lin Yi.

   Those few students in the class are secretly grateful to Lin Yi. It is precisely because of Lin Yi that they are not at the bottom.

   On the stage, the head teacher spoke: "Lin Yi, why didn't Avril Lavigne come?"

   Lin also lied: "She... is sick, let me ask for a leave of absence."

   The head teacher nodded, then glanced at the classmates, and said: "This time, our class did quite well. Among the top five, three are from our class."

   The students were talking in low voices.

   "It must be Hao Dashao, Chen Zhifan, and Ding Yulan."

   "Then I don't know how the three of them learned. They are the top few each time. I really kneel down."

   "If I have half of their scores, I will be satisfied."


   The three schoolmasters are also secretly happy that it is also very honorable for them to be ranked in the top three.

   On the podium, the head teacher began to announce the results.

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