Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 413: Hell fire

Johnny's father had an accident while performing on a speeding car, which made Johnny angrily in grief.

He wanted to find Lin Yi and asked him why he had such an accident.

But I couldn't find Lin Yi at all.

Lin also knew that this matter was not easy to explain, so he had to avoid the limelight temporarily.

In grief, Johnny did not go to Roshan at all.

In the heavy rain, Roshan waited for Johnny for two hours.

Two hours later, she followed her parents and left here for Texas.

But Johnny stayed, and in grief, he wanted to continue to fulfill his father's last wish.

My father once said that one day in the future, he will do an unprecedented flying car stunt: flying a helicopter.

So Johnny has been working hard in this direction, and one day, he will fulfill his father's last wish.

At the same time, Mephisto, the real demon, originally thought that the only person in this world who could withstand the fire of **** was Johnny. Without Johnny, he lacked the same advantageous weapon in this world.

But soon, he found that he was wrong.

Because he saw Lin Yi accidentally.

The physical strength of this Oriental is far beyond the level of ordinary people.

And what surprised him was that this Easterner actually possessed another type of fire energy in his body. Although this fire attribute energy is far less powerful than the fire of hell.

But at least this fire attribute energy tempered Lin Yi's body and made his body stronger.

In this way, his body can barely bear the fire of hell.

And this kind of flame and **** fire are considered fire attributes, which will help him better adapt to the **** fire.

This situation made Mephisto a little ecstatic.

Therefore, in the afternoon of that day, the sky became gloomy, and lightning bolts struck the sky from time to time.

The entire field seemed to be pressed by the dark sky.

At this time, the demon Mephisto appeared.

At that time, Lin Yi was having nothing to do. He knew that it would take at least more than twenty years for Johnny to truly transform into a ghost rider and the boss to appear. In the past twenty years, he intends to find something to do, he can't do nothing for the past twenty years.

But on the way he was going to book a ticket, a figure stopped on the road ahead.

A black trench coat, silver head, looks more than 60 years old.

He is personable, he should have looked like a very gentle old man, but there is always a chilling aura in him.

Lin also saw this demon, and his heart stunned.

Although the demon Mephisto is in this world, his strength is greatly reduced.

But he didn't know whether this big discount was a 15% discount or a direct clearance sale.

And he didn't know the demon's original strength. If the demon's original strength reached the kind of destroying the world, even if it was a discount on the clearance sale, it would not be something he could deal with.

I just don't know what the devil is looking for.

"Young man, where are you going?"

"I just go around at will."

Lin also replied.

Mephisto smiled sullenly, and said: "Walk around? Then you always have a wish, I can help you realize it."

Lin also knew that as long as there was desire, the demon would take the opportunity to trade with him.

So he will not expose any of his desires.

He replied: "Just kidding man, you are not a god, how can you realize my wish?"

Before the words fell, Morpheus' figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, he appeared behind Lin Yi.

Then, a cloud of black energy condensed in Morpheus' hands.

When that energy disappeared, a bundle of green and colorful US bills had appeared in his hand.

"How do you know I won't be a god?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "You are a god, I believe it. But why did you choose me?"

"Because your heart is kind, unlike other people, their souls have long been tarnished. Now tell me, if you have any wishes, I can help you realize them."

Lin Yigan coughed twice and said, "I feel that my life is already very satisfying, and I am very happy."

Morpheus smiled and said: "You young man, why are you so ambitious? You don't have any ideals? I can help you achieve it. At least you don't have a girlfriend yet?"

"I have a right hand."

Lin Yi's answer directly silenced Morpheus.

He was a little impatient in his heart.

How could this kid be so stubborn.

But it doesn't matter, he still has a way.

He looked Lin Yi up and down several times, and he was a little embarrassed to see Lin Yi, and then said, "I see, you desire to be stronger. Very good, this is like a man. I can let you Be stronger, become the strongest person in the world, but you have to sign my contract."

Lin Yi's heart trembled.

As long as the contract is signed, then the devil will have to do whatever he wants to do.

I am absolutely unwilling.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and said, "No, no, no, you have misunderstood. I never thought of becoming stronger. I am an ordinary person. I am satisfied with my life. I have no desires and desires. See through the red dust..."

In desperation, Lin Yi used all the eloquence he learned from the system.

However, this is of no use.

The devil has already taken out the contract and said to Lin Yi: "Your inner desire to become stronger cannot be concealed. Come on, sign this contract and you will become stronger soon."

"No, no, no, it's late, I should go. Bye bye..."

When Lin Yi said this, he found that his feet could not move at all, and he could not even blink his eyes.

He used various methods, but he couldn't get out of this state at all.

Mephisto took out a scroll that looked very old at this time, and it was full of mysterious text.

Lin Yi said, "I can't understand without translation, so I'm sorry, I can't sign it."

"You don't need to understand, as long as you have a desire in your heart, you can sign a contract."

As he said, he put Lin Yi's right index finger on the scroll.

Lin Yi felt a sharp pain like a needle stick, and a blood fingerprint had appeared on the scroll.

"You are strong buying and selling."

Lin also resisted Tao.

"Yes, but you have no choice."

The demon Mephisto said and put his right hand on Lin Yi's shoulder.

In the next moment, Lin Yi felt a hot energy flow into his body.

This kind of heat is not as hot as an ordinary flame.

This kind of scorching seems to be burning through the bones and soul.

It made Lin Yi feel that his entire world seemed to be a flame-like world.

I have no escape.

At the same time, as the flames in his body continued to increase, he could clearly feel that his strength was getting stronger! ...


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