Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 430: Battle Water Demon (Part 2)

There was a sound in the water like the one from a loudspeaker.

"Don't struggle anymore, as long as you are in the water, none of you can escape."

The next moment, Lin Yi saw the face that had been covered by his head and suddenly raised his head.

He saw that face clearly for the first time.

I saw that the swollen face was getting thinner to the naked eye.

He has been thinning, deflated like a leaky balloon.

And when it became skinny, it didn't stop, and it continued to lose weight.

In the end it became a skull.

It's just that this skeletal head is not the same as the skeletal head of Lin Yi and their ghost riders.

On this bone's head, a layer of green light was shining, and in the eye sockets of the skull, there was a ray of blue light.

The skull followed Lin Yi's appearance and said: "Look into my eyes and feel the sins you have committed. Feel the pain of the people you have killed."

As he said, two whirlpools appeared in his sunken eye sockets.

When Lin Yi looked at the whirlpool, he felt that he was trapped.

But he just shook his head, and the feeling has disappeared.

The system in his mind said: "This water monster is really the second one. He actually created a copycat trial eye. And I want to use this copycat trial eye to swallow your master of the genuine trial eye. This is not Is playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong, and Pan Jinlian playing silver in front of him?"

Lin Yi cursed in his heart: "The last half sentence is unnecessary."

"This is just a metaphor, don't care about these details."

Seeing that Lin Yi hadn't been swallowed by his judgment eyes, the water demon said in surprise, "How is it possible?"

Lin Yi smiled indifferently: "Even Mephisto can't swallow my soul, you are fantastic."


The water monster backed back again and again in surprise.

Lin Yi grabbed his neck and pulled it over. Then all flames ignited on his head, and his entire head became a skeleton with fire.

Although it was in the water, the sound of the skeleton on fire came out: "Let you feel the real eye of judgment. Look into my eyes..."


The water demon wailed in pain, the sinful soul in his body was swallowed by Lin Yi almost instantly.

And his eyes also condensed into the color of magma.

Lin Yi could feel his surprise from the soul of the water monster that had been swallowed.

This water demon originally thought that by dragging the ghost rider into the water, the ghost rider's hellfire would not be ignited. After all, his water is not ordinary water, but water from the coldest place in the world-water that is as low as hundreds of degrees below zero, but does not freeze.

He believes that such water can extinguish the **** fire of the evil spirit knight.

However, he still underestimated the fire of hell.

The fire of hell, except the sun, it can burn regardless of any environment.

For example, it can burn in a vacuum, it can burn in land, rocks, underwater, and even in the ice of Antarctica.

His little water in this cold place, in front of the fire of hell, is simply pediatrics.

At the same time, not far in front of Lin Yi, the same thing happened with Johnny.

Johnny easily swallowed the soul of the water monster.

However, just after the two of them swallowed the soul of the water demon, the water demon’s voice once again came from a loudspeaker: "You swallowed one me, and there are thousands of me. In the water , I am the king, I can't beat it. Hahahaha..."

Then, I saw thousands of pale faces appearing around him that were almost exactly the same as before.

The face, which was almost exactly the same as before, covered by the head, began to lose weight exactly like before, and finally turned into a green skull.

All the skulls swam towards Lin Yi and Johnny, trying to swallow them.

This water demon had swallowed the souls of many people. Now every soul has turned into a water demon to attack Lin Yi and Johnny.

Johnny took the iron chain off his back, and violently pulled his hands, and saw a raging flame on the chain.

Then he grabbed one end of the chain and stirred constantly, forming a flame vortex in the water.

Those souls that rushed to his side were swallowed by this flame vortex.

On the other side, Lin Yi watched the thousands of souls rushing towards him, he condensed the hellfire on his fingers, and then shot it out with a positive finger.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi -

Pillars of fire pointed out from his hand, hitting the souls that were swimming over.

After those souls were hit, flames suddenly ignited all over the body.

They ran away frantically, but Lin Yi's yang finger was so fast that they couldn't hide.

Still one after another soul was hit by a Yang finger.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in Lin Yi's mind: "After the combination of one yang finger and hellfire, it caused an abnormal change in the one yang finger, thereby raising the grade. The current one yang finger is the first grade."

Lin Yi listened and couldn't help but feel happy.

I just clicked out a Yang Finger in desperation, but I didn't expect to use a Yang Finger to get out of the hellfire, so that the grade of the Yang Finger increased again.

The system continued: "Your current one-grade one-yang finger, although not as sharp as the original one, has the effect of burning the soul."

Lin Yi looked at the souls pointed by her own Yang, and wailed one by one in pain.

Sure enough, the fire of **** shot by a yang finger can make those sinful souls feel the same pain as being burned.

Moreover, after Yiyang Zhi was promoted to the first rank, there was a qualitative change.

Especially the shooting degree is more than twice as fast as before.

In the previous duel with a master, because the opponent was too fast, his yang finger basically could only be missed. So after that, he didn't use Yiyang finger much.

But think about it, one yang finger is the foundation of the six-channel magic sword.

The Six Vein Divine Sword is a peerless martial arts. How can it be possible to put the Six Vein Divine Sword and not use it when confronting a master?

Therefore, Lin Yi has always felt a little entangled in his heart. When will this Yang finger be promoted to the first rank and when will it become a true Six-Medition Excalibur?

Unexpectedly, using it unintentionally today would make Yiyang Zhi promote to the first rank.

One Pin One Yang Finger has arrived So will the Six Vein Excalibur be far away?

It's a little exciting to think about it.

At this time, whether it was on Johnny's side or Lin Yi's side, the Water Demon could not have the upper hand, and it could even be said to be at an absolute disadvantage.

In desperation, he just wanted to protect himself.

He hid in the water and swam quickly towards the shore.

But halfway through the swim, I felt a tight waist.

When I looked down, I didn't know when I had two chains wrapped around my waist-two chains with fire. ...


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