Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 48: The thrill of killing

   Eleven people with guns and more than 20 people with knives are coming towards the second floor.

   And Lin Yi also brought a left and right, it can be said that the situation is very critical.

   Zuo also turned pale with fright, and his legs were a little soft.

   Lin Yi looked back at her and asked: "How about it, are you afraid?"

   Zuo also nodded: "I'm afraid."

   Lin also comforted her with his gaze, and said, "Don't worry, I will take you out."

   Zuo Yiran felt less panic in his heart, and nodded: "Yeah."

   At this time, those people had already come up the stairs. They began to check those rooms.

   The topography of the second floor has a passage in the middle, and the rooms are on the left and right.

   is equivalent to Lin Yi and the others being blocked at the very end.

   He raised his left arm and looked at it, and saw that the energy of the left arm, which was originally like magma, was already too dark at this time.

   Obviously, in the claw form, although it can block bullets, it can't block too much, otherwise the claws will disappear.

   Those people outside have checked the seven or eight rooms in front, and are coming towards the last one.

   Zuo Yiran heard the footsteps and roars of those people, and his body began to tremble again, like a frightened bird, constantly asking: "What to do...what to do...what to do..."

   Lin Yi put her right hand on her shoulder and said, "I said, I will take you out."

   At this time, the footsteps in the corridor were getting closer.

   Someone's voice exclaimed: "There is only the last one left. He must be in this room."

   Everyone's footsteps are quiet, and they are obviously already careful.

   "The evolutionary's arms can block bullets, hit him in the legs, back, and back of the head!"

   "If we can kill this evolutionary this time, it will be easier for the left boss. The adult boss will definitely reward us heavily."


   Lin also used biological pulses and had already seen these people.

   They have come to the outside of the room they are in.

   He spotted the eleven people holding guns and followed them in the room.

   At a certain moment, when their positions were gathered a little, Lin Yi stepped back and yelled: "Ah--"

   then rushed forward and slammed into the wall.


   That 20 cm thick wall was actually knocked out by him with a big hole more than two meters in diameter.

  The bricks and cement all crashed down toward the aisle outside.

   There were five people holding guns, and they were directly knocked to the ground by these stones and cement.

   The remaining six people holding guns, after being surprised, quickly raised their guns.

   Lin Yi kicked out his right foot suddenly, wow——

   More than a dozen bricks flew up and scattered towards the six people.

   The six people were smashed to each other.

   Lin also jumped up, and the right hand energy claw slashed out.


   One of them had his right arm amputated, and blood gushed out.

   Lin also saw the blood, and he was excited.

   A bloodthirsty mood occupied his heart.

   He waved his claws in succession.

   connected to the three people, but his arm was cut off.

   And his sharp claws are swung faster and faster, more and more fiercely, and more and more cut towards the vital part.

   It seems that he is no longer content to just cut off his arm, but wants to kill!


   His sharp claws pierced a person's chest directly.

   Two feet long claws nailed the man to the wall.

   Another person behind him raised a gun to aim at him.

   He jumped up, turned 180 degrees in the air, and his right paw slashed down.


   The cold light flashed!

   The man's body was cut into two parts.

   The blood splashed all over him like pouring.

   Not only did he not feel sick at all, but he got more and more excited, turned around and looked at the rest of the people.

   All those people were shocked at this time.

  Yes, they are also people on the underworld, and they have killed people.

   But they have never seen such a **** and cruel scene.

   cut the person directly into two parts, and the blood and blood flowed all over the floor, and the smell of blood came out, all of which made them horrified.

   They saw Lin Yi who turned around:

   Both arms are composed of four or five blood vines with thick arms. In the blood vine, dark red lava surges. There are thick barbs on both elbows and shoulders. Eight two-foot-long claws were dripping with blood. In the eyes, coldness and bloodthirsty intertwined, making people feel infinitely chilly.

   What they saw was not humans, but gods.

  The **** of killing!

   In front of such a powerful and bloodthirsty **** of killing, the only thing they can do is escape!

   They turned around and fled.

   Lin also saw the blood at this time, excited in his heart, how could he allow them to escape.

   He jumped to the last person in one step, and was about to continue killing.

   But at this moment, Zuo Yiran's voice came from behind: "Lin Yi..."

   Lin also paused, looking to the left as well.

   When he saw Zuo Yiran's horrified eyes, he suddenly became sober.

   Seeing the broken corpse on the ground again, he was slightly frightened: I...I did this?

   In fear, he gritted his teeth and leaped to catch up with the last person.


   Cut down with one claw.

  The man's arm was cut to the ground.

   go on 唰唰唰唰——

   Both claws kept swinging, and the arms of those people were cut to the ground without exception.

   In the aisle, arms fell all over the place.

   Lin also awoke from the thrill of bloodthirsty, but he knew that if these people were not taught a lesson, they would continue to do evil.

   Killing is dominated by the bloodthirsty pleasure;

   But cutting off the shoulders of these people is due to Lin Yi's character.

   Tolerant and unforgiving, unforgiving.

   This is his character!

   Since he became an evolutionary and he has seen a lot of blood, his character seems to have become more extreme.

   After doing He retracted his claws, and said to a person who had broken his right arm: "Take a fire."

   How dare that person refuse to agree, holding back the pain, and taking out the fire from his body.

   quickly took out a pack of cigarettes and said: "I...give you...point...point..."

   Lin Yi ignored him, didn't pick up the cigarette, and said to Zuo: "Go."

   Zuo is also so scared that his legs are already weak.

   A girl who just graduated from high school suddenly saw such a **** scene. It is strange that her legs are not soft.

   Lin was also helpless, so he hugged him horizontally, and quickly walked downstairs and left the abandoned factory.

  In a Guo 7 mobile phone in the factory, the boss left’s anxious voice came: "Yu Fukuan, Yu Fukuan! What about my daughter, what are you talking about, what about my daughter!"


   Lin Yi hugged left Yiran, avoided pedestrians, walked for more than 20 minutes, and came to a river.

   He put Zuo Yiran on the bank of the river, and then went to the river to wash away the blood on his face and body.

   After such a wash, he became sober a lot.

   How did you get so excited when you just killed someone?

   Lin Yi was secretly worried, could something be wrong with himself?

   Then, he also washed his short sleeves.

   looked back at Zuo Yiran and said, "Turn around."

   Zuo Yiran barely calmed down at this time, and turned around.

   Lin also took off his pants, planning to wash the pants.

   Although the blood stains cannot be completely washed off, at least it is not so conspicuous.

   At this time, Zuo Yiran turned her head unconsciously. When she saw that Lin Yi was wearing only one piece, she blushed immediately and turned back quickly.

   But after a while, she still spoke: "I... I'll wash it for you..."

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