Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 503: The test of jigsaw (2)

A total of 20 members of the Shadowmoon Group entered the newsstand.

One died in the passage, and six died outside the zombie cage.

And now in this poisonous room, there are only four gas masks.

Except for Lin Yi who didn't use the mask, the remaining twelve members of the Shadowmoon Group were fighting each other one by one in order to compete for four masks.

In the end, only the group leader, two level 7 evolutionaries and one level 5 evolutionary wore gas masks.

Others are dead, maimed.

Moreover, when the Level 5 evolutionary wearing the face mask was grabbing the face mask, one of his left eyes had already been poked a hole by his companion's natal weapon. At this time, he was screaming there repeatedly.

As for Lin Yi, she has been watching all this with cold eyes.

After 20 minutes, all those in the room who were not wearing a mask had passed out.

Only Lin Yi was still sitting against the wall.

The few people in the Shadowmoon group now found something wrong.

Why is this kid safe and sound in the poisonous gas?

Why every level is a test of life and death for others, but for him, it is just a small test?

He can always get away easily, which has to be doubted.

Thinking about it this way, the hostility of them towards Lin Yi is even deeper.

The team leader had already condensed his life weapon at this time, and asked Lin Yi coldly, "Who are you?"

When he asked, several other people also condensed and coordinated weapons and scattered around Lin Yi.

A 7th-level evolutionary said: "Group leader, I suspect that this guy is the jigsaw himself, or he is an accomplice of the jigsaw."

When he said that, the others felt a little weird.

But only in this way can it make sense for this kid to pass every level easily.

The 7th-level evolutionary said: "Since the last time the jigsaw appeared on TV, I have watched the first to eighth parts of "Chain Saw" at least three times. In one part, two people wake up. , Is now locked in a room with a corpse lying in a pool of blood. The two men have gone through various ideological struggles and physical pain. It turned out that the fallen corpse was actually He didn't die. From beginning to end, he watched the two people go through various tortures. And he was Jigsaw himself...

In another one, among all those forced to participate in the test, one is the disciple of the jigsaw.

In fact, she has always been among these people, watching them. "

What this 7th-level evolutionary said, the more everyone felt that Lin Yi was either a jigsaw or an accomplice of the jigsaw.

Especially Lin Yi wore a hood, so they couldn't see the eyes under the hood at all, making them even more mysterious and weird.

Therefore, everyone on the Shang pointed at Lin Yi with weapons, and at the same time looked at Lin Yi warily.

There was a cold light in Lin Yi's eyes under his hood: "Want to do it?"

The aura of the 11th-level evolutionary that had been hidden in him suddenly burst out.

An invisible wave of air suddenly spread to the surroundings, and the four people who rushed could not help taking two steps back.

Then the four took a few steps back in horror, until their respective backs pressed against the wall behind.

The Level 5 evolutionary was directly hit by the air wave and hit the wall and fell to the ground.

Everyone is terrified.

Their level is also lower than Lin's, if Lin also deliberately hides his breath, they will not feel it.

But now, when Lin Yi deliberately exploded his breath, they realized that Lin Yi's strength was much stronger than them.

Such a powerful aura, even the leader of the fifth group leader of the 1o-level evolutionary, could not reach it at all.

In other words, the strength of this guy has already surpassed the fifth group leader.

At least an 11th-level evolutionary, and it is very likely to be higher than an 11th-level evolutionary.

They are just seven or eight level evolvers, and there is even a level 5 evolve.

In front of an evolutionary of at least level 11, the only thing they can do is shiver.

Even if they are the killers of the Shadowmoon group.

After all, Level 11 evolutionists can pinch them to death with one hand if they wish.

After a while, Lin also took his breath back.

The suffocating feeling of oppression disappeared.

The few people quickly approached each other, facing Lin Yi together.

Only in this way can they feel safer. Although in front of an 11th-level evolutionary, this didn't help at all.

After waiting for another ten minutes, he heard a click and the mechanism of the door opened.

Lin Yi came to the door and pushed gently, and the door opened inward.

Those people carefully passed through the door and entered another room.

Before Lin Yi went in, he turned around and took all the syringes in the poison gas room before he came to this new room.

When they entered this new room, the door behind them closed again.

On both sides of the other door of the room, there are two keyholes more than four meters apart, which looks strange.

There is a wall in the room that seems to be made of transparent glass.

You can clearly see a zombie on the opposite side of the transparent wall.

The arms of the zombie were chopped off, and one cheek was gone, showing a sharp tooth.

When it saw these living people walk in, it suddenly roared.

In the transparent wall, there are a few small holes, it seems that if the zombie still has arms, his arms can stick out from it.

In the two holes, there are two organs.

The two organs are two transparent cylinders.

Inside the cylinder, there are two keys hanging.

When everyone saw these two keys, they thought of the keyholes on both sides of the door.

It seems that these two keys should open the door.

Only in these two transparent cylinders, there are three blades more than two inches long, arranged in an equilateral triangle.

Everyone understood at a glance, if you want to get the key, you must put your entire arm into the cylinder.

In that case, the entire arm will be peeled from the fingers to the shoulders, like peeling a cucumber peel, giving it a layer of flesh and blood.

And because there are three blades inside, the entire arm will be cut off in all directions without dead ends.

Just looking at it is shocking.

I have to say that this jigsaw is simply a genius, capable of designing so many refurbished torture props.

And the most frightening thing is because the two cylinders are very deep, so if you want to get the key, you have to stretch your entire arm in.

In this way, the face will be against the transparent wall.

In this way, he will face the zombie completely.

Although the zombie has no arms and cannot be grasped, there are several small holes on the wall, and the zombie's mouth can stick out a little.

This is very likely to be bitten by the zombie.

Even if you can't bite, who can reach into the two cylinders to get the key while kissing the half-faced zombie through a glass wall? ...


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