Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 509: Video chat with jigsaw

Lin Yi transformed inside the house, but the Level 5 Evolution outside the house was inexplicably surprised.

How could this room appear out of thin air?

There are many miracles that I have seen today, but no one is strange anymore.

Other things can still be explained, but how do you explain that a room was created out of thin air?

When he was puzzled, the door of the house suddenly opened, and Lin Yi's figure jumped out.

At the same time, the room suddenly disappeared.

The level 5 evolutionary looked at Lin Yi again, and saw that Lin Yi's entire right arm was flaming red like magma.

And this magma-like right arm is three times thicker than normal.

On the right arm, a few blood-red vines were intertwined, and a fiery red blade condensed on the arm.

The blade is two meters long, slightly curved, wide at the front and narrow at the back, making it look unparalleled.

Seeing Lin Yi reappearing, the hydra opened a mouth and let out a roar, and the bony head pierced Lin Yi.

At this moment, Lin Yi moved suddenly.

His whole person seemed to merge with the sharp blade, turning into a fiery red shadow-the flame blade, appearing again!

The fiery red shadow struck towards the Hydra.

But when it was less than ten meters away from the Hydra, this shadow suddenly turned into dozens of flaming sharp blades and flew towards the Hydra's body.

These sharp blades were so fast that Hydra could not react at all.


Every sharp blade slashed across Hydra.

Although the Hydra's body was hard, after these sharp blades were continuously slashed, huge blood mouths were also drawn.

Puff puff--

The body of the Hydra is shaped like a continuous bleeding.

This huge Hydra spurts blood, it is not a joke, just like flooding.

The whole passage was suddenly filled with a pungent **** smell, and it was stained blood red.

Ten seconds!

In just ten seconds, the huge body of the invincible Hydra fell into its own pool of blood with a crash.

And those dozens of blood-red sharp blades had disappeared at this time.

Lin Yi's real body appeared.

The sharp edge of his right arm has also returned to its normal color.

He didn't wait for the dying Hydra to react any more, and the fiery red energy gushed out of his body, covering the Hydra.

After a while, he swallowed the Hydra.

The system that hadn’t spoken much at this time finally started to announce: "Swallow Hydra, gain 20,000 evolution points, and total evolution points 136002."

At this time, Lin Yi was wishing that a few Hydra would come over to send evolution points.

But in this passage, there seems to be only this Hydra.

Lin Yi killed the Hydra, retracted his sharp blade, and took a few breaths.

He thought in his heart that his fire crow looked very weak, and seemed to be useless against a level 10 evolutionary or chaotic enemies like Hydra. But it can make itself into the flame state for a short time, so that it can use the powerful flame blade in a short period of time, this is its greatest use.

If it weren't for the flame blade, it would take a lot of work to deal with this Hydra just now.

After solving the hydra, Lin Yi came to the door.

The Level 5 evolutionary held on to the door and barely stood up.

At this moment, when he looked at Lin Yi, he felt like he was watching a monster.

How strong should this person be.

Lin Yi naturally didn't know what the level 5 evolutionary was thinking. When he came to the door, he glanced at the two keyholes on the door.

As stated in the jigsaw recording, there are already keys inserted in the two keyholes.

Just like the previous door, the two keys are four meters apart.

No matter how long a person is, he cannot get to these two keys.

So two people still need to turn the key at the same time to open it.

It was only then that Lin Yi understood the purpose of the jigsaw.

It turns out that in the last level, the two cylinders with blades were actually for two people.

Two people sacrificed one arm to get two keys.

In this way, in this last level, if two people come to the last door, they can turn the key at the same time and escape here.

If only one person sacrifices, then when he reaches the last level, one person still cannot open the last door.

It seems that what the jigsaw wants to tell is: sacrifice should not be a matter of one person, but a few or even all people should have the spirit of sacrifice. Otherwise, even if that person sacrifices, his sacrifice is worthless.

For example, just now, this level 5 evolutionist was forced to press his arms into the two cylinders and sacrificed for others.

But what those people did makes such sacrifices worthless.

Of course, with the existence of Lin Yi as a BUG, ​​this problem will not become a problem.

Lin Yi looked at the **** arms of the Level 5 Evolutionist and asked, "Can you still do it?"

The Level 5 evolutionist reluctantly nodded, and said, "It's still... okay..."

Then his right hand trembled and grabbed the right key.

Lin Yi also pressed the key on the left and said, "I'm talking about three."

When the number of two reached three, they turned the key to the right at the same time.


The level 5 evolutionary screamed again.

Just turning the key moved the muscles of his arm, causing him pain.

However, the human instinct for survival made him endure the severe pain and turned the key.

Click, click, click——

The heavy door moved away to both sides.

However, after the door was opened, Lin Yi and the level 5 evolutionary felt that they were deceived by the jigsaw.

Because after opening this door, he didn't completely escape from here, but entered another room.

But this room looks different from other rooms.

There are three old computers on the desktop of the room.

There are many instruments around, and all kinds of instruments like cleft palate.

When Lin Yi was carefully looking around, the screen of the computer in the middle lit up.

Then, a QQ chat dialog box appeared.

The ringing ring keeps coming up, indicating that someone has requested a video call.

Lin Yi glanced at the level 5 evolutionist, then he clicked to answer with the mouse.

Seen in the video, it is a room.

Accompanied by the creaking sound, a clown puppet riding a tricycle appears in the picture.

Its puppet's mouth moved up and down, and the voice with a strong nasal sound came: "I can walk here, congratulations, you have cleared the customs. From then on, I believe you will cherish life more and the lives of others. . However, unfortunately, only one person passes the customs. Sorry, Lin Yi, I am not saying that you are not a human. It’s just that you are not in the test."

(End of this chapter)

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