Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 527: Omit half of the book here

Bu Qingtian didn't believe Lin Yi very much.

In fact, Lin is also understandable.

If a stranger suddenly appears now and tells himself a big deal about his destiny in front of him, he will only say one word to him: "Go away!"

So after Lin Yi said that, he planned to leave.

At this moment, Bu Qingtian stopped him and said, "Sir, although I only believed in your words by three points, this also made me consider adding Bujiazhuang guards in the next period of time. , So as to make Bujiazhuang safer. I will give you a hundred taels of silver as a entanglement."

Lin Yi was also short of money, so naturally he accepted it unceremoniously.

Bu Qingtian saw that Lin Yi cared so much about silver, and he felt that Lin Yi was slanderous. This also gave him a lot of peace of mind, it seems that Bujiazhuang is not going to be destroyed as people say.

Lin Yi collected the money and immediately took the black widow, and the two went down the mountain together.

The black widow asked, "Where are we going now?"

Lin also thought for a while and said, "Leshan."

I have already seen the young boy Bu Jingyun, and it is time to meet the young boy Nie Feng.

At this time, Nie Feng should be living in the bamboo forest near Leshan Town with his father Nie Renwang and mother Yan Ying.

King Nie is also a well-known figure in the martial arts, known as the King of Nie with the mad sword.

After marrying Yan Ying, the first beauty in martial arts, he was tired of martial arts disputes and eventually lived in seclusion among the bamboo forests in Leshan Town.

Lin Yi took the black widow towards Leshan Town.

The journey was far away, but Lin Yi didn't care. He spent fifty taels of silver in Bujia Town and bought a good horse.

Originally, he wanted to buy two horses, but they currently only have one hundred taels of silver. If they buy all horses, they can only drink northwest wind.

After that, the two of them rode the horse together and headed towards Leshan Town.

At first, Lin also let the black widow sit behind him.

When the horse ran up, the black widow's full chest kept bumping against Lin Yi's back.

She also held Lin Yi's waist tightly with her hands, and sometimes the whole person was pressed against Lin Yi's back because of the horse's bumps.

It seemed that she could ride the same horse with Lin Yi, and she seemed very happy.

Lin Yi is also a man anyhow, and itchy heart is tickled by such a post.

Later, after taking a break in the middle, he let the black widow change to the front.

But in this way, when his hand went around the black widow and grabbed the rein of the horse, his arm would still accidentally touch her.

Lin Yi hadn't touched a woman for a long time, and now that he was so provoked, an embarrassing situation appeared.

Because Black Widow is from the West, her mind is very open. Not only does she not feel embarrassed when encountering such a thing, she also makes a joke or two with Lin Yi.

This makes Lin Yi even more embarrassed.

Xiaoxing stayed overnight like this, and three days passed quickly.

The black widow was originally the personality of a Western woman, and she expressed her admiration to Lin Yi several times in these three days.

However, Lin Yi still did not accept the knot of Gongsun Lue in his heart.

On this day, it was evening again.

They stayed in an inn.

The shopkeeper saw the two of them staying in, and immediately said: "You two came here just right, only one room is left. I'll be late, I'm afraid I won't be able to live."

Lin Yi frowned slightly when he heard that there was only one room left.

But the system in Lin Yi's mind said: "Hey, there is only one guest room left. This is simply a godsend. You must seize it."


Lin Yi cursed.

In the end, the two could only open one room.

When going to bed at night, Lin Yi asked for an extra bedding and planned to lay on the floor.

The black widow naturally disagreed and insisted that Lin Yi sleep with her on the bed.

Lin Yi was afraid that he couldn't control it—after all, sharing a bed with a stunner like Black Widow, if he didn't want to get into trouble, he was definitely not a man.

So Lin Yi insisted on laying on the ground.

At this time, it is warm spring, everything is growing, restless.

At night, the screaming of grass and insects is even more disturbing.

This night, it seems that something is destined to happen.

Lin Yi actually suffered from insomnia.

It took more than two hours before he fell asleep.

However, shortly after he fell asleep.

Suddenly, he felt that there seemed to be another person beside him.

The warmth on the body made Lin Yi's body feel like an electric shock.

He was excited and woke up.

Looking sideways, I saw who was lying next to me, not the black widow?


Lin Yi was about to speak, but the black widow pressed her finger on his lips and said, "I say, listen. Lin, I like you; I can see that you like me, why are you not willing to accept it? Maybe you Can’t pass the hurdle in your heart, you have a girlfriend. But you also said that she is not in this world, and won’t even show up with you for a long time. Then during her absence, let me Will you fill this vacancy?"

After speaking, he looked at Lin Yi affectionately.

For a while, Lin Yi didn't know what to say.

After Black Widow finished speaking, seeing Lin Yi did not respond, she lightly tapped her lips on Lin Yi's face as she did last time.

Then he looked at Lin Yi carefully again after another moment, she kissed Lin Yi's mouth.

Lin Yi just felt the whole body tremble slightly.

He hasn't touched a woman for a long time, how can he stand up to an offensive like Black Widow.

The system in his mind said: "Hey, let's finally can't hold it, right?"

But despite this, when doing this kind of thing, there is a system watching by the side and sending two comments from time to time. Who can stand it?

"The system, can it be shut down temporarily?"

Lin also asked.

"Uh...I have always encouraged you to come. Now that the really critical moment has come, you are going to shut me down? You call it "crossing the river to demolish the bridge, to unload the grit and kill the donkey!"

The system is unwilling to say.

"Crap, close it for me!"

Lin Yi said.

The system said: "Okay, okay, I'll follow you. You are a silly fellow."

Before the voice was over, Lin Yi heard a voice in his mind: "Dingdong, I have closed it, you can rest assured hehehehe."

"Can you talk even after it's closed?"

Lin Yidao.

"Uh, you can see it all, and you are considered amazing. It is really closed this time. When you need to open it, just say "open" in your mind."

The voice of the system said.

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yi felt that he suddenly felt a lot easier in his mind.

It seems that the system is really shut down.

This time, he had no worries anymore and plunged into the warm embrace of the black widow.


[Half of the book is omitted here. Block me if you have the ability, hehehehe. 】

Early the next morning, Lin Yi and Black Widow went on the road again.

The two have not had the love of fish and water for a long time. Not only were they not tired during the storm last night, they were full of energy today.

I feel much better.

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