Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 539: 6 Vein Excalibur VS 3 Points Return to Vitality

The Xiongba chased out the Xiongbatang, and once again used the strongest killer move in the three-point return to vitality-Sanyuan return to one.

Without the shield and the invincible state of swooping, Lin Yi seemed to have only the fate of being killed by a spike this time.

However, at this moment, Lin Yi did the opposite.

Since you can't escape, don't escape.

If you can't keep it, then you don't.

It's an offensive.

He suddenly turned around, and the little finger Shao Chong sword of his right hand suddenly shot out, and a burst of energy struck the hero.

It takes time to condense the energy of the three elements of the male tyrant, and the six-veined divine sword does not need to condense at all.

This caught Xiongba a bit off guard.

You can only lean on one side and avoid this energy.

But even so, he slowed down a bit, and his shoulder was lightly scratched by this energy.

But it was just the scratched skin, and then there was a slight noise: Bang——

That bit of skin unexpectedly burst out of a palm-sized piece, and blood splashed on Xiongba's face.

Xiongba was so startled, the three-element unity energy that had been condensed in his hands suddenly dispersed.

Xiongba was shocked and angry.

What was shocking was that he could feel that what the kid had just used was obviously a sword aura.

Xiongba is a good sword in his life, and his swordsmanship has already reached its peak.

But it is always impossible to detach from the tangible sword.

The nameless of Jianzong once said that the highest state of swordsmanship is invisible sword energy.

With only sword energy, you can kill the enemy ten steps away.

And what this kid just used turned out to be an invisible sword energy.

This kid was young, and his achievements in swordsmanship had reached a level he couldn't reach for half his life.

Xiongba endured the pain, looked at the **** part of his left shoulder, his facial muscles twitched, and his beard curled up: "Zhuzi will dare to do this?! If you don't kill you today, it will be hard to vent my hatred!"

Speaking, his hands once again condensed a three-dimensional energy ball.

This time, even though Lin Yi's Shaochong Sword was used again, because Xiong Ba had been prepared for a long time, coupled with his extremely fast speed, he still avoided Shaochongjian's sword aura.

His hands condensed into a three-element energy ball, and then violently pulled with both hands, the energy ball burst again.

A huge and unmatched energy attacked Lin Yi once again.

Xiongba was sure that even if that kid would use the invisible sword energy this time, he would still have to die under his own three yuan unity.

Lin Yi also felt the power of the three yuan unity. Even if his Shao rushed out with a sword, he could pierce this Tian Yuan into one hole, but it was only a small hole.

That more huge sword aura would still rush toward him.

At this time, Lin Yi was shocked.

Since the opponent's energy is so huge, he must also use huge energy to oppose it.

Thinking of this, his right thumb suddenly stretched out and slid sideways towards the energy of three elements.

At this moment, he saw a fiery red magma-like energy emitting from his thumb.

This energy, the farther away from his finger, the thicker it is.

When this energy is more than 20 meters away, when it meets the energy of the three elements, it has become an energy column with a diameter of five meters.

This energy column passed directly through the energy of the three elements.

The energy of ternary unity was immediately divided into two halves.

Half soaring into the sky, flew into the air.

The other half rushed to the ground and exploded five meters in front of Lin Yi.

A large pit with a depth of three meters and a diameter of five meters came out from the ground.

Lin Yi was taken aback. If he was hit by the complete Three Yuans, he would probably be finished.

And the energy pillar that Lin Yi sent out, after cutting open the energy of three elements into one, continued to extend forward, starting from the wall on the left of the gate of Xiongbatang, then the gate, and then the wall on the right of the gate, directly to A big hole that was five meters high and more than twenty meters long came out.

It can be said that the entire wall of the main entrance of Xiongbatang, including the two huge stone sculptures at the entrance, was destroyed by this energy.

Six Meridian Sword-Shao Shang Sword!

This is the momentum of Shao Shang Jian!

Shao Shang Jian, the sword road is strong, there is a shocking stone, and the wind and snow are strong.

Lin Yi used the Shao Shang Sword for the first time in his life, and it was really impressive.

Lin Yi's strength was far worse than that of Xiong.

But he used the Shao Shang Sword to directly resolve the three elements of Xiong Ba's strongest ultimate move.

This shows how strong the Six Meridian Sword's Shao Shang Sword is.

Xiongba just saw the energy hit, and hurriedly jumped and avoided far away.

At this moment, he looked at the main entrance of Xiongbatang, a wall was blasted away, and he was shocked.

Jian Qi!

It was obviously a sword gas just now.

But Jian Qi could have such a mighty power, and it was on par with his own ternary.

This kid's swordsmanship has reached such a point!

Lin Yi took advantage of Xiongba's surprise, and hurried forward to escape.

Xiongba recovered and yelled, "Want to escape?"

Speaking for a while, he chased Lin Yi again.

While pursuing, his hands are already condensing a three-dimensional energy ball

Although Lin Yi didn't look back, the biological tracking has already detected the movements of the hero.

If Xiongba uses three yuan to unite again, it can only be countered with the Shao Shang Sword.

The Shao Shang Sword is powerful, but the energy consumption is equally terrible.

As soon as that sword went out, the energy in his body had fallen by one-half.

Therefore, it is not a last resort to use the Shao Shang Sword.

Now the only way to prevent the ternary unity is to prevent Xiong Ba from fusing the two energy **** together.

So Lin Yi was running, suddenly turned around, and pointed his right index to Xiongba.

call out--

A thick finger of energy struck towards the hero.

Xiong Ba quickly avoided this energy sideways.

However, this energy is not just shot out, it is just like the light shot out by a flashlight, and it will not stop.

Lin Yi's right index finger controlled this beam of energy and swiped directly at Xiongba.

In an instant, dozens of circles were drawn.

The stone pillars around Xiongba were directly chopped into several segments under this sword aura;

The wall around Xiongba fell directly to the ground under this sword aura;

The vegetation around Xiongba was cut to the ground under this sword aura.

Although Xiongba has superb body skills and super speed, no matter how fast he is, can he match the speed of Lin Yi's right index finger?

In desperation, the ternary unity energy he had just condensed could only form an energy wall that stood in front of him.

Sanyuan Guiyi, as his strongest killer move, was used to kill the enemy, but now it can only be used for defense.

Xiongba is really a bit pitiful.

And this is the Six-Medition Divine Sword——Shang Yang Sword!

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