Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 583: Coal city, zombies erupt

Lin Yi never dreamed that the killer of the Shadowmoon group he brought out from the jigsaw game turned out to be the son of the president of the Datong Association.

At this time, Lin Yi was watching a movie in his room.

At this time, he received a message from Shui Ruobing: What did you do? The Shadowmoon Group and Datonghui have fallen out.

Lin also thought for a while, and was very puzzled: I did nothing.

He did nothing.

Shui Ruobing sent a message: People from Datonghui said that Yanying killed their president, and there was a video as evidence. However, the Yanying of the Shadowmoon Group has disappeared, and the Shadowmoon Group believes that it is probably the work of the Datong Club.

Lin Yi smiled bitterly, and probably knew what was going on.

Did the jigsaw let him go to devour Yanying before? The jigsaw had expected that after devouring Yanying, he would pretend to be Yanying and kill the president of the Shanghai branch of the Datong Association.

Therefore, Jigsaw installed a very secret camera there long ago to take pictures of Lin Yi killing the chairman, and then sent it to the Datonghui in some way, which caused a misunderstanding between the Datonghui and the Shadowmoon group.

This jigsaw, everything is really in his calculations.

However, the Datonghui and the Shadow Moon Group fell out, which was a good thing for Lin Yi.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi returned a message: I really didn't do anything, maybe the jig saw did something.


The next morning, Lin Yi got up, and after a brief wash, he had breakfast and habitually took out his mobile phone to look through the news on the Internet today.

However, with such a look, Lin also discovered a major event!

I saw the news on the Internet: "The zombie virus broke out in Coal City, and the army has completely blocked Coal City."

"Realistic version of The Walking Dead, the real Resident Evil is coming"

"Meicheng turned into **** overnight, with zombies and infected creatures everywhere"


Below these texts, the pictures accompanied by them are shocking.

Lin Yi was shocked.

Coal City is the small city where he went to high school.

Although the city is not large, it has a population of more than 200,000.

And Lin Yi’s home in this city is very close, and it only takes half an hour by car to get there.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi hurriedly pulled out his mobile phone card and replaced it with another card-in order not to let people find out his details, he used another mobile phone number when calling at home.

After changing the card, Lin Yi discovered that there were more than 20 missed calls on this number.

And all of them came from their own relatives: parents and cousins.

Zuo Yiran saw that Lin Yi was so flustered and asked, "What happened?"

Lin Yi said the matter briefly, and Zuo Yiran was also panicked.

You know, Zuo Yiran's father Zuo Chenggong lives in Meicheng.

She hurriedly made a call, and Zuo Yiran's father was also very surprised during the call.

It turned out that he was out of town for the past two days.

He sleeps in the same way as Zuo at night. He is used to turning off his mobile phone, which has just been turned on.

Therefore, he is the same as Zuo, only now knows that the zombies in Coal City have broken out.

Lin also called home. His parents said that everything was fine at home. The zombie virus was only spreading in Meicheng, which has now been blocked. So the problem is not big.

Lin Yi was only slightly relieved.

But he still needs to go home immediately to have a look.

At the same time, Shui Ruobing also called Lin Yi. Although she didn't know where Lin Yi's home was, she knew that Lin Yi went to school in Coal City, so she called to ask about Lin Yi's situation.

Then she asked Lin Yi, "The underground laboratory around the coal city has been destroyed by you. Why do zombies suddenly appear?"

Lin Yijing reminded her and said, "This...what do you think?"

Shui Ruobing replied, "I think this matter is probably related to the Datong Association."

"what do you mean……"

"Our Shadowmoon Group is at odds with Datonghui these days, so the Shadowmoon Group is monitoring every move of Datonghui. As far as I know, the New World Company under Datonghui is currently selling Evolving Agent because the price is too high. It is high, so the people who bought it were not as expected by the Datonghui. In order to make money quickly, the Datonghui put zombies and infected creatures into the coal city. Those who have not injected the evolution agent, as long as they are caught by the zombie and bitten, they will be infected. Viruses. Those who have been injected with the evolution agent will not. Furthermore, even those who have not been injected with the evolution agent, after being infected by the zombie virus, can also be protected by the injection of the evolution agent-that is, virus antibodies. life."

When Shui Ruobing said this, Lin also understood: "It seems that this is indeed the work of the Datong Club. In order to collect money, they gave up more than 200,000 lives. It is simply frantic!"

This Datonghui was even more hateful than the Shadowmoon Group.

The Shadowmoon Group is a killer organization, but their impact is very small, at most they kill a few people.

In order to make money faster, Datonghui easily destroyed a city and treated the lives of more than 200,000 people as a trifle. This is terrible!

Sure enough, soon after Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing finished talking, Zuo Yiran found dozens of such news on the Internet:

"Only evolutionary agent can resist the virus"

"Evolution Nemesis"

"Evolution agent is the only hope to deal with the virus"


Obviously, these news may have been released by the Datong Association itself.

Lin Yi looked more and more angry: "I will go to Coal City now!"

Zuo Yiran said, "I'll help you book your ticket now."

Three hours later, Lin Yi landed at Xingyang Airport.

This is the nearest airport to Coal City, but it is also more than 120 kilometers away from Coal City.

Lin Yi came out of the airport and rode a motorcycle straight to Coal City.

On the 120-kilometer road, he only took 40 minutes to get there.

When he arrived outside Coal City, it was already around three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, in the periphery of Coal City, an army's firepower blockade has been constructed.

This cordon line prevents anyone from entering.

And the people inside want to get out, only a bridge to the west can pass.

On the bridge, there are three very strict inspection levels. Only those who pass the test can leave.

From time to time, Lin Yi could hear the sound of gunfire on the fire cordon.

All zombies and infected creatures who want to get close to the cordon will be eliminated.

Lin Yi was outside the cordon and saw a few fire crows hovering in the sky from time to time.

When they screamed and wanted to rush out of the blockade, they would be bombarded by artillery fire.

At the same time, he heard the huge roar of Hydra from time to time in Coal City.

His brows frowned tightly.

Zombies, fire crows, hydra...

These infected creatures all appeared in Coal City.

It seems that even if he comes back now, the 200,000 people in Coal City will have to lose more than half.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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