Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 843: Tang Seng's strength

Lin Yi and the third prince Nezha, one with **** lightning, the other with three heads and eight arms.

The two were about to start training, and the battle was about to start.

But at this moment, a shout suddenly came from a distance: "Hey, thunder, take your clothes in the rain."

Lin Yi knew who it was when he heard the shout.

The third prince also stopped, and looked far away with the heavenly soldiers.

A figure in the distance was running up and down.

This person is wearing a Vairocana hat and holding a nine-ring tin rod, but who is not Tang Seng?

He came to the crowd, seeing how the Third Prince and Lin Yi were about to practice, he immediately raised one hand and said: "Amitabha, the two will calm down."

The giant spirit **** stepped forward and glared at Tang Seng: "You monk, dare to hinder our official duties and take me!"

Speaking of raising the Xuanhua giant axe, he was going to cut it off at Tang Seng.

Nezha shook his head helplessly, feeling that this giant spirit **** was like a mad dog.

He glared at the giant spirit god.

The giant spirit **** took a step back quickly and said: "Third Prince, I just look at this person, he is so devilish, he is definitely not a good person."

"What is he like a demon?"

The third prince angered.

The giant spirit **** explained forcibly: "But...but he doesn't look like a human."

Tang Seng said: "Neither human nor demon, is it possible that the poor monk is a human-demon?"

The giant spirit **** said quickly: "You said this yourself. You human-monster, take me."

Tang Seng said, "This brother Zhang Feihu, this is your fault. Your axe is a weapon, how can it be used to eat? Besides, looking at you like this, you have to use an axe to chop me. But if you take it It was eaten for me, how can you chop me? So your expression has a problem."

The giant spirit **** roared: "You are a mere mortal, dare you teach me a god?"

Tang Seng also said: "As the saying goes, disciples don’t have to be inferior to teachers, and teachers don’t have to be as good as disciples. If you are a threesome, you must have your teacher Yan. Although you are a **** and I am a mortal, I must have advantages that you do not have. I know things but you don’t. Do I teach you any questions?"

The giant spirit **** sneered: "Joke, you can tell me, what do you know I don't know?"

Tang Seng smiled confidently and said, "Widow Chen in Li Village gave birth to a son last night, do you know?"


The giant spirit **** secretly cursed in his heart: How can I know where to go? I am not as powerful as Sanqing and Tathagata, where do I know where to go?

Tang Seng said, "Are you speechless? It seems that you have been enlightened by me."

Then he turned his head to the third prince Nezha: "He already understands, do you understand?"

The third prince Nezha said: "Jin Chanzi was reincarnated, and I didn't expect to become such a monk."

Tang Seng shook his head and announced the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, you can't agree with the poor monk. Since Jin Chanzi has reincarnated and came to the world, he naturally wants to teach the world. If he can't tell the living to die, he can tell the dead to live. How do you teach Wanfang’s eloquence? How to universalize sentient beings? Ah, when it comes to eloquence, your two eloquence seems to need to be improved. I passed by Chencun last year and saw a spoken language and communication training class. I will introduce it to you. Go ahead. Give me my name and they will give you a 20% discount, as well as a mysterious gift."

Lin Yi smiled secretly in his heart: This Tang Seng is really long-winded, and he is a little nervous. The settings are exactly the same as in the movie.

Tang Seng didn't wait for the third prince Nezha to speak, and pointed to Fairy Zixia: "Speaking of which, you tied this woman, and you tied it so professionally, what did she make wrong?"

The third prince Nezha said: "She went down privately and moved her heart. As a god, she wanted to find some wishful prince. A serious violation of the law of heaven."

"Oh," Tang Seng nodded, with a very understanding, and then asked, "What is Tiantiao? Is it the noodles in the sky?"

Seeing those people all looked at themselves like idiots.

Tang Seng immediately smiled and said, "Amitabha, just make a joke, don't you mind? Seriously, if you want to find Ruyi Langjun to be a crime, then the few heavenly soldiers just looked at her from time to time, and the eyes showed The look of admiration obviously moved the heart. Are they considered a violation of the rules of heaven?"

When he said this, all the heavenly soldiers lowered their heads unconsciously.

Nezha turned his head and saw this, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: a bunch of trash!

Then, Tang Seng said: "Furthermore, the so-called existence is reasonable. Since creation allows humans to have emotions, it must have its truth. Immortals also come from humans, so what is wrong with immortals having feelings? This is Very in line with the law of heaven. You are preventing her from finding true love now, which is against the law of heaven. In my opinion, the so-called law of heaven should be the law of heaven. If you violate the law of nature, this is the real law of heaven. You Can you admit it?"

All the gods were stunned.

They looked at Lin Yi, and then at Tang Seng.

They only acted on orders, and they were directly said by these two people that they violated the laws of heaven and laws.

Where does this make sense?

Tang Seng turned his head and said to Lin Yi: "Sir, do you think the poor monk is right?"

Lin Yi gave Tang Seng a thumbs up: "Give you a thumbs up."

Tang Seng was taken aback, and said, "Although I don't know what a like is, I will give you a like. In this way, if the like is a good thing, we will flatter each other. If it is a curse, then I can be considered to go back. "

Lin is also speechless.

This Tang Seng is really a little clever.

Nezha said: "In short, no matter what you say today, how you stop, I must take her back."

Tang Seng shook his head and said, "You are really a child to be taught. Think about it, if you have to take her away, will this gentleman agree? If he doesn't agree, you must fight again. With the momentum of yours just now~www If there is a fight, are there any way for the surrounding heavenly soldiers to survive? Fairy Zixia will not survive. Even if you can finally bring her body back to the Heavenly Palace, it will only be a corpse. Lost again With so many heavenly soldiers, think about it, what do the gods in the sky think of you? They will laugh at you for incompetence, even a little fairy can't take it home. They will laugh at you for being weak, even a mortal can't do it. They will even do it. Laugh your last name is incompetent."

"What does this have to do with incompetence?"

"Of course it does matter. Think about it, the so-called people are crowded and gossip. As long as you have a little handle to be caught by them, they will hold a huge **** basin on your head-oh, sorry, It's three huge **** bowls, clasped on your three heads."

Nezha listened and thought of those gods in the sky.

These gods are also panicking in their idleness, and there is nothing to do all day long, they only gather in groups to talk gossip.

If you messed up this time, they must poke your spine.

Instead of this, it is better to let Zixia go, and then make up a reason to deal with the Jade Emperor.


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