Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 851: Superman's strength

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin also used the skill pack without hesitation.

In the next moment, he felt that his body seemed to be filled with infinite power.

It's not a problem to punch the earth and blow the earth-of course, this is just his personal feeling.

At the same time, he became clear and deaf.

He could hear any subtle voice within a hundred miles.

He can directly see the Guanghan Palace above the moon with his naked eyes.

If he wants to, he can see the muscles, blood and bones of several people in front of him.

This skill pack allows him to possess any of Superman's skills within five minutes.

At this time, the great sacred lion camel king that moved the mountain, relying on his huge power, directly patted Lin Yi's head with a palm.

If this time is really being photographed, Lin is bound to be photographed into flesh.

Lin also naturally wouldn't let this happen.

He raised his right fist and hit the lion camel king's right palm.


There was a muffled sound, and a shock wave spread.

The lion camel king who claimed to be able to move mountains was blasted far away by Lin Yi's punch.

And along with that muffled noise, there was a crackling sound.

Obviously, his bones had been broken by Lin Yi's punch.

Seeing this, the great sage of the gods had a bad heart, and hurriedly came to Lin Yi.

At the same time, he held a long whip and slashed down towards Lin Yi.

He claims to be exhilarating, even if he sees a god, he has to retreat.

One can imagine how strong he is.

However, at this time, with the addition of Superman's strength, Lin also did not hesitate.

He turned around sharply, grabbed the whip of the exorcist great sage, and jerked it.

The Great Sage Exorcist was not prepared, and was directly pulled over by Lin Yi.

Then in his eyes, a laser beam was emitted.


There was a sound, and the head of the god-driving saint was directly melted.

Then Lin Yi hid in a burst of fiery red energy, and swallowed this exorcism great sage.

A systematic voice came from his mind: "The Great Sage, who has devoured one of the Seven Great Sages, has gained 20 million evolution points, with a total evolution point of 187 million."

A great saint is 20 million evolution points.

This made Lin Yi feel overjoyed.

As long as he swallows another great saint, he can reach 200 million evolution points, and then he can upgrade again.

Level 20 evolutionary, it's really exciting to think about it.

Thinking of this, Lin also no longer paid attention to the ventilated great sacred macaque king, but directly jumped and came to the lion camel king.

The Lion Camel King was knocked away by Lin Yi just now for more than 500 meters.

Seeing Lin also arrived at this time, he didn't dare to fight, turned around and fled.

Lin Yi sneered, chased directly behind him and kicked him in the back of his heart.


This great sage moved the mountain, kicked directly by Lin Yi, spouting blood.

With super fast speed, Lin Yi grabbed him in the air without waiting for him to land. The fiery red energy gushed out of his body and swallowed him.

Gained another 20 million evolution points.

In this way, his total evolution point has reached 207 million.

It is already enough to be promoted to level 20 evolutionary.

At this time, Lin Yi did not stop, he continued to fly forward.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the ventilated great sage macaque king turned around and fled.

During the teleportation, it was already more than ten miles away.

As he fled, he said in fear, "It's terrible, this guy's strength is terrible!"

Lin also saw that the ventilating sage was about to flee, and wherever he was allowed to flee, he got up and chased him.

But the Tang monk next to him stopped Lin Yi said: "Mr. Lin, as the saying goes..."

Before the voice fell, Lin Yi had long since disappeared.

The gust of wind that brought Tang Seng couldn't open his eyes.

Superman's speed, that's faster than the speed of light.

No matter how fast the ventilating sage is, how can it reach the speed of light?

So Lin Yi was almost two breathing rooms, and he had already caught up with the airy saint who had fled more than twenty miles away.

The Great Sage of Ventilation knows everything and knows that Lin Yi has already moved to kill.

He wanted to speak quickly.

Where does Lin Yi allow him to speak?

Jump up directly and step on it suddenly.

Under Lin Yi's speed, the Great Sage of Ventilation had no time to escape.


Was trampled directly into mud.

On Lin Yi, fiery red energy gushed out, swallowing the ventilating Great Sage, and gained another 20 million evolution points.

The total number of evolution points has reached 227 million.

In the next moment, Lin Yi returned to Tang Seng again.

All this is a long story, but at Lin Yi's speed faster than the speed of light, it was completed in just two seconds.

He asked: "Mr. Tang, you seem to have something to say just now."

Tang Seng was stunned for a moment, and said, "You...have killed him?"


"Well, just assume I didn't say anything."

At the same time, Monkey King had already overturned the Flood Demon King and Peng Demon King.

There is only one big sacred cow demon king who is still alive.

It's not that Monkey King doesn't want to kill him, but that Monkey King hasn't played enough yet.

The Bull Demon King was hit hard by Monkey King's stick, and he roared angrily: "How unreasonable, unreasonable!"

As he said, he stretched out his tongue and took out the banana fan.

Then he fanned towards Monkey Monkey King was unprepared and was directly fanned out.

The Bull Demon King slapped two more, and Lin Yi, Tang Seng, Zixia Fairy and others, including a group of little demons, were all slapped out.

Together with the entire city, they were all fanned up.

Those hundreds of little monsters were either fanned out or fell into the huge pit after the city flew out.

The bull devil is crazy: "I'm not good, none of you will be good."

After a while, Monkey King, who was fanned out of a hundred miles, had rescued Tang Seng and flew back.

And after Lin Yi was fanned out of a hundred miles, he didn't have the dizzy and weak feeling of being fanned the last time.

With superhuman power, this little damage can hardly be called a damage.

He saved Fairy Zixia and flew back.

This bull demon is really hateful, and today he has to swallow it up.

The Bull Demon King became more and more enthusiastic, and shouted: "I will fan the city for you to the sun, none of you want to live!"

Monkey King and Lin Yi are standing under the city together.

Monkey King roared: "Old Sun will give you back!"

The power of Monkey King alone could almost compete with the wind of the banana fan.

Now, with the addition of Lin Yi who possessed superhuman power, the city was quickly pushed back in the direction of the Bull Demon King.

Fairy Zixia also flew over to help Lin Yi and Monkey King.

Although her strength is far less than that of the two, she is still a strength.

Seeing this, the Bull Demon felt uneasy.

His Bull Demon King is also a well-known king within a radius of hundreds of miles.

He failed like this today, how could this make him reconciled?

With a roar, he took advantage of the unpreparedness of the three, holding a steel fork, and stabbing Monkey King's back.

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