Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 856: The evolution of data (middle)

Lin Yi was in the battle, waiting for the opponent to get close, then suddenly activated the perfect defense of the shield to make the opponent stunned for about a second, and then quickly beheaded.

This is Lin Yi's usual routine, and this routine has been tried and tested.

Today, however, this routine has not worked.

When his girl got close, the moment Lin Yi's shield condensed, her attack suddenly changed.

Before, I planned to use a sharp blade to deal with Lin Yi, but now he suddenly changed to water attribute energy, condensing a water polo, and covering Lin Yi in it.

Then, she used the sharp blade again to stab Lin Yi who was inconvenient in the water polo.

Seeing this, Lin quickly used teleport and moved a hundred meters away.

However, even if he moved a hundred meters away, the water polo on him was still there.

And the most terrible thing was that the water polo banged and exploded after stopping for a second.

This explosion seemed to have hundreds of bullets hitting Lin Yi's body.

Although Lin Yi's current body strength, even ordinary bullets can no longer penetrate.

But if hundreds of bullets attack him at the same time, his body will not be able to resist it.

Especially these small drops of water shook Lin Yi's body at the same moment, and the resulting co-shock caused Lin Yi to spit out a mouthful of blood.

On the other side, Shui Ruobing also seemed to be firmly suppressed.

No matter how he attacked, it seemed impossible to hit the girl.

And every time that girl attacked, it seemed that she was specifically targeted at her.

While Lin Yi spit out a mouthful of blood, the girl's attack had arrived.

The burning blade condensed in her hand came and pierced towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi had already suffered a loss just now. This time he didn't use the shield anymore, instead he teleported directly and appeared 100 meters away.

And the girl chased Lin Yi again at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Yi immediately transformed into a clone, but his real body had already teleported to the other side.

However, the girl seemed to clearly know which of Lin Yi's clone was, and she even knew that Lin Yi would use a clone.

So she did not chase after Lin Yi's clone, but continued to chase Lin Yi's real body.

Lin Yi felt a little anxious.

She felt that every movement she made, the girl seemed to be able to predict in advance.

Just imagine, no matter who it is, encountering such an opponent in battle, I am afraid that he will be anxious.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Datong Association in Manhattan.

Yehenala Xiaocui looked at the battle on the screen with a confident smile.

"Lin Yi, didn't you expect it? The cannon fodder that appeared before was just collecting your battle data. After we integrated your battle data, we generated response plans. Then these response plans were input into these clones. They are now , Is specifically used to restrain you. Today, you will undoubtedly die!"

And beside her, the mysterious evolutionary didn't speak, but stared at Lin Yi closely.

He was waiting for Lin Yi to use Scarlet Lightning.

When Zhang Xiaocui said those words, within two seconds, the smile on her face had disappeared.

Because at this time, Lin Yi, in addition to the previous clone, unexpectedly had another clone.

Then, the second, third, fourth... all the way to the tenth.

Lin Yi turned into ten clones!

Zhang Xiaocui looked at this scene, her expression changed: "This kid..."

She had never seen Lin Yi use ten clones before, and naturally there was no data on these ten clones.

The mysterious evolutionary looked at these ten clones and smiled with interest: "It's interesting."

At the scene, the little loli looked at the eleven Lin Yi, obviously directly confused.

In her database, Lin also never appeared ten clones.

What should I do now? How to deal with it?

Lin Yi saw that little loli was stunned, and he himself, including the ten clones, teleported towards the little loli.

This cloned little loli uses data to analyze opponents and has obvious advantages.

But at the same time, the shortcomings are also very obvious.

Once Lin Yi uses a move that hasn't been used before, they don't have any data, so they don't know what to do.

Taking advantage of that little Lolita's bewilderment stage, eleven Lins also attacked at the same time.

In the past, when Lin Yi's energy clone was still in the first stage, only one energy clone could be condensed, and this energy clone was only one-tenth of Lin Yi's strength;

And now, the energy clone is upgraded to the second level, ten clones can be transformed, and the strength of each energy clone is half of Lin Yi's own.

Ten energy clones are basically equivalent to ten evolvers who are stronger than level 19 evolvers.

So many evolutionists and Lin Yi himself attacked the little loli together.

The little Lolita panicked immediately.

There is no response plan in her database.

The only thing she can do is to condense a water attribute energy cover and a fire attribute energy cover.

This energy shield is very peculiar, like water and not water, fire or fire.

But it seems that they have the properties of water and two clones of Lin Yi used a sharp blade and a wind whip to attack, but none of them worked.

Seeing this, Lin also condensed two giant hammers into his hands.

Holding a giant hammer, Lin Yi shouted violently.

The giant hammer in his right hand swung to the energy shield fiercely.


A shock wave spread instantly.

The little Lolita’s energy shield, although it was a fusion of water and fire, was soft and strong, and could resist attacks that were almost twice as powerful as her own.

However, before Lin Yi's huge hammer's great power, all of this was false.

In front of Lin Yi's giant hammer, the water and fire energy shield was blasted away almost instantly.

Not only did the energy cover blast away, but also continued to smash it downward, smashing the little Lolita into a pile of fleshy flesh.

This scene is really quite bloody.

A cute loli in her ten-year-old was smashed into flesh by a sledgehammer with a diameter of half a meter. It was a bit cruel to think about.

Shui Ruobing on the other side couldn't see it anymore, and kept shaking his head.

At the same time, in Manhattan, the headquarters of the Tatung Association.

Zhang Xiaocui looked at the scene in the picture, frowning slightly: "What kind of hammer, the power is so huge."

The mysterious evolutionary said: "This is an energy hammer condensed from biological energy. The power is not comparable to an ordinary giant hammer."

"That's it."

Zhang Xiaocui nodded.

"Now, do you have any way to deal with it?"

Said the mysterious evolutionary.

Zhang Xiaocui said, "If this kid thinks that I am the president of the Datong Guild, he has only such a small means, then he would be too small for me. Then, the good show will officially begin."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaocui looked at the screen with a smile again.

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