Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 893: Devour High Priest

The screams of the high priest of Gedal echoed in this dark field.

Let all the more than one thousand people feel swayed.

To them, the high priest, who looked like a god, was so vulnerable in front of this plague knight.

At this time, the High Priest Nagel Yinger screamed while looking at Lin Yi in horror.

He was almost equivalent to possessing an immortal body. In the form of a skeleton, no one except Apocalypse could kill him.

It is with this that he dared to unite so many tribes to rebel against the Apocalypse.

Unexpectedly, encountering this plague knight, he easily broke his skeleton form defense.

In the skeleton form, although his body is immortal, his soul will still be dominated by hellfire.

Hellfire doesn't matter what your body is, it only burns sinful souls.

And the soul of the Grand Priest of Gedal is undoubtedly sinful.

Four chains of magma came out of Lin Yi's body, wrapped around the neck of the skeleton of the high priest Gedal, and then swallowed it.

Soon, he swallowed this Gedal high priest.

In the setting of the X-Men, the mutants are divided into five levels. This Gedal obviously belongs to the three-level mutants and is already considered a very strong existence.

But because he was too arrogant, he was easily swallowed by Lin Yi.

However, Lin Yi's ultimate goal is not him, but the apocalypse.

Apocalypse belongs to the strongest 5th-level mutant, more powerful than Professor X and Magneto.

If he swallows him, I don't know if he can be promoted to level 21 evolutionary.

After Lin Yi swallowed the high priest, everyone present was silent.

They were both frightened and puzzled.

What is puzzled is that in their minds, the high priest who is like a **** is so easily swallowed by this young man;

The horror is: In their minds, the high priest, who is like a god, is swallowed up, so who else can they rely on in the future?

Under the brutal rule of Pharaoh, they did have a rebellious mind.

But everyone knew how powerful Pharaoh was, so no one dared to really rebel.

But after the high priest came, they showed incomparable strength, and they dared to rebel with the high priest.

But now, the high priest died like this, and these mortals, in front of the plague knights sent by the Pharaoh, have no resistance at all.

Lin Yi retracted his hellfire at this time and returned to his normal form.

Then he glanced at everyone around him and said, "I came here today, I just wanted to talk to you. But the high priest shot me first, so I had no choice but to clean him up. He was dead, just not To get in the way of us."

The people around dare not say anything, dare not do anything.

Lin Yi looked at the big leader and said, "Leader, this matter, the two of us finally said."

What dare the big leader say at this time?

He can only agree.

He tremblingly said to the people around him: "You go back first, I have something to discuss with this general."

At this time, the people around were anxious to leave as soon as possible. After hearing the big chief's words, they all retreated like a pardon.

The chief leader said: "There is no one around now, so let's talk about it."

While speaking, he looked at Lin Yi carefully.

For fear that Lin Yi was unwilling to kill him.

Lin Yi said to the big leader, "Sit down."

Originally this was a kind word, but the big leader took it as an order and did not dare to disobey, and quickly sat on the grass.

Lin Yi said: "I am here today, not for war, but for peace."


The big leader was a little confused.

"Yes, peace."

Lin Yi replied: "If you continue to fight, you tribes will have a lot of casualties, and our soldiers will also have casualties. I have always advocated peace and peace. My suggestion is that we both truce, so that neither There will be one more casualty."

The big leader heard it, thinking he had heard it wrong, and looked at Lin Yi in surprise: "I...I heard it right?"

In the knowledge of this great leader, as long as Pharaoh says he wants to fight, it is basically endless—of course, for Pharaoh’s enemies.

Never heard of a truce in the middle of the war.

Why did you suddenly change your **** this time and want a truce?

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "You heard it right, truce."

The big leader was stunned, and after reacting for a moment, he said, "This..."

"Why don't you?"

Lin Yi asked with a smile.

"No, no," the big leader shook his head quickly, "it's not unwilling, I really can't believe it. After all, such a thing has never happened before."

Lin Yi continued with a smile and said: "Anything has a first time. And I can guarantee that this will happen again in the future, and it will happen many times."

The chief said: "Of course I also want a truce. But if the truce, the pharaoh will not let us ~ ~ all of our tribes will die. Instead of this, it is better to resist..."

Lin Yi said, "No, if we truce, I will persuade Pharaoh to stop sending troops to you when I go back."


The big leader obviously didn't believe Lin Yi's words very much.

After all, this matter is too incredible.

Lin Yi lowered his voice and said, "I know, you don't believe me. But I will tell you one thing. After hearing this, I will decide whether you believe me or not."

The big leader looked at Lin Yi and waited for him to speak.

Lin Yi said, "You should know that Pharaoh is almost immortal, right?"

The big leader's eyes were dim, and he nodded: "Yes."

Everyone knew that Pharaoh was almost immortal.

Because the pharaoh has been in power since the grandfather of these people, and now the pharaoh is still alive, and they have gradually become old.

Lin Yi said: "Actually, Pharaoh is not really immortal. He just transferred his consciousness to a younger body, reincarnation over and over again."

The big leader listened and nodded: "Well, but this is also another kind of immortality."

Lin Yi said: "This is not the point. The point is that every time Pharaoh shifts his consciousness, it is when he is weakest. At that time, I will attack Pharaoh and make him truly sleep under the pyramid forever."

Hearing this, the big leader looked at Lin Yi with a look like a ghost.

how is this possible?

The Plague Knight, one of the Pharaoh's four knights, would actually say such a thing?

You know, the three knights of Pharaoh have been loyal to Pharaoh for hundreds of years.

Now, how could this Plague Knight say such a thing?

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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