Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 895: Apocalyptic surprise

"In your opinion, things are impossible, but there is nothing impossible with me."

Lin Yi said something quite pretending.

The war knight shook his head and said, "No, war is not fought like this. If you go back like this, you will definitely be punished by the Pharaoh."

Lin Yidao: "That's my business. In short, there is no war to fight. Our class will do."

The war knight was helpless and could only say, "Oh, what a fight is this so special. I have never fought such a strange battle in my entire life."

But he only complained a few words.

Now I can only follow back first.

In his opinion, the Plague Knight disobeyed Pharaoh's orders and ceased the war without authorization.

After returning home, he would inevitably be punished heavily by Pharaoh.

At that time, Pharaoh will definitely send himself out again.

Just take this opportunity to ask Pharaoh more dry food.

They have been here for too long, and they have almost eaten their dry food.

Should have gone back.

But if he goes back rashly, it will damage his face and be punished by the Pharaoh.

It's all right now, with Lin Yi, a newly-promoted knight, in front of him, he can be safe and sound.

At the moment, he ordered: "Pack up the guys and withdraw today."

The soldiers were almost unable to hold on these days. They all cheered secretly when they heard that they could withdraw.

At the same time, he also had a good impression of the new Plague Knight.

If it were not for the new Plague Knights, they would inevitably have to stay here for a while.

But to be honest, with the current situation, if you continue to support it, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

The arrival of the Plague Knights was tantamount to saving their lives.

The withdrawal of the troops of nearly 10,000 people is not a matter of words.

It only took a whole day to clean up the guys who used it in the ordinary day.

They didn't really set off to evacuate until the next morning.

The tribe leader, the troop that survived tens of thousands of people every year, gradually moved away under the rising sun, and there were some tears in his eyes.

To be honest, although they used their number advantage, they could deal with the Pharaoh's army.

But many people know that even if they defeat this army, the Pharaoh will send more troops.

At that time, what they will face is still a dead end.

Now that the army can take the initiative to withdraw, this is the best ending.

These tribes can all be kept.

Thinking about it this way, the young plague knight was actually the benefactor of these tribes.

When the plague knight caught them at first, he was just frightened by Lin Yi's terrifying strength.

Later, I don't know what method he used to say that both sides can cease the war at the same time, which is surprising.

It seems that this Plague Knight, in addition to his strength, is also a very smart person.

If he was given more time to grow up, he would definitely be the leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.


The march of large troops is not a matter of saying a word.

It took three full days for this unit to return to the holy city where Apocalypse was located.

After they came back, naturally they would go to see Tianqi as soon as possible and report to him the situation of the battle.

Apocalypse sits high above the throne made of pure gold.

Seeing Lin Yi and the war knight return, a slight smile appeared on his face: "I know that you will not let me down."

The war knight lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Pharaoh, we..."

Tianqi's expression changed slightly when he heard him say this: "What? You failed?"

With that, his eyes became white, as if covered with a white film.

In just a few breaths, he obtained the information he wanted from the memory of the war knight.

This is a kind of superpower he has acquired during many reincarnations: reading memories.

As long as he wants, he can read anyone's thoughts.

Of course, unlike Professor X, who reads a large number of human thoughts in a short time, he can only read the thoughts of one person at a certain point in time.

From the thoughts of the war knight, he already knew what happened four days ago.

He was furious and looked at Lin Yi with cold eyes: "If you violate my orders without authorization, don't you want to rebel too?"

The war knight listened, and was secretly delighted: This guy really asks for trouble, deserves it!

Tian Qi's eyes turned white again, reading Lin Yi's thoughts.

But soon, his eyes returned to their normal color.

When looking at Lin Yi, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Because he couldn't read Lin Yi's thoughts unexpectedly.

His superpower is useful to anyone.

Before, it was Bailing Bailing.

But this time, in front of this young man, he failed.

No, it's impossible!

Thinking like this, he tried to read Lin Yi's thoughts again.

But I tried three more times, each time the result ended in failure.

The surprise in his eyes was even worse.

"I can't read your thoughts?"

Tianqi said in surprise, "Why?"

This is naturally because Lin is not a person in this is not restricted by the rules of this world.

Just like when he was on the plane of "Wolverine", Professor X could not invade Lin Yi's thoughts with his brain wave enhancer. Not to mention that Apocalypse's ability to read thoughts is much worse than Professor X.

Of course, Lin couldn't let him know this.

He had already thought about his excuses.

I saw him smile frankly and said: "Pharaoh, you also know that my superpower is the fire of hell. Because of the fire of hell, my spiritual power is extremely powerful. Therefore, you cannot read my thoughts."

Tianqi looked at Lin Yi, the anger on his face was taken back and replaced by a smile.

This smile made Lin Yi feel a little strange.

Maybe it's because Tianqi is so strange that it is even stranger to laugh.

Then his tone eased a little and asked Lin Yi said, "Then explain why you violated my order without authorization."

Now that Lin Yi has done this, naturally he has already thought about it.

"Pharaoh, it's like this. I don't want to violate your orders, I just accumulate reputation for you."

Tianqi turned sideways slightly, obviously listening carefully.

Lin Yi continued: "Think about it, the Egypt that you rule now is made up of countless lowly civilians. We kill tens of thousands of people, and our productivity will be greatly reduced. And it will make those civilians feel that their The pharaoh will only rule brutally. And if we don’t kill them now, but give them graciousness, our productivity will not be affected, and they will thank you after they are forgiven by you.

This way they will be convinced of you, and they will fall in love with you.

It’s not difficult to conquer them by force, but if you can make them succumb to you and convince them, this is the real master. "

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