Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 900: Sword Fairy Li Bai

Lin also saw that Li Bai listened intently, smiled slightly, and went on:

The fat boy said anxiously: "Don't think about these mess, how to deal with this exam? I heard that the guy brought back by the husband this time is a Tier 3 swordsman."

At this point, Li Bai suddenly stood up.

That shabby wooden sword, I don't know when it was already in his hand.

call out--

The long sword pierced in an instant, hitting a bamboo in the front.

The bamboo with a thick bowl was suddenly pierced through.

The fat man behind him saw his mouth wide open: "The wooden sword penetrates the bamboo! Mr. said that this is the standard for a first-class swordsman. You did it! My goodness, you only practiced swords for a month, and you have reached the first-class swordsman's level. standard!"

Li Bai smiled faintly, the bamboo branch at the corner of his mouth shook, and said, "This is not the point."

The fat man looked suspiciously at the wooden sword and the bamboo pierced by the wooden sword.

After a while, he suddenly opened his mouth again.

And this time, with his eyes widened: "This...this..."

It turned out that he saw that there was still a bamboo leaf on the sword of that wooden sword, which was worn like a bunch of candied gourds.

In other words, when Li Bai took the sword, he pierced a bamboo leaf that fell from the sky in an instant, and then pierced the bamboo.

The bamboo leaves fall from the sky and spin and dance like a butterfly.

It is very difficult to pierce a bamboo leaf with a sword-and a wooden sword-let alone pierce it.

And the most important thing is that when Li Bai just took out the sword, the fat man didn't even see the fallen bamboo leaves.

After being dumbfounded for a moment, the fat man finally came back to his senses and answered Li Bai's question: "The sword is going to the extreme... Is this the effect?"

Li Bai shook his head and said, "Not fast enough."

Then he turned around and drifted along the path in the bamboo forest.

"This is not fast enough? So what is fast?"

The fat man muttered to himself.

After a while, he came back to his senses.

He quickly pulled out Li Bai's wooden sword and shouted: "Wait for me, Li Bai, wait for me..."

Chasing Li Bai's figure, panting, ran out of the bamboo forest.


After Lin Yi finished speaking, he smiled and looked at Li Bai: "How is it? It's not bad, right?"

Li Bai held the wine glass, thought for a moment, and replied: "Shit doesn't make sense."

Lin Yi laughed loudly and said, "It's refreshing. Actually, I don't think that **** makes sense. In fact, this is not written by me, but by a person named Qiuyue Yijiang."

Li Bai nodded and said, "Sure enough. I think it's weird. With Brother Lin's talent, how could it be possible to write such a nonsense article?"


The association with Li Bai is a happy time for Lin Yi.

(It feels a bit weird to say this.)

However, happy times are always short.

Over the past few decades, Li Bai is getting old. In the end, under Lin Yi's gaze, he closed his eyes that seemed to be forever jealous.

Although he knew this was a natural law, Lin was still sad.

After all, Li Bai has been his only confidant for thousands of years.

After Li Bai passed away, Lin also no longer planned to make friends with anyone.

Because watching my friends die one by one is definitely not a good thing.

After that, Lin Yi almost stayed in China.

Over the past thousand years, he experienced the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.

And when the barbarians invaded China, Lin Yi also shot several times to scare away those barbarians.

And his powerful ability, and his Shenlong never see the end, made him a legend in China.

Whenever the barbarians thought of aggression, they would be shocked by this legend.

Five thousand years passed in a flash.

What disappointed Lin Yi was that until this time, he had not been able to reach the 23rd level evolutionary.

Only then did he know that the so-called theory that as long as he continues to practice, he will be able to reach the 23rd level of evolution, it is purely fabricated.

Starting at level 22, he has been practicing for two thousand years, and he has not been able to reach the level 23 evolution.

And the reason why the Sharu Xingren can reach the 23rd level of evolution is probably because of external help.

By the way, the system once said that this system is actually the cultivation system of the Sharu Xing people.

Every Sharu star is equipped with such a training system.

In this way, only with the help of this training system can you be promoted to level 23 evolve.

And now, the system's help to Lin Yi is that he can swallow those powerful enemies, gain evolution points, and use them to advance his level.

It seems that the apocalypse must be swallowed before it is possible to be promoted to the 23rd level of evolution.

Time passed to 2016.

This year is exactly the year the movie was released.

It is also the year when Apocalypse will wake up again in the background of the movie.

Lin Yi came to a remote city in Poland.

At this time Magneto has turned into an ordinary steel factory worker, working in this factory.

He had previously been wanted for trying to assassinate the president.

As a last resort, I can only come here and stay anonymous

Lin also found his steel plant.

Lin Yi was taken to Magneto, and saw that he was controlling a machine to transfer a pile of steel.

When he saw Lin Yi, he was a little puzzled: "Oriental? I have never seen At this time, Lin Yi, after five thousand years, although his face hasn't changed much, his eyes are still old. The vicissitudes of talents.

He smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know me, because I'm just an unknown person. And you are a big name."

Magneto heard that something was wrong.

He felt tight and asked, "Who are you anyway?"

Lin Yidao: "I am Lin Yi, rest assured, I am definitely not the enemy."

Magneto said: "Then what do you want to do?"

Lin also didn't answer directly, but said, "Do you think that if you want to live a stable life, you can definitely live it?"

Magneto said: "If you don't show up, maybe I can."

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head: "No, it has nothing to do with me. I won't expose your true identity. It's yourself, maybe you will become a public enemy here."


Magneto laughed too, how could it be possible?

Lin Yi said: "I just hope that when you truly become a public enemy here, you can recognize the essence of the matter. Maybe someone is against you, but not everyone is a bad person. In this world, there are still more good people. Some. Especially when you are angry, don't forget this."

Magneto waved his hand and said: "What you are talking about is messy, I can't understand a word. Please leave here immediately and don't disturb my life."

Lin Yi said: "Just go, just go."

Finally he glanced at Magneto, turned his head and smiled, turned and left.

And just as he left, Magneto's eyes flashed a hint of coldness.

At the next moment, a steel bar flew up silently, piercing Lin Yihou's heart straight.

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