Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 90: Fire Crow (middle)

   mountain village, night.

   This is a silent night, and the whole mountain village is silent.

  Only on a tree in the distance, the crow's cries were heard from time to time.

   Lin also knew that the crow with flames on the body in the mouth of the villagers was the source of this virus infection.

   Maybe some scientists did experiments and escaped by the crow carrying the virus.

   Now this crow must be wiped out before the virus spreads, otherwise, it will continue to spread the virus in the future, it will really be the same as in the zombie movie.

   Before, the system said that there would be a virus outbreak within a few years, but Lin also didn't believe it.

   But now it seems that this moment may not be too far away.

   In the quiet night, Lin Yi walked alone on the small road in the country, and followed the sound quietly to the place where the crow was.

  While he was walking, he constantly used his bio-tracking skills to probe his surroundings to prevent other zombies from appearing.

   After walking about three hundred meters, I saw a stone bridge in front of me.

   Above the stone bridge, there is a woman walking back and forth with her headless hair.

   Lin also used biological tracking and found no abnormalities, but when he listened carefully, he could hear the woman's throat making a "sizzle" sound, obviously this was also a zombie.

   Lin was also a little confused, and asked the system: "It stands to reason that the biological pulses reflected by zombies and ordinary people should be different. Why are the biological pulses reflected by zombies and humans the same?"

   The casual voice of the system replied: "That's because your current level is too low to find the slight difference in the middle. Young man, you have to work harder."

   Lin Yi quickly walked a few steps and came to the back of the zombie.

   The zombie also seemed to hear Lin Yi's footsteps and turned around.

   I saw a large piece of her left shoulder bitten off by something, and the flesh on her right cheek was rotten, hanging on her face like a rag.

   When she saw Lin Yi, she sizzled with excitement and grabbed Lin Yi with both hands.

   Lin Yi dodged to avoid the catch, sharp claws appeared, directly cut the zombie in half from top to bottom, and then swallowed it.

   His evolution point has reached 55.

   The movements of these zombies are indeed faster than ordinary people, but Lin Yi is now a Level 3 evolutionary, and his speed is faster than that of zombies, so he easily killed the zombies.

   walked for a while, his biological tracking skills detected that there was another zombie in the front yard.

   This zombie is another female zombie.

   The system said jokingly: "I came across a female zombie, you are lucky, old iron."

   Lin also ignored the system's banter and entered this yard.

   I saw the female zombie with her upper body naked, and only wearing one on her lower body, holding a fierce mask in her hand, dangling there like a lonely ghost.

   The wretched voice of the system came: "Hey, I'm full of eyes this time. Like this zombie, give me a dozen."

   Lin also said disgustingly: "System, your taste is really heavy."

   The zombie heard Lin Yi's footsteps, turned his head, and rushed towards Lin Yi, with both hands about to grab Lin Yi's shoulder.

   Lin Yi pierced out the sharp claw of his left hand, pierced in the palm of the zombie, and pierced her shoulder.

   The sharp claw of the right hand pierced directly into the zombie's eye, and then with a horizontal stroke, the zombie broke in half.

   Above his body, magma-like energy gushed out, and after wrapping the zombie, it swallowed it.

   Along the way, he killed a few more zombies.

   finally killed all the seven zombies in the villagers' mouths, and his evolution point has reached 58.

  The corner of Lin Yi's mouth under his hood unconsciously showed a bloodthirsty smile, and continued to rush towards the place where the crow was crying.

   More than ten minutes later, he came under a locust tree.

   The crow was yelling on the locust tree, with a hoarse voice that made people feel terrified when they heard it.

   Lin also used biological tracking to look up, and saw that the crow was about one meter long, and if the wings were spread, it would be about two meters.

   Above its body, among the feathers, there is something like red magma flowing.

   The scariest thing is its head.

   There is no hair or flesh on its head, just a skull.

   There are no eyeballs on this skull. There are two black holes where the eyes should have been. They look terrifying.

   Lin also saw this crow, and remembered the strange birds in "Prototype 2" that he played with Avril Lavigne.

   Those strange birds look exactly the same as this crow. They spread viruses everywhere in New York, attacking anything that can be attacked.

   Is it possible that such a strange bird actually exists in reality?

   Anyway, kill this fire crow first.

   Lin also quietly climbed up the tree, trying to kill the fire crow without paying attention.

   However, the feeling of the fire crow is also very keen, and soon he found Lin Yi who was climbing a tree, and it flapped its wings and rose into the air.

   After hovering in the air for a circle, his wings retracted and he dived towards Lin Yi at a very fast speed.

   Lin Yi secretly said that it was not good, and quickly let go of his hands, and jumped out of the air.

   The paws of the fire crow caught the tree, and the piece of the tree suddenly ignited a flame.

   "Yeah-yeah -"

   Huo Crow called twice hoarsely once again swooped down towards Lin Yi.

   Lin also got up and turned around and fled.

  The fire crow was chasing after him.

   Lin also quickly drew aside, avoiding the fire crow's dive this time.

   Lin also hid behind the tree next to him, and looked at the fire crow flying into the air again, feeling that he really underestimated the fire crow.

   The power of this fire crow swooping is so great that even a Level 3 evolutionary, he dare not resist it. And when it dived, the fire crow's body all turned into a color like magma, looking like a big bird condensed from magma.

   No matter where it rushes, it will set fire everywhere.

   And when he wanted to attack it, it flew into the air again.

   It can be said that in front of it, the only thing I can do is to escape.

   The system was still smiling at this time and said: "It's just a semi-finished product, or a defective product. If it were a real full body, you would have been killed by a second."

   The tone of the system's words is quite gloating.

   Lin also ignored the system, as he fled, thinking in his heart how to deal with the fire crow.

   One minute later, his back had been scratched by the fire crow, and the wound was deeply visible and painful.

   Lin also endured the pain behind his back and continued to flee.

   I saw the village in front of the bridge. If this fire crow was led to the village, the consequences would be disastrous.

   But with his current strength, he can only escape in front of Huo Crow, how can he stop Huo Crow?

Behind   , the fire crow yelled and swooped down on Lin Yi's back again.

   is the so-called "quick in the middle of life."

   Lin was also anxious, and suddenly in his mind, there was a flash of inspiration!

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