Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 931: Hanyue, save the world again

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Hanyue has always wanted to kill a wild monster, but because of his lack of strength, he has never had a chance.

Now that it's hard to come across a dying monster, naturally it can't be snatched by his teammates.

"This is my economy, don't grab anyone."

As Hanyue said, the dagger in his hand pierced the wild monster's back.


Although it was a bit difficult, it still pierced the wild monster's back.


The wild monster cried out in pain.

Everyone was surprised.

"Even a human voice!"

"No, Hanyue, go back!"

Everyone quickly guarded.

Hanyue was also taken aback.

But women are really elusive sometimes.

For example, after some women find a mouse, they will scream and step on them.

After trampling the rats to the end of their muscles, they will jump far away quickly, pat their chests and say, "Scared me to death, scared me to death".

At this time, there are probably 10,000 beasts rushing past the mouse.

This is also the case for Hanyue at this time.

She was so frightened that she stabbed the dagger in her hand hurriedly.

He stabbed and screamed: "Ah-ah-ah -"

After stabbing dozens of times, he screamed and jumped away, hiding behind everyone.

Everyone looked at the monster again, the back and head had already been stabbed to pieces.


The captain poked the corpse with the tip of his gun.

Hanyue patted her chest and said while panting, "I scared the old lady to death, scared the old lady to death...Huh? I killed the monster? Hahahaha, see, although I am a first-level evolutionary, Hanyue But with a disabled spirit and hard work, he can finally kill wild monsters. Hahahaha..."

A team member next to him met and said, "Han Yue, you really have a goddess temperament at this time."

"of course."

Hanyue quickly combed her bangs with her hands, looking very feminine.

Another team member said: "He means female neuropathy."

Hanyue stared at the two people immediately, then looked at the corpse of the wild monster next to her.

The two men suddenly retracted.

At this time, the captain had turned the monster over.

Although he had been stabbed to the ground, the front of the monster could barely be seen.

When the captain saw the front of the monster clearly, he said in shock: "This is..."

The others listened and looked to this side.

When they saw the front of the monster, they all said in surprise, "Saru Star!"

"Isn't this the last time the Sarustar killed 100 people every 10 minutes?"

"I'll go, it really is!"

"It's really him!"

"This guy killed the evil spirit knight Lin Yi last time!"

"This disgusting alien bug, just died like this?"

"Han Yue, this Sharu Star was killed by you..."

When Hanyue heard these words, she was stunned for about three seconds, and then reacted: "So, I saved the world?"

When she said this, she didn't even believe it.

"You killed this Sharu star, didn't you save the world?"

"Last time you saved Shanghai, this time you saved the world directly!"

"Han Yue, I really have you!"


Hanyue was stunned at first, but after understanding it, she jumped up excitedly.

Unexpectedly, this guy who even Lin Yi couldn't handle would be handled by himself.

But after ten seconds of excitement, she quickly pretended to be calm.

He waved his hand and said: "No need to kneel, no need to kneel, normal operation, normal operation only."

People all over the world, seeing this scene through their screens, one by one, just like Hanyue, all have a kind of awkward feeling.

Even the powerful enemy who can't kill even the 23rd-level evolutionary Lin Yi was stabbed to death by this little girl with just a few stabs?

Where does this make sense?

But after a while, almost all the safe areas burst into earth-shattering cheers.


"Good job!"

"This girl did a beautiful job!"

"that is really good!"

The whole world is reveling like a big happy event.

At the same time, at the headquarters of Datonghui.

Zhang Xiaocui watched this scene in disbelief, and she froze there, unable to recover for a long time.

She was still waiting, waiting for the Sharu star to heal itself.

However, the next scene that appeared on the screen made her almost collapse.

On the screen, someone asked the captain: "What about this corpse now?"

"What else? Just leave it here."

"Lost here? I'm afraid it's not so good. I remember this Sharu Xingren has a very strong self-healing ability. What if he comes back to life again later?"

When he said this, everyone else was shocked.

Hanyue heard this and quickly said, "Should we burn him?"

"Well, good idea."

Ever since, everyone began to hack into action.

Eventually a fire arose, and the body of the Sharu star was placed on the fire.

It wasn't until more than twenty minutes later that the Sharu star was completely burned to ashes, and everyone was relieved.

When Zhang Xiaocui saw this, he was angry and unwilling.

She didn't even dream of it. In her opinion, this Sharu star who was as powerful as a **** would eventually die in the hands of a level 1 evolutionary.

For a long time, she regarded Lin Yi as her worst enemy.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the Sharu Xingren was ended by this little girl.

She has counted a thousand counts, but she didn't count this point.

After regaining her consciousness, she quickly pressed the communicator with anger and unwillingness: "Send me a level 22 evolutionary, and while Lin Yi is weak, go and kill him!"


At the same time, Shui Ruobing also saw this scene.

She just wanted to laugh at this moment.

I didn't expect that it was Han Yue who ended the Sharu star.

When she lived with Hanyue before, she only thought that Hanyue was an optimistic, cheerful, heartless, reckless, and so-so.

Although he became a Level 1 evolutionary, he couldn't change this essence.

Unexpectedly, such an ordinary girl would become the one who saved the world.

This is too dramatic.

Of course, Shui Ruobing also knew that the Sharu Xingren's body was extremely hard, and ordinary swords could not stab him.

Just now, when Lin Yi was fighting with him, he broke through the defenses of his body, so that Han Yue, the girl, could kill the Nasharu with a dagger.

Shui Ruobing is knowledgeable after all.

Thinking of Lin Yi, she suddenly realized that Lin Yi was very weak at this time.

Zhang Xiaocui will definitely take this opportunity to kill Lin Yi.

Thinking of this, she can no longer take care of the others.

He hurriedly left, left the safety zone in the capital, and ran towards the spot where Lin Yi fell.

However, here is more than two thousand kilometers away from the place where Lin Yi fell.

Can she arrive before the people sent by Zhang Xiaocui arrive?

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