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On this day, Lin is also waiting to enter the film and television plane.

Suddenly, the blood-colored lightning in his body changed.

After more than 5,000 years of practice, he has mastered Scarlet Lightning extremely well.

Only under his control can the **** lightning move.

But now he had no control at all, and the **** lightning moved like that.

"what happened?"

He frowned and closed his eyes to feel it.

Within the body, the blood-colored lightning began to become more and more unstable, flashing continuously.

After a while, the blood-colored lightning formed a blood-red hole in his body.

The blood-red hole became bigger and bigger, and soon it overflowed his body, forming a blood-red hole in his room.

In the next moment, an extremely powerful suction force appeared in this blood red hole.

Before Lin Yi had time to react, he was sucked in by this pulling force.

The next moment, this blood hole suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Lin Yi's family did not know that Lin Yi had disappeared bizarrely.


I don't know how long it took, Lin Yi slowly opened his eyes.

His head is a little dizzy, a little nauseous, and vomiting.

He took a few deep breaths and felt better.

Then he looked around and saw that it was an unfamiliar environment.

The surrounding walls seem to have a sense of future technology.

The bed he was lying on did not seem to be a bed, but a pale yellow energy-like thing.

Looking out through the window, I saw that the architectural style outside was no longer the original one.

These architectural styles are also full of sense of science and technology, just like those in science fiction movies.

On the street, you can occasionally see some flying cars.

"here is……"

Lin Yi was surprised.

At this moment, I heard a voice outside the door: "Where is Lin also, get out for the old lady..."

Lin Yi heard this voice and immediately understood: "Avril Lavigne!"

The door was pushed open heavily, and a girl who looked extremely cute with a double ponytail jumped up.

"Lin Yi, you are finally here!"

Avril Lavigne jumped directly to Lin Yi's side and punched Lin Yi in the chest heavily: "You fellow, you want to die!"

Lin Yi said, "This is...your world?"

"Yes, this is the Earth in 2106, how is it, handsome?"

"How did I... come here?"

"Of course it is Scarlet Lightning. Scarlet Lightning can travel through time and space."

"But I didn't start it."

"Of course my brother started it. Scarlet Lightning was originally my brother's weapon. You guy, it's been used for so long for nothing, it's cheaper for you!"

While talking, a young man walked in outside the door.

He looks like he is in his twenties, and he looks very ordinary.

But behind him, three women followed.

Of these three women, one is more beautiful than the other.

One is dressed in purple and is Chinese;

The second one looks very pure and is also Chinese;

The third one is a Westerner with an absolute top-notch figure. She is the best interpretation of the word interest.

Avril Lavigne said: "Let me introduce to you, this one in a purple dress is Lan Yi; this is very beautiful, it is Su Xue; this beauty is very interesting, she is Elizabeth. They are my sister-in-law."


Lin Yi was speechless for a while.

Avril Lavigne then pointed to the ordinary-looking young man and said, "This is..."

The young man interrupted her and said, "I'll do it myself. My surname is Ai Mingli, the name is Ma Ya, I am Avril's elder brother. I am familiar with poetry, if you are interested, we can discuss it."


Lin is also a bit speechless, but it happens that he has dealt with many poets in his 5000-year life, and he still knows a little bit about writing poetry.

He immediately said: "Okay, I just know a little bit..."

Before he finished speaking, Ali Bian laughed: "I'm kidding, you take it seriously. The people on earth were so funny a hundred years ago?"

Lin Yi glanced at Avril Lavigne.

Avril Lavigne shrugged and said, "Don't look at me, my brother has this virtue. You can treat him as a powerful neuropathy."

"Huh? Avril, the eldest brother is the father, I am your brother, which is equivalent to your father. How can you talk to your father like this? No big or small."

Ai Li said.


Avril Lavigne shook her head and said to Lin Yi: "My brother has been out of treatment."

Then, Ai Li looked serious and said to Lin Yi: "I am looking for you this time. Actually, it is because our planet is facing a major crisis, and we must work together to resolve it."

"How many of us? Who else?"

Lin also asked.

Ai Li said: "Don't be so anxious, you can't eat female tofu in a hurry. You have just arrived, and you are unwell, so take a two-day rest. They are still on the way. It is estimated that they will be there in two days. Wow, it’s a big plug, it’s really a gathering of heroes, turnip meetings."

After speaking, he patted Lin Yi on the shoulder and said, "Young man, I am optimistic about you."

After finishing speaking, a very sophisticated left slowly.

In fact, it is too naive.

And behind him, the three beauties also left one after another.

Lin Yi looked at Avril Lavigne and said helplessly: "The system is set according to your brother's personality, and it really is true."

Avril Lavigne sighed and said, "Actually, my brother’s character is also caused by the environment. He suffered a lot when he was a child, and was regarded as a waste material. He concluded that his talent is only 0. Except for our family, everyone looks down on him. . If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would have been overwhelmed long ago. But my brother is very strong, and he aspires to be the strongest fighter on earth. So when everyone looks down upon him, he can only comfort himself and force himself Become optimistic. Over time, such a character has formed."

"That's it."

Lin also understood that this Ai Li seemed to be a teaser, but in his bones, he was an extremely tenacious teaser.

But it's okay for you to tease yourself, and set the system to harm yourself with his teasing character, which is a bit too much.

Avril Lavigne then said to Lin Yi: "You can take a good rest in these two days. After two days, other strong people will come."

Lin Yi curiously asked Avril Lavigne: "How strong is your brother?"

Avril Lavigne looked at Lin Yi and said solemnly: "Let's put it this way, can you destroy a million planets at will with Scarlet Lightning?"

"This... of course not."

Not to mention destroying a million, he couldn't even destroy a planet.

At the same time, in his heart, he was extremely shocked by Ai Li's strength.

What kind of person is that to be able to destroy a million planets at will.

At this time, Avril Lavigne said more solemnly: "Neither can my brother."

Then he laughed and left the room.

Lin Yi froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "These brothers and sisters are really a virtue."

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