Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 938: Second **** armor

After everyone had discussed it, they planned to invest in training.

Ai Liyue eagerly said to Lin Dong, "You have to show us your Godkiller armor first."

"no problem."

Lin Dong replied, and with a teleport, he came directly to a large open space.

This open space is about one kilometer in radius.

Just as Lin Dong teleported out, Ai Li cheered: "There is something fun—"

Teleported out as well.

Then Wang Fan also teleported out.

Followed by pool or.

However, when Chi or teleported out, there was still a white shadow in the meeting room.

This shadow looks a lot like him, fat and cute.

This reminded Lin also of the shadow that Li Bai left after a period of displacement in the pesticide. After the third displacement, he can return to the place where the shadow is.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi also teleported out.

When he came to Chi or his side, he asked half-jokingly: "You didn't learn this teleport from Li Bai, right?"

"how do you know?"

Chi or asked.

"It really is?"

Lin Yi said in surprise.

Chi Or, recalling, said: "That was a long time ago. I accidentally crossed into a space called the Continent of Kings and met an assassin named Li Bai. By the way, he is not the poetry immortal Li Bai, but the sword immortal. Li Bai. I exchanged my wine for his meal and exchanged a few tricks with him. This teleportation was learned from him at that time."


Lin also felt a little messy.

It's really messy.

In the comics, in the game, everything that seemed to be fictitious before, now appears in front of him alive.

Do you want to be so messy?

At this time, above Lin Dong's right hand, a ring of light bloomed.

Then, a huge figure appeared in the clearing.

As soon as this figure appeared, it covered the sky.

The pedestrians on the road around were startled by the huge guy who suddenly appeared.

I saw this thing was extremely high, and I couldn't even see the top of it.

Its feet are hundreds of meters long.

You can't see the whole picture from below.

Lin Yi hurriedly explored it with biological tracking, only then could he see its full picture.

I saw it was a huge robot.

He is more than ten kilometers tall and his whole body is golden.

The head looks a bit like a sentinel robot in the X-Men.

There are many spikes on his body and many spikes on his back.

"What's the motivation for such a big guy?"

Lin also asked, "Relying on the reactor simply won't work, right?"

Lin Dong replied: "It can absorb the qualitative momentum particles released rampantly in the universe as power."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly and didn't understand.

Ai Li waved his hand and said, "Follow him, go up and talk later."

Having said that, he teleported to the armored head of the Godkiller.

Others also teleported up.

Lin Yi followed here, only to find that the head was almost a completely hollow design.

Inside is a huge space.

In this space, there are five wire tubes, and five helmets hang down from them.

Lin Dong said: "This entire space can hold enough energy for us to absorb. So here we don't have to worry about the exhaustion of energy in the body. These five helmets can transmit your consciousness to the entire armor. In this way, the armor can respond accordingly based on your consciousness. In other words, the armor can have whatever abilities the five of us have."

"Also, we can also share consciousness through helmets. As long as we work together, this armor should not be difficult to control."

Ai Li was pleasantly surprised: "My Armor is amazing..."

He said that he would put on his helmet.

But Lin Dong teleported and stood in front of Ai Li.

He said: "Be careful, this suit will be stomped and the earth will be destroyed. Let's take him into the universe first."


Ai Li said.

Chi Orze looked around, looking here, looking there, looking silly, and asked, "Why didn't you eat?"

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Does this guy have no interest in anything other than eating?

With such a large armor placed here, everyone is curious, surprised, and eager to try.

He did well, his attention was entirely on finding food.

He really deserves his reputation as a foodie.

Next, Wang Fan used the technique of space transfer to easily take this behemoth away from the earth.

It’s not enough to leave the earth, but to stay away from the earth and reach the outskirts of the solar system.

Only there, they will not destroy the earth, sun, moon, etc. when they are trying.

Stopped in the vast universe, this huge Godkiller armor also appeared so small.

On Lin Dong's right hand, the bracelet moved slightly, and brand-new disparate armor appeared once again, covering the body except his head.

Then he put on his helmet.

The moment he put on his helmet, the entire huge Godkiller armor also changed.

It quickly became a brand new disparate armor, but it was much larger than the brand new disparate armor.

Then Ai Li also raised his right hand with joy.

Above the right hand, a blood-red lightning flashed out—this is exactly the blood-colored lightning.

The next moment, this blood-colored lightning quickly enveloped the whole body, condensing a set of blood-red armor, on top of the armor, blood-red lightning flashed continuously.

Lin Yi has long heard Avril Lavigne say that Scarlet Lightning can be turned into armor. He tried many times but failed.

I wanted to come because Scarlet Lightning didn't think he was its owner, so he couldn't use 100% of it.

Now in the hands of its true owner, it can finally be transformed into armor.

Ai Li also put on the helmet, and the armor of the God Killer changed again, turning into a blood red armor, with blood red lightning flashing continuously on the outside.

Then, Wang Fan, Xi Er Gong Ting, and Lin Yi also put on helmets.

At this moment, Lin also felt that he fully understood the thoughts of the other four people.

And every thought he had, the other four were also fully aware.

"It's amazing."

Lin Yi said in surprise.

Others nodded.

However, Lin Dong said: "If we want to truly control the armor of the Godslayer, we must practice more. Time is running out, let's start now."

"One word, do it!"

Ai Lixi said.

Wang Fan also nodded and said, "Everyone will work together to increase the chance of defeating the infinite."

Lin Yi also responded, "In any case, the earth cannot be destroyed."

Finally, everyone looked at the pool or.

This guy is not thinking about eating at this time, right?

Fortunately, he finally said a serious sentence: "Well, the earth must not be destroyed."

But the next sentence was immediately beaten back to its original form.

"After all, there are so many delicious things on earth."

(End of this chapter)

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